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Everything posted by jimca11

  1. Katchewanooka for our annual fishing trip, or as I like to "Strss Management Weekend"
  2. What kind of car? you could try a very small drop of instant glue either on the key stub or small probe, let it cure and carefully try to pull it out. GM cars are fairly simple and a dealer can remove the key.
  3. Thanks for the help. I hace drilled some holes in a 5 gal pail and will try that and I will take a milk crate too. I will let you know what works gonna try them this weekend.
  4. Hi. Does anyone know of a inexpensive way to make a drift sock. Does the 5 gal pail with a hole cut in the bottom work? Any thoughts or ideas are welcome.
  5. Is it ok to use dead minnows for bait from different area's. A near by baitshop is sealing vac pacs of dead minnows (near lake erie), can I take them North to the Kwartha's????? I have been told they work as good as live minnows for panfish. Any thoughts.
  6. Sounds like the guys using artificials are casting them, is this true? can they be fished effectivley "still" fishing, just dropping a line over the side. Should they be "jigged" to work. How about on a dropper line? Very interested in any tactics that work.
  7. I am what most would call a "part time" fisherman. Don't get a lot of time with a rod in my hand. My question is, do the new soft baits like Berkley's gulp alive work as well as live bait. I usually use worms and minnows up north mostly for perch and walleye with the odd bass. Do you fish them the same as you would live bait? we are heading to Katchewanooka for thanksgiving for our annual fishing trip and any tips would be helpfull.
  8. Hi Rich. those are some awesome fish. I have lived in simcoe all my life and don't think I have ever fished below that dam. When I was a lot younger we used to fish Suttons pond for some nice carp. You can bet I will be taking my kids down there to try it. Have you done any fishing at Deer creek, We are camping there next week. Jim
  9. Thanks for the info. This forum is awesome
  10. Hi. Heading to katchewanooka early oct. and am interested in any advice and help I can get in finding some walleye. Fished there last oct, got a bunch of perch and some bass, lost a muskie at the boat, it took a perch that was being reeled in but not any pickeral. Are there any? how about at the lock at Youngs Point? any pointers will be greatly appreciated. Jim
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