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Everything posted by pikehunters

  1. Had to do the same back in the 90's here in PA. We actually had to take a 2 day course & then a test, not sure about todays regulations. A group of us got together & went through the process just to make it fun. I look at this the same as taking the motorcycle safety course didn't have to do it but if you pick up one little thing that may help or even save a life it is worth it. Trust me next time on the water you will see something that was on the test & you'll say Ha!
  2. I'm with ya on that one!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. Call it an old post but a good one. For me thanks for dredging it up keeps the blood flowing & i'm sure looking at it was like it happend last week for ya. What a trip!!!
  4. Air Cochrane has there new website up & running, looks good I think a few of you guys may have made the front page photo album!! Bring on Aug 3rd. Got first in on Tomorrow Lake booked http://aircochrane.com/
  5. Anyone watch the show person of interest. Talk about a reality check!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Not from our perspective. We still have the outfitters from Canada come to shows over here to promote your industry. Ask them how many times they are asked can i get across the border if I have a DUI. I think the outfitters have been the driving force behind this & the last thing I want is for all of you to think that all Americans are drunks. The dollar being equal should promote each of us. What is wrong is that I can get into your country with a drivers license but need a passport to return. This does not detour anyone that I know of from going Ok get a passport it's no big deal. I will admit in the day when we got .30 on the dollar was nice & it has become more expensive however what Canada has to offer even with the negative dollar amount is worth it!!! & hope that the new legislation will only improve on what Canada has to offer
  7. Yes it will. It's not about the people turned away it's the people that wan't to go but are not allowed. I have said before I am one group going to one town with one outfitter. If this is the case two good friends of mine that have only dreamed about experiencing what I have for many years will be able to. They have not because I told them they can't because of DUI's. So if they go it's EXTRA $ on lodging $ on outdoor cards & fees $$$$$$ to the outfitter ( HUGE) $ on your taxes $ on souveniers & the list goes on. Remember I'm only one group, one town, going to one outfitter & times how many groups towns & outfitters. you question save a lodge????
  8. While at the bank today I looked into the field & the gosslings have hatched!!!!
  9. Sounds like you have the experience! That is my problem I've been all over foleyet, gogama, sudbury & feel, just my opinion, they get the shiat beat out of them all summer. I am or our group is unable to go until aug. So that puts me into a situation to find a lake that gets limited pressure. Flew to Napken lake with Hearst air few years back, did no better there than Lincoln lake with Ivanhoe. Hearst was a third more $$$ & a third more driving. It's also a group thing where a couple of the guys wan't to cut back on drive time so it puts the western edge of Ontario out of the picture. Or maybe I'm expecting to much. Anyway we are hoping that this lake will pan out & if it doesn't on to another one next year.. As for fishing pressure on Tommorow lake it might be getting confused with Today lake or Yesterday Lake. Really who the hell named these ones. They are all in a stright line N of abitiby. I spoke with Mark yesterday & he reassured me that no one has stayed on this lake in 20 years unless they snuck in & pitched a tent!!
  10. I'm with ya screw that groundhog!!!
  11. Just checking!!
  12. Change shorts pants bibs socks & boots
  13. Intersting fact being all the research I've done & there is currently no cabin on tommorow lake, unless they stay in tents!! If anyone has anymore info on this I would appreciate it as the outfitter assured me that no one has stayed on this lake & it has been resting!!!
  14. Great imput & thanks I agree. Flown out of foleyet many years Gosenda & Ivanhoe. My opinion there lakes are getting hammered over fished for the pike anyway. Kills me to see a pic of a 40" pike on a stringer. That is what i like Air Cochrane, NO PIKE KILLED. I live on Lake Erie & fish Ontario for the serenity of being in the true wild & trophy pike, not to bring home fish. Fished Napken lake with Hearst but the drive & $$$ compared to Air Cochrane i think is worth the drive. They claim no one has fished tommorow lake for 20 years, they are building a new camp this summer & won't be ready untill Aug 1st. I'm booking for aug 4th so I hope the camp will be done!! Hopefully virgin waters will produce the trophies we fish for.
  15. Going to put deposit down on Tommorow lake. Anyone here outposted with them before??
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