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Everything posted by BENNY

  1. It is a very nice package with a nice price but I really want the wrap around windshield.....Not just the dual console..
  2. Hey Thinking about buying one of these. Its 2003 with a 2003 200 HP Yamaha on it. Wondering if anyone has any thoughts about the boat or motor ie: pros , cons. Maybe someone has owned or has a similar package?? Thanks in advance Benny
  3. Thanks Gerritt!
  4. Hello, Hoping someone out there can help with a site(s) to find used even new boats in the U.S. I have been searching google etc but havent been able to locate good classified site as of yet. Easiest is probably in MI somewhere as I am in North bay, thought the SSM route would be best. With the prices they are down there I am hoping to pick one up by spring for a sssssmokin deal , and the info on border crossing that is on here will only make it that much easier... Thank You in advance for any replies. Benny
  5. I'm Sorry I couldnt resist adding this ..... And this is in normal activites I cant imagine what happens in hotels that we dont know about. S tatistics of our daily lives During an hour's swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12 liter of urine. (That's about 2.5 ounces) In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with 15 penises (touching door handles, etc.) An average person's yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs. In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects - while you slept! Annually you will shake hands with 2 women who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands. Annually you will shake hands with 26 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands. In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty linen basket. At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests. Daily you will breath in 1 liter of other peoples' anal gases. HAVE A GREAT DAY... ...and wash your damn hands!
  6. Nice Fish Randy, they are in there already are they... We got a few in there 2 days ago , The musky are hitting at the mouth of the Veuve as well pretty well.
  7. Spiner Baits , Spiner Baits, Spiner Baits.....
  8. This is going to sound stupid to alot of you I am sure but the reading I have done on it hasnt answered all my questions. I used to Fly fish here and there as a kid but havent done in it in years, I recently went and bought some line for my rod as I thought I would try it out for Brookies and Smallies this year. The problem is the line isnt like I remember. I used to have this thick floating line that you stuck a barbed pin up the end of it with a loop on the end of it to tie a 4 or 5 ' leader and then the fly but the line now is so thin... Basically my question is how is the rigging for fly line done these days.. Is there a proper way to tie the leader to the fly line or am I possibly missing an essential part I dont know about. Thanks for any help guys... Chris
  9. Hello, I am not sure where you are planning on going on Nipissing ie: South side (North Bay , Callander) or the Northern side Sturgeon falls area but if you are looking for bass, pike, musky I would say stick to to the Sturgeon falls side... I know Glenrock Cottages is on the lake and they have boats, mainly 16' cedar strips but they handle the Nip water well. The reason I say stick to this side is the pike fishing is by far the best in Cache Bay which would be about a 5 min boat ride from glenrock or the mouth of the Sturgeon river. You can catch pike all day long in this bay, all the pike tournaments are mainly held here. Look Cache bay up on the map you wont be disappointed, the whole bay ranges from 2' to maybe 10' and it is packed with weeds.... You will definatley know when you get into the bay as you will be cleaning your prop off regularily. For musky you can go to the top portion of Cache bay near the mouth of the Veuve river and even into the Veuve, I have landed some very nice ones in there. As for bass , you will see alot of rock markers and islands on the way to Cache bay and any of these rocky spots produce large Smallies. Also if you ever are interested in going out for Walleye by best buddies Dad is a guide and I could set you up for a half day or something, I dont know what he charges but he has a sweet boat and he has been fishing the lake for 30 years. Hope this helps, any questions let me know. Chris
  10. Thanks alot guys for the great responses, I guess the main thing I see is that I have my line secured to a tip-up... The fish cannot run. I will either bring a rod or rig a release so that it can take off with it from now on. Also I have not tried bait on a single hook.. right now I use a trebble hook I think they are #14's , this too I will change and see. Look like I will go and pick up some of those little tube jigs as well. Thanks alot for responding guys I appreciate your time. Chris
  11. Hello out there... This will be my first post, I just found this site and its awesome, everything you need in on here!! Anyways back to the question, I am in North Bay On, I am an avid fisherman and hunter, I have fished most of the water up this way for many different species but have only recently gotten into Brook trout in the little lakes in the area, I am doing alright I guess, could do way better I am sure so I was looking for anyne out there with good winter Spec tips.... Depth , bait , stucture etc. Currently I am just using a minnow with a trebble hook and sinker.... Anyone?? Thank you in advance for any replies. And thanks for this great site. Chris
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