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John Kimble

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About John Kimble

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Some of my first Fishing memories as a kid were from the Orillia Perch Festival. Always a Good time! Props to the city of Orillia and organizers for the continued success of the derby and for being a Fisherman friendly city! <><
  2. I used to launch my boat without guides and never again will I launch a boat without one. I install them snug so the boat always comes on in the exact position each and every time. Boat guides are truly a must for any boat! =)
  3. Hey guys, Sorry for the delayed response - been super busy with report cards this week. Let's hook up for a trip sometime this winter for sure! I can be reached at [email protected]. I'll be out on Simcoe running and gunning a number of spots tomorrow morning. As for the Ling Cod on Simcoe, they are definitely there but it does takes a lot of luck to consistently get into them. We were in 75+FOW near a shoal. They spawn mid winter underneath the ice so focusing on fishing structure is the key. The williams or sweedish pimple spoon tipped with a minnow got a bunch of them as they keyed into the fishy smell. Be safe and Good Luck! ~Ryan (John Kimble) P.S - GREAT episodes and videos Aaron!
  4. Nice Report Emil! Caught up with you Chevy once last season - if you ever need a ride just flag me down anytime! Look for a blue skidoo and suit with orange hoodie, and a limit of whities, lakers AND ling cod. Lol. It's been a tough start for the Whities and Lakers so far this year. Though, I think I've finally figured them out this past weekend. Took a lot of running and gunning but it payed off big time. See you on the ice and Cheers! J.Kimble
  5. Hi y'all! Ice Fishing Lake Simcoe in March is AWESOME!!! Yesterday's trip by Sparky yielded 7 Ling Cod and 6 Whities, while today yielded 12 more Ling Cod and 4 whities. Yes, that's a mind boggling NINETEEN LING COD caught! Even had our first ever Triple Header Ling Cod today. It was SIMPLY AMAZING! Not bad for a few hours of fishing eh? I've never seen so many Ling Cod being caught on Simcoe before. WOW!!!! We are strong supporters of Catch and Release Fishing so 9 of the 19 Ling Cod were releaesd to swim another day. This was a trip I will never forget. Travel today was great for sleds or atv. Main Lake- 60+FOW. Secret Spot. Be safe and Cheers! Ryan (aka John Kimble, Marine Biologist and Hard Water Bad Boyz Club Member) P.S. - We were checked by the OPP/Conservation officer for the 6th time this season on Simcoe (YES SIX TIMES!). Glad to see they are out there patrolling our waters. Plus if you haven't seen it already, here's the youtube video on "How to clean a perch in 10 seconds" Enjoy! Two Whities Hello! Buddy Jon with a nice Ling J.Kimble with one - YEEEE HAW!!!!! Another pic Some Keepers
  6. Emil and Chevy - It's been a few years but it was nice meeting you again on the ice! You could recognize Chevy's signature hat from miles away. =) P.S - Taking a break from fishing and making the run to Hooters in Barrie for lunch was GREAT! ~Ryan (John Kimble!)
  7. Hi fellow OFC'ers! So the middle Idler wheels fell off my 1990 Yamaha Ovation on the last trip. 1) Can I run the snowmobile without them? Is it absolutely neccessary to fix? 2) What can I do to fix it? I'm assuming I need to weld it back together. 3) What will it cost? Hopefully not an arm or leg. 4) Does anyone know or can recommend a welder near Richmondhill or in the GTA? I'll offer a case of beer of their choice and take 'em ice fishing!!! THANKS!! ! Any help is much appreciated!
  8. Check out the video at: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=pjTlFwQb7D0 Kept a dozen or so Perch for a fresh dinner and the rest were released to fight another day. Then we went after the whities and lakers and the rest was history! Enjoy! ~ John Kimble <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  9. Hey Ice Fisherman, skunked 2 weeks ago when i met you but looks like you did very well today- Congrats! ~Ryan (J.Kimble)
  10. Greg, I love reading your reports - thanks for sharing again. Maybe see you on the ice again this year! ~Ryan (J.Kimble!<><)
  11. Damn - I forgot, Nice meeting you too Ice-Fisherman! Hmmm....maybe its time to switch to the marcum lx5?! ~Ryan (J.Kimble)
  12. It was nice talking to Chevy and Lady Walleye again (its been a few years!), and nice meeting Doug and Misfish for the first time. Thanks again Chevy for showing me the aqua view - wow, that's definately a great toy for ice fishing. We managed to get 3 whities, and 1 laker all between 11:30 and 1:30pm - lost another 4 or so halfway up the hole. The key was the massive crowd leaving - it was too noisy with the many spuds, gas augers and even the axes hammering away at the ice every few minutes. Anyways, it was definately great to be out and to be catching whities and lakers again. We'll do it again this week! Day's Catch WHOO HOOO! Cheers, ~Ryan (John Kimble!) P.S. - I'm back home for good now, just finished my 1 year contract in the states as a Marine Biologist- YEAH! Let me know if you want to hook up anytime!
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