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About Hellfish6

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  1. thats unbelievable, ppl didnt have a clue who he was.. Thats classic Neil thats 4 sure
  2. Wouldnt mind hearing what Spiel has to say.
  3. Thnx for all the replies, i ended up buying that rod but @ Fishin Niagara in Fort Erie, for around 140.00 decided to give him the business. The store is The Outdoor Store in Welland that originally offered @ that price. Almost bought a drop shooting Crucial but decided that Frontier was the better buy. Thnx again
  4. The guy im buying it from is going out of business, so im hoping it is a good deal
  5. Just a quick question Just curious if anyone has any experience with Gloomis Frontier rods 1 piece 6"5. Will be using for dragging tubes for bass. Any info would be appreciated. The price for it is 119.99 plus Tax New. Thanx in advance
  6. QUOTED FOR EMPHASIS, Clutch is crucial, def underrated thats 4 sure Im surprised no mention of Cream or the Band
  7. THATS HUGE props to the gentleman holding it, though prolly weighs more than him.
  8. heavy metal Soulfly Sepultura meshuggah underrated would have to be Sublime or Blind Mellon both singers never got to see what the band could have accomplished.
  9. Hey Rich- U only have to worry about worm harnesses if u r trolling. If ur casting either a spinning or casting set up will do doesnt matter mono or braid ur preference. For baits where i fish for eyes i use jig heads different colours with a worm simple but productive. U can use cranks, some jerk baits, divers what ever will get to a decent depth really, another fun way is finessing with soft plastic minnows 2 1/2 inches to about 4 inches and jigging them vertically. Also if the eyes are deeper can always go with a drop shooting technique with finesse minnows as well. All these work where i fish for them, never been to lakair though. Im sure some pro will chime in and get specifics for ya.
  10. Thnx again for the replies, yall sure know how to make ppl feel welcomed thats for sure. Im not much of a ice fisherman so im sure there wont be too many reports but come 2 weeks b4 mothers day the Cattin begins and the bigguns come out to play. Rich Clemens- i see u have a Airdale Terrier we have one as well her name is Hydy, loyal and very loving dogs.
  11. Well TY guys, u guys are quick to respond. I frequent Niagarafishingdotnet good board there to but have lurked here for about 2 months and decided i would give it a go. BTW the new board is def alot nicer than the last one big ups to the mods yall have a great community here. No worries im calm, cool and collective. Im huge on respect so... u gotta give it to earn it so no probs here.
  12. Just thought i would stop by and say hello, My name is Rory I live in Port Colborne Ont, fish the river, the rec canal and the big pond known as Erie usually. Im huge into fishing for cats and pickerel. Great site good people, u guys have some good information on this site cant wait to contribute.
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