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Everything posted by Bitsmith2k

  1. i used to like rogan, but he is starting to get annoying.. but he does have some cred. he trains (i think) with eddie bravo..
  2. who gave lutter is black belt (i dont know, and am too lazy to look it up)? and why did the hype machine basically pimp silva as a pure striker (prior to rogans constant Nog references)? granted his standup is insane, but the dude has his bjj black belt from the nogs.. i think he was sending a message that lutters bjj wasnt as good as his by subbing him that way.. was i the only one that was suprized to hear rogan mention Fedor on the air?
  3. they were cheep plastic pants, the wind & cold combined with spilling water from the minnows probably did them in.. i've already washed and readied my 'good' pants for the next time..
  4. me and two buddies had it planned to get out on cook's for a day of perchin on sat. one buddy dropped out due to work reasons, so it was just a two man show.. got up there and on the ice for about 8:30.. drilled the first set of holes and within 30 secs i had a nice 10".. I'm thinking 'damn headhunter was right' got him on a jiggin rap with a couple power grubs on the treble.. figured it was gonna be a good day.. my buddy didnt want to wander around drilling holes so we stayed at our first spot all day.. after a couple hours in the wind, with only one more fish, i was starting to get a little cold.. so i wandered back to shore to get minnows (best move of the day).. once we started droppin the minnows down to about a foot off the bottom, we had a change of luck.. we ended up keeping close to 30 eaters for dinner.. i only managed a couple photos due to the camera freezing up, will add them when i can get them off of it.. ended up losing my rain pants (wore them to help with the wind) the wind / cold was too much for them and they froze and ripped off.. all and all a good but cold day.. cant wait to get back up there..
  5. pm me your address.. i'll send you a gift card.. i think i finished dead last by a bunch, thats gotta be worth something Jake Delhomme really screwed me over..
  6. either way, i'm not complaining.. anyone ever have spinal decompression treatment? just curious if it really works as well as the radio ads say..
  7. acupuncture is fantastic. a couple summers ago i had some serious shin splints (to the point where it was almost unbearable to walk).. did all the physio exercises to no avail. someone suggested i try acupuncture although i'm terrified of needles, i gave it a shot.. shins havent bothered me since..
  8. lew.. maybe you can do a future rant about merging onto the highway.. if you want an example just get on the westbound gardiner at the start (lakeshore and carlaw) at around 5pm.. watch how many douches ride out that right lane until the last possible second and then get all pissy when you dont slam the brakes to let them in..
  9. when you goto a no existant web site where does it take you? ie if you goto www.OFNMessageBoard.com does it give you a google search page or a 404 error? or does it take you to some strange search portal? my roomate had a proxie server running on his machine that would redirect him to some strange places when hitting a site that wasnt up or nonexistant
  10. i develop software for a financial services company.. that said anyone hiring programmers?
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