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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. The reason we aren't "superhumans" is because things only evolve as they need to recently (within the last couple hundred years) we haven't experienced the need to change, if a problem were to arise them yes we would change more drastically. I dont really know much about thermodynamics so I cant comment on that. "Living things never come from nonliving things" the term "living" doesn't really mean anything, there are a few common traits to all living things (reproduction, growth, etc) but really it's just a specific formation of small non living things. Complex systems like the eye can evolve bit by bit actually, if an organism starts out blind but then develops the need to see over time it will create a way of seeing, the first version won't work perfectly, so it will change again, and so on until it functions properly. I don't think you know what your talking about in number 6 And even if the chances of life being created are 10 to the 100th to one its still a chance. Anything I missed? Night, tomorrow can we talk about fishing again?
  2. That's all it was in the first place! But it could combine with other things to form different molecular structures.
  3. But what's more fun to debate about?
  4. LOL! I want to hear his answer.
  5. That one is good too, what really baffles me is thinking about time, which is relative, but the thought that nothing ever "started" but was always there, makes you feel small.
  6. I have a theory, I don't know if there's any evidence of it, just an interesting idea that I had. Imagine the universe as a sphere, surrounded by one giant wormhole connected to the centre of the universe, when we get to the edge we look into the wormhole and just see the centre again, so really it has an end and is endless. Again, just an interesting way to think of it.
  7. How can you say that!?! Where in nature can you see evidence of a higher power?
  8. I'm not bashing any religion and really the only reason I'm on here is because I'm bored out of my head, but the whole reason for religion being created is to explain things that were mysterious. For example Zeus was CREATED to explain things like lightning, but we now know the reason for lightning so there is no need for him anymore. One thing religion is exceedingly good at is teaching, not necessarily what it teaches but the methods used to teach are very, very effective.
  9. You hid it on the nose Knuguy. Creationism is the most absurd of the explanations, also assuming that your theory is correct, how did everything start? A beam of light shined down and everything appeared?
  10. Actually I believe that it's religion that says that things "appear". Evolution says that things change as they need to, just as if you need a pencil you'll go get one, right?
  11. Well, over millions of years the windows would get ground up, the cement would crumble and even the rebar over time would deteriorate, it may take billions of years but eventually it would get turned into the centre of the earth again, melt and maybe come back up as new rock. No it would not become a building again, but WE made that building, it never just appeared.
  12. ^^Is sand or air not physical? If a bomb goes off in a city still nothing is destroyed, If a building falls to the ground are the windows, cement, and rebar not still there? The building is still there, just in a different form.
  13. I'm seeing that you can target but not keep in zones 1, 2, 3, and 8.
  14. I have them in front of me, You can target them in some parts, but never keep. Unless you're native which doesn't make any sense.
  15. Explosions NEVER destroy anything, that may seem a little weird but when you think about it it makes sense. An explosion is nothing more then a rapid release of energy, and depending on how well you did in science you know that energy can never be destroyed, just transferred to other objects. Here's an example, when a bomb goes off in a desert the energy is quickly released onto the sand, the sand is then heated and a crude form of glass is created, then the energy would simply spread apart into the atmosphere until we couldn't notice it anymore, nothing was destroyed, states of matter were briefly changed but everything that was there is still there. Explosions can also combine or break up molecules, to become new things, so a very large explosion involving oxygen and hydrogen has a chance of becoming water, and a very large explosion involving water could break it up turning it to it's original states. I cannot explain everything in the universe, no one can, and I may not be explaining this correctly but you get the gist.
  16. Even if he's native it isn't good for him to be promoting fishing for them...
  17. Really? ever heard of carbon dating?
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