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Everything posted by snagged

  1. If I accidently dunk my baitcaster in fresh water while fishing, is it damaging in any way to the reel?
  2. I've heard great things about Cabela's also.
  3. I was out buying dog food at Pet Smart across sherway gardens and noticed a sign saying SAIL outdoor store will be coming. This is great news for me considering I'm only 5 mins away
  4. I've been to the grand 3 times in the last month but never hook up with anything but smallies. Not like i'm complaining lol
  5. droooooooooooooool
  6. My baitcaster is not as butter smooth as it used to be. It needs to be cleaned and oiled. Where can I bring it (I live in the GTA)? Tia
  7. Hey guys/girls, I got 4 hrs to spend out on rice lake this weekend and want to rent a boat close to the action. Where would you suggest, south west end, middle, east north end? BTW, I'll be targeting bass. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide
  8. I got a chance to do some experimenting today and removed all the centre (belly) hooks on all my 3 hook jerkbaits. This is what I noticed: -almost all the hookups in the mouth were with the front (head) hook -hook up rate did go down, I would feel the hit/bite but missed -the lure action was affected, I felt they didn't go as deep. I can see why people up the size of remaining hooks when removing the centre one to keep the same weight of the lure Now I gotta but all my hooks back on lol
  9. Went to the grand river for some smalles and I saw a sign saying only one set of hooks on a lure. Other rules they had were no live bait, no barbed hooks, and all catch and release. I release everything I catch plus never use live bait so most of the rules were fine by me. Replacing hooks on my jerkbaits was a royal pain in my @ss. I know more hooks increases hookups but sometimes the 3 trebles on a lure do seem excessive. Especially when you got a smaller fish hooked in the mouth, cheek, and body. I catch a tonne of fish on jerkbaits but I never really paid attention to which end was in the mouth. I initially thought the tail hook was the one to keep but after reading all of your posts, seems like the head treble is the one to keep. I'll pay more attention from now on and report my results at a later date.
  10. Hey gang, If you had to keep only one of the three treble hooks on a jerkbait, which one would it be??? Treble by the head, belly, or tail? TIA
  11. That's exactly what I saw that day. The pike I saw was also blemish free. I'd be interested in knowing what causes this....hmmmmm
  12. Neon Green, that does sound exactly like it. It was unnaturally bright compared to the rest of it's body. I'd love to see that pic you have if you can locate it. BTW, what time of fish was it?
  13. First off, I'd like to introduce myself HI. This is a great site and I look forward to learning and contributing on these forums. I saw something very strange the other day and would like to know if anyone else has seen the same. My buddy caught a pike and it had a very bright yellow pupil in one eye (like a highlighter marker) and the other eye was totally normal. I sooooooooo wish I had a photo but the pike did a boat side shake that freed it. Anyone know what this is about? Thanks
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