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Everything posted by Cloudy15

  1. That is to funny, I am heading to the Hills. They are my girlfriends family. And thanks for the tips
  2. Oh, trust me I am very keen on taking Mike up if he has the time and room. And, grateful for even just the thought.
  3. Thanks for the info, ya if it looks to much I won't bother. Safety first:)
  4. err, I dont know but it does sound a little fast. Suppose, I could just do laps around the island worst case.
  5. I always bring a 5 pound weight with a couple of claw like pieces, to help control my drifts when I don't have an electric motor. Usually helps a fair bit, not sure that it will in this case.
  6. Oh I am trying, up and down and all around
  7. Hey all, I am heading to a friends cottage for a couple of days on the the St.Lawrence near Cornwall,specifically Stanley Island. I've never fished there before and was hoping for a little advice. I most likely only have a canoe to use, but I'm not afraid of a good long paddle to productive grounds. Also I am really not sure how canoe friendly the water is current and what not. I've been looking online for fishing maps and even basic depth charts, but have been coming up empty. I'm not sure why I am having so much trouble, it usually isn't a problem for smaller lakes. I'd love to catch really just about any quality fish, bass, pickerel, muskie etc. My plain was to just drift and drop shot around the near by islands. Maybe try a little at night closer to shore for pickerel? Any help or pointers to help me find some productive water would be greatly appreciated, since I have limted time and have to paddle everywhere (most likely). It would be a huge help! Thanks!
  8. thanks alot, what if i catch them and put them on a big hook. As they start dying seems like that end up right at the surface, i was thinking my hook will weigh the fish down a bit and make it slightly easier for giant( walleye, I hope) to eat.
  9. There are so many I was just going to catch a couple and throw them on a big hook
  10. They look pretty tasty to me, I didn't realize pike bass etc where so picky Thanks!
  11. I think you are right, they did look like alewife. My question again shouldn't fish be gorging on these little guys?
  12. Ya, I was thinking that they might be shad,I really don't know. They are about the size of a decent perch. I wasn't to worried about what kind of fish they are. I am more worried about missing out on some great fishing. Thanks
  13. Last night I was by a river feeding into the lake and notice 1000's of large dying( hand sized) minnows. I am guessing they have spawned out and are dying because to that. My real question is am I missing a great opportunity to fish. The water is pretty deep, i could cast out to around 10-15 deep. I would think that almost every major predator( walleye, trout, salmon, even bass) would be taking advantage of this chance to gorge on giant minnows. Thanks Cheers!
  14. What if I bring my tank to the lake, then place it in the water put my fish in and then put cover on?
  15. Thanks everyone, sounds like its between 44 and 50. With that being said, when people ask how big it was I am going to go with 56 and hmm 44 lbs?
  16. Thanks, I put him on the rope and paddled to the nearest dock. I was scared to take a pic in the canoe. I will try to avoid it thought
  17. Hey there, two years in a row now I wasn't able to catch our fish dinner. Last year My GF saved the day last minute with an 8 lbs Pike use a little Cleo Spoon, I heard about it all year long! This year we book the trip with a few hour s before we left. She was pretty pissed I left it that long, but I'm pretty sure we got the best damn site in the park. Corner lot on the water right near the bathrooms,procrastination pays off! So Back to fishing, she is reading and we are miles from the park. I've stumbled into some pretty decent weeds and tell her this might be a good place to start fishing again. A few cast later she, I see her tugging on something like she is hung up. I give her the ole you got something, she says not sure. I watched for a couple seconds just looked like dead weight to me. I was going to take the rod and try to ripe though the weeds I assumed she had. Just before I was about to ask for the rod I saw something slowly raising. So after 15 minutes, with her stupid red Cleo spoon, 8 lb bread, no wire liter, or net we get this thing into the boat. We paddled to the nearest dock to take pics and get er back int he water. It was pretty beat up, so I didn't try any rough measurements. Any idea on what the length and weight might of been? She seemed pretty thick to me not a thin as some muskies ive caught in the past. So there wasn't any fish for dinner, but main concern is what will the taunting be like this year!
  18. Hi there all, My girlfriend and I are thinking about camping in the Bon Echo region and where hopping to get a few suggestions. We are heading up June 8th, so I believe only pike and walleye will be open. So if any one knows any could point us to the better pike and walleye lakes within the park that would be greatly appreciated. It would be nice if I didn't have to hear,"why do you buy all this fishing stuff, when you don't even catch fish" Any other info on campsites or trails would be great as well. Thanks, Bret.
  19. So what is it is his reg spot. I was anchored and he did i complete circle around me with in my casting distance ... Share the spot just give me some room
  20. I did mange to get out on the Trent in my Old boat, trolling motor wasn't working tho. Water levels where fine in the section I was in Lock 18 a the bottom end. Should I of been pissed, didn't see a boat the whole time, up in till the end of the day. I had found a small little bay and was anchored( trolling motor wasn't working ), and then I guy in a bass boat see us catch two pike and two bass really quickly. HE then starts fishing with in casting distance( I did have a massive surface lure ) even doing a complete circle around us at one point. Opening bass maybe I get it, but we where the only two wrong word boats for miles. I was pretty close to saying something like, why don't you get a little closer, stuck to stink eye tho. My buddy fishing said he saw him put a bass in his box, but I didn't see so couldn't say anything. Anyways it was a good trip five pike caught and surprisingly few bass. It did take me a little to long to get us on the fish, I always save my best spot for to long. Here is the best fish of the trip, it is no monster lol. My friends who don't fish where losing their mind tho.
  21. Does anyone know a Good Lakes in Zone 17 for pike? Was planning a trip to the trent this Saturday but the high waters are making that difficult It would have to be a lake that has boat rentals as well. Two hours or less from toronto would be Ideal, but this is not an ideal world we live in. Any Help would be great! Thanks a lot Bret PS I never mind trading fishing tips for poker tips (my Job)
  22. Hi there my friends and our planning a fishing trip this Saturday for pike. Do to the high water levels I can't find anyone that is renting boats along the trent. I was looking to go in the Hastings/Campbellford area. Does anyone know someone who is actually renting boats, or wants to rent theres? Thanks any help would be great!
  23. Hi all, I have a place on the trent but my boat won't be in the water for the trip my friends and I are planning My friends and I are looking to go fishing may 4th. I think we might be stuck fishing from shore, and I was wondering if anyone new some good lakes or spots in zone 17. W certainly aren't opposed to a cheap boat rental. Any tips and suggestions would be great thanks. PS I may not be much help with fishing tips, but I am a professional poker playing and never mind sharing tips or pointers.
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