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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Well I've been playing with the stuff for a couple weeks (own that chronarch too) so I'll add my piece. The shimano's (stradic fj, chronarch and core) are all great deals on super reels. The KVD is nice for the money but obviously not near the shimano's, a nice spare though, a couple guys at the store bought them for beaters. And lastly the omen, I'd stay away from it myself, considering how many are sold a lot come back for warranty issues.

  2. I just wish I could sit down and watch some tv shows that does not involve at some point some sort of gay relationship going on, it just seems to be getting pushed out there in your faces by Hollywood I guess, in the hopes that it will eventually become the norm or something..I don't care about others sex orientations, but really don't appreciate it shoved in your face all the time either.


    All of these law makers, politicians and other all knowing gurus that seem to know what is good for us all, should have spent more quality time with a fishing pole in their hands :D

    We'll never see the LGBT community outnumber everyone else, because it's simply not as common in nature as people who are straight. All that everyone behind this is pushing for is us to stop making such a big deal about it, whether you like it or not these sexual orientations have always been around, but it's funny, when we ostracized them and told them they were going to hell for being who they are you just didn't hear about it, strange right? These are PEOPLE we're talking about, and thinking they're any less human than others is a terrible thought. These relationships aren't being shoved in your face, do you notice when a man and a woman are together? I bet not, because we've accepted it as the norm, to truly accept others we must get used to seeing these things without reacting.

  3. Here's my view, and I'm not going to say any more because I may say something I'll regret. To everyone saying that it's not the government's place to instil morals on your kids, I will agree, to a point. However, when parents believe it is their right to teach children to discriminate, be it against a race, religion (or lack thereof), sexuality or anything else, all that can come of it is more closed minded thinking that only separates us all and causes other unacceptable behaviours that I'm sure no matter when you grew up would not be considered right if directed toward someone "normal", like yourself. I don't care for Wynn myself, but I'll say this, it is absolutely government's job to do what is best for each and every one of us and to make sure that we all live the best lives we can, the only way for us to accept each other is to recognize that not all people think the same. The amount of hate for people who are "different" I've seen in schools by kids at a young age is sickening and if parents aren't willing to raise their kids to respect others then what option does the government have but to at the least present the other side of the story; that others may not act or think like you, but in the end, we all live in the same country, we all fly the same flag, and we all bleed red, and that people should be judged only upon their actions, and not by who they are born as.

  4. I like a fast medium 6'6". I'd agree with everything stated above, a topwater rod isn't something you need the best for. I like the 6'6" so I can work poppers with the tip low and I can still get some decent distance on it. Medium power because you aren't always throwing 1/2 oz poppers but may want to throw something tiny. I like responsiveness in a topwater rod so I can get the bait to work exactly how I want but nothing more than a fast so I can keep trebles in fish. As for spinning vs casting, that's your call, I prefer the casting when walking but it won't toss those super light baits easily.

  5. Oops to late, the Flat Side special I would probable use more for chucking other treble hook baits like small crank baits and such. See how it works, the extra 4" might take getting use to...get that Jerkbait special next year and your have 2 great sticks.

    Can I get staff price if I come in? ;)

  6. Ok, I'm looking at getting a designated jerkbait rod, I've felt everything in the store and have narrowed it down to 2 rods, both similar price range. The first is the Megabass Orochi Flatside Special, and the second is the Legend Tournament Topwater/Shake Flick. I'm not concerned about opinions on the price of these rods but I want to hear every other opinion you guys have on them. A few people have told me that a 7' (flatside) rod will be uncomfortable but I'm 6' and have used them before without much issue. I am aware that there are jerkbait specific rods in both of these series and the only reason I haven't gone for them is that we don't stock them. So with that, please tell me what you think!

  7. Thanks everyone, it's been great meeting you all and I look forward to meeting many more of you! Cliff, thanks again for showing me around, anything you need just let me know.

    Chris K. My place is down the street from Cliffs. Let me know when your in the neighbourhood next time. I was even at Cliffs this morning too.

    Hey Paul, Cliff actually mentioned that you were down the street, I'm sure I'll be up there soon, I'll shoot you a text when I do come up.

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