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Everything posted by wildminnow

  1. who cares go catch some fish
  2. anyone done any fishing around ear falls so far this year? How is the fishing looking for this weekend? Any one up that way going to watch the ufc fight?
  3. thanks darsky you must be the smartest person in all of canada
  4. Grizzley you obviosly dont follow this board too closely the rule is you if put pictures on this website they are used for all kinds of high tech top secret projects like where you were fishing, if someone figured it out they steal your spot and catch all your fish. As for the lure if he showed you all of it you would bulk order it from bass pro and buy all of them, then you could look at some more pictures, and steal his fishing spot, and if his boat was in the picture you could figure out where he lived and steal his wife too, cant risk showing "whole" pictures that would be insane!!!
  5. less than 1 hour
  6. open to either way right now what would you suggest
  7. Is a large bait the best way to catch a big Pike?
  8. going to be heading north from international falls to ear falls anyone have any places that are must stops either something to see or somewhere to eat. Dont want to miss anything great along the way!
  9. Just wondering if anyone has done any fishing in the ear falls area? going to be heading to bluffy lake next week any report on the fishing or the weather would be appreciated
  10. who cares if they fish there, it is a public lake anyone can fish there and if you are worried about it DONT POST ANY PICTURES IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!!
  11. I have heard recently that the cia is thinking of strictly using public forums such as these to track terroist activity by looking at pictures and tracking them to their origins. I saw a picture of pres. bush the other day I think I can pin point his exact location now. I can not believe all the whining about this topic it is not that big of a deal. There are only thousands of lakes all over canada and I find it hard to believe there are thousands of people using this web site, looking at pictures , figuring out where they are at, going out and cathing all the fish and raising cain. give me a break that is nuts
  12. Wow what a bunch of whining cry babies if you want a private viewing for your precious pictures take em to your mommie and show them to her. I find it hard to believe some people are so worried about this, and if you are that worried about dont put your precious pictures on here who really cares. It must be really boring in canada if this is your main worry. Oh and by the way I have 17 posts so Im golden yeah!!!!
  13. Has anyone tried using a light in the water? Just wondering if this was a good option or not?
  14. Wow I really get tired of all the high and mighty talk on these boards. I'm sure this fish was taken by a legal method according to oklahoma conservation dept. regulations. These departments are set up to protect the wildlife, so If according to them it is legal everyone else should get over it, and leave these guys alone
  15. so if you have acess to minnows would you rather rig them up with a hook and sinker or a jig head with say a grub trailed by the minnow?
  16. well thanks for the info, I was wanting some to make chandiliers with thought maybe they were available for sale at alot of places, but i guess not
  17. no I got the humor just wasnt laughing
  18. really? If i found some in the woods is it legal to take them? How about across the border ?
  19. well I would sure like to watch the fights while I was fishing, and if anyone has a problem with that maybe instead of watching the fight you and the wild minnow could turn a fishing cabin into the octagon and do some rumbling of our own. Just because you are on a fishing trip doesnt mean you have to eat bugs, poop in the woods and isolate yourself from society. If that is your idea of fun so be it but dont rag on someone who wants to watch some fights on tv on their fishing trips, I say watch away grizzley bear
  20. anyone know of a good place to get some cheap antlers?
  21. yes I'm quite certain that using a walleye for bait is highly illegal and personaly cant imagine anyone doing that. If you cant catch one legally maybe you should not be fishing to begin with
  22. I went to bluffy in 05 and we caught decent numbers of walleye and pike the trip to white mudd will be worth your while, but you better pack your lunch and watch out for the bear we saw 5 the day we went over there
  23. Well this might sound funny but i heard a bait for going after the really big ones are a live squirell, now I'm not sure if this is legal, but I have heard it works every time
  24. well lets just say "oh Canada" I hope serra has his life insurance up to date
  25. well lets just say "oh Canada" I hope serra has his life insurance up to date
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