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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Nothing you can do but have them pulled off and the bead seating surface ground until it is nice and clean and then have bead sealer applied all the way around, if the leaks are bad, my tire guy recommends tub/tile silicone on the seat and then mount the tire. Messy but effective.

  2. Akrisoner, north halton is a nice track, played there a few years ago. Miss swatting at the stupid little white ball. Mortgage than kids got in the way of my game and I would not have it any other way. My clubs have been collecting dust for 3 years now. I am hoping to get out this summer.

  3. Expensive??? Who cares!!! The joy that they bring to the family is PRICELESS. I see how happy my folks are with the kids around. One thing though, instead of expensive gifts and whatnot, a trip to Timmies for a hot chocolate and a timbit and going to the park. That makes the kids happier than anything. Not to mention going fishing and playing with a bucket'o panfish. Spend TIME with them, forget about money. A little kid is just as happy playing with a cardboard box than an expensive toy. Enjoy them Bruce.



  4. The little cottage resort/trailer park in Honey Harbour where we had our trailer recently sold. The old owners had been there for almost 10 years and had had enough. It was getting run down and was not taken care of as well as it should have been. I have spoken to a few people who are in that business, if you are looking for a pay cheque, do not bother. What the place makes has to go out in wages and upkeep/improvements which are constant. The pay out is at the end when you sell. The improvements and increase in the price of the real estate is where you make your money.

  5. Take it back into the shop that did the rack and ket loose with both barrels. A couple days is ridiculous. They will work with you on this. As for the truck, a temporary fix us just that, temporary. You have to love cars and trucks, when they work we love them, when they do not...... a smart man once said, life is a ...ch. It is, it kicks you in the nads. What you do after that kick defines you as a person. Get up, puke, dust yourself off and move on. Just keep moving and try to keep a smile on your face, it is easier than having a perma scowl.

  6. The joys of hurrying up to wait. A Dr getting upset because he had to wait......what a morooon! I am quite sure he never ever made one of his patients ever have to wait. Thankfully the radiation has helped and hopefully the new meds will get things under wraps. Good luck Jen!!!!! There are A LOT of people who have never met you that are praying for you.

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