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Posts posted by i2cool2fool

  1. There is some good advice in the thread. The only thing I can offer is don't sign anything you don't understand, haven't thoroughly reviewed or perhaps even had a trusted, skilled source provide an opinion on.


    Hopefully nothing happens to you and you have many more good years with your employer assuming happiness is your baseline before / after the company purchase.

  2. My very first favourite fishing rod was a fresh tree branch (don't remember type of tree) with 7 feet of fishing line tied to the tip. Overhand knot.

    The parabolic bend on that branch was unmatched to this day. I was hooked.

    My Dad used to take me and my two brothers fishing about 2-3 times a summer when we were quite young ( < 12). He would stop by Crappy Tire to pick up line and very few terminal tackle and we were off to find a trout stream in rural New Brunswick! He always seemed to find a great spot easily back then.


    My brothers and I felt like true outdoors men finding our own branches (poles), stringing them up, finding worms under a rock/log and being successful at catching a pan fry. Anytime we had a shore lunch, we talked about it for days after.


    Thanks for triggering that memory!

  3. I stopped being the least bit interested when I was 8 or 9 when I realized that it was a choreographed show. I know, it took me a while because my favourites were still up there. Edouard Carpentier, Yukon Eric, Argentina Rocca, Johnny Rougeau and many others. It doesn't matter anymore...none of it is real. Just as most sports.

    Same here but I did enjoy watching Killer Karl Krupp finish 'em off with the Iron Claw.

  4. Lest we forget. It's hard to even imagine the experiences our brave soldiers had while protecting our freedoms. My Great Uncle Doug didn't discuss his service much but whenever he did I walked away with an incredible feeling of pride and thankfulness towards him and his comrades. I am fortunate to have the day off tomorrow. I plan to attend the assembly at my daughters school. Afterwards, there will be a veteran or two having a drink or two on my tab at my local Legion. I want to hear their stories.



  5. Rather than print this thread and pin it as a tail on the owner of this establishment, wouldn't it be nice to have the business owner or staff sign up to OFC, login and describe their work performed and justification for the charges. Oh the dream. I would dispute this vigorously and ask everyone I know to tell 10 friends about the experience.

  6. I used to take a former employee fishing a couple years in a row a few years ago. He was new to fishing and always fished a bucktail spinner on light tackle gear. We were targeting pike and bass.


    This guy was an A1 tree whisperer. Wild casts towards shorelines and up in the trees while I has jigging for bass pitch and flip. He almost always got his line out of the tree on his own. Go figure.


    Anyhow, one day after his tree whispering was wearing thin I suggested he try casting from the other side of the boat toward the main lake. After 3-4 casts things got wild. I thought his rod was going to snap from all the action. He kept his cool and got the fish to the edge to the boat after a very long fight. I was net-man the day he reeled in a carp he accidentally hooked in the tail as he was reeling in his spinner. What a time. lol

  7. I was solo fishing at Wildwood one day the year I bought my first boat. It was a rough day of fishing (due to being such a pressured body of water) and weather was not so great. Anyhow, finally got into fish and in one case my favorite spinnerbait fell victim to a pike. I lost the fish and lure. I did all I could to entice the fish to strike again. No luck. I moved on.


    The weather improved throughout the day and so did the fishing, though only marginally. I saw a fellow angling buddy across the water making his way to me. We had pleasant exchanges catching up considering we hadn't chatted for a few weeks. Then conversation turned to how the day was going.


    I shared my story about that damn pike and how my day turned worse and finally improved somewhat. He went silent, turned his back and returned to me with my spinnerbait while almost laughing himself out of his boat. We had a great laugh at my expense.


    A year or two later I come to find out that was the only damn fish he caught that day and it was really a smaller sized hammerhead pike. We still chuckle at times when we recall the day we tag teamed fished but from separate boats.

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