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Everything posted by Bassassins

  1. We promise to try to make them EPIC! lol Thanks!
  2. We are sooo pumped for ice season - its my first one ... The "list" of stuff I need is getting smaller Just need to figure out where the ice hits first around Ottawa! I have lots to learn and in a short period of time.
  3. Thanks again! Smooth & Bass
  4. I am fishing in downtown Ottawa - in a river that is known for Bass. We had bumped into pike, muskie and small walleye in that area BUT nothing like that. So yes its big for where I caught it, yes its the biggest reported in that area and yes it is my personal best by far. lol Thanks everyone..... Smooth!
  5. OK guys you thought the picture was impressive... got a little clip to show you! PB SMOOTH - EYE CANDY <---- click here Enjoy..... Smooth!
  6. You can say artistic..... Rob is stud awesome with the computer. Thanks so much to everyone for their feedback. We do have other videos... 2 others in fact. Check out www.thebassassins.com for our other links... the other two are awesome as well and ALL BASS ALL THE TIME!!!
  7. For the non-fans just turn it down really low it sounds more chill that way. For us that love if crank it up.. Makes you want to run, grab your rod and head to the river. Song is "I Follow Rivers" - Dubs Remix. Thanks everyone...
  8. Hey everyone thanks for the support on my PB Walleye.... We came on board a few weeks ago and I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to see what we do. Hope you enjoy the video.... a couple of good outings earlier in fall. My PB Walleye made it on camera and should show up in a later video. <---- click here "Fallin for the Miss" is showcasing sport fishing on the Mississippi River in Ontario. We are truly blessed to have such fantastic fishery right at our doorstep. This clip features the usual suspects that are to be caught this time a year. The smallmouth bass are gaining girth and feeding aggressively, the Walleye really seem to enjoy the cooler days of fall too, and pike are lurking around every corner all year long. Autumn is a wicked time to be out and about, not just to awe the breath taking spectacle when the trees are changing colour, also the cool and crisp mornings and noons are very much welcome after a hot, hot summer. The fishing seems to go in to overdrive as everything is preparing for the coming winter. Enjoy! Thanks Bassassins www.thebassassins.com
  9. We had seen a few smaller ones over the summer and I caught a couple of my fly rod around 16inches earlier in the year amongst the bass.... NEVER would have expected to find that. Thought it was a pike at first... SHOCKED! when I got it in to me. Smooth!
  10. Rob and I got out tonight for a little evening bite hunting some smallmouth in one of our little bass locations. After some successful bass drop shoting things seemed to slow down a little..... Rob says "we should throw a crank on and see what happens." FIRST CAST... that's right FIRST CAST! I tossed out my crank... a little slow wobble and BOOM ROD BENT!!! HEART WAS POUNDING right up until it was in our hands... still is a little now I will admit. Here it is..... SPEECHLESS!!! My PB EYE and PB fish... WHAT A BEAAASSTTT! Enjoy.... Smooth!
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