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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. One thing to remember for those with aftermarket tranny coolers, check the connections monthly. I know of two tranny failures because of hoses coming off the tranny on one and the hose coming off the cooler on the other......oops. Trying to save the trannies was the death of them.

  2. At least an 8'6" hvy bass rod but for general purpose musky work, a med hvy 7ft+ musky rod. You will be fine for smaller baits but for the big stuff, a lower gear ratio would work better. I see many more rod/reel combos in your future....

  3. Make sure you have the navigation charts for the areas you take your boat. Not the fishing maps, NAVIGATION maps that show you where the hazards are. Go slow until you get used to the areas you will be boating in. Props, skegs and lower units get expensive quick.

  4. Speak to both your MPP as well as Jen's MPP and try to get them on board to help you battle the bureaucracy. Ask her Dr what can be done. 5k a month can wipe out any savings you have real quick, esp if she needs to be on it longer term. Hopefully Sunlife will cover it, I guess that is her Extended Health provider for her Group coverage through work. You are going to need to squawk loudly now. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Good luck and keep us posted.

  5. Most parks do not accept a trailer more than 10 years old. That said, it does not hurt to ask. You have all of the Kawarthas within an hour and a half of you. Quinte is about two hours away as well. Honey Harbour, the Muskokas, etc.... your bigest issue is the age of it. But it never hurts to call around and ask.

  6. Shimano reel and a St Croix Premier or Legend rod, 7ft+ in Med Hvy action to toss bucktails. And a 7ft or less in hvy or x/hvy to toss glide baits and jerk baits. Then a nice Shimano Tekota on a 8ft glass trolling rod. All spooled with 80lb minimum braided line. Some floro leaders and a hard wire steel leader for jerks and gliders. A few bucktails, a couple Suicks, Hellhound, Top Raiders, the list goes on and on. LOTW is my all time favourite body of water. Musky, pike, walleye, bass..... + the most beautiful scenery.

  7. They dropped the ball in a big way with distribution. Whoever was in charge of that should get the guillotine. Go a couple times to a half empty store and you will not waste more time going there. I feel for the employees, they were for the most part really helpful. Better than Wallyworld any day.

  8. I had a trailer up in Honey Harbour for a few seasons. The owners are all the same, they will be a bit crotchety at times and you sometimes feel as if you are getting nickeled and dimed but at the end of the day, they are not your friend, they are your landlord. Learn how to work on and winterize your trailer, you can save a bunch of dough that way to spend on bait and gear. With a tinny, you will be fine on Pigeon unless it is a bad day weather wise. Have fun, some of our funnest times werre at the trailer with my kids.

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