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About Mattitude

  • Birthday 01/12/1975

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  1. They were all left out of the water so they won't be swimming anymore. Either way I didn't think they had made it here yet. Unfortunate for the lake but something's gotta eat them hopefully.
  2. Haven't been around in a while but I thought I should post this. I was at one of my shore spots in Orillia and watched some guy pull out 3 consecutive Gobies. He wasn't sure what they were so he asked me and I looked at it right away and knew (and no it wasn't a sculpin at least from the pictures I've seen) I have a picture on my phone that I will try to upload. I had no idea they were here until today.
  3. I get called names at my job too but I can't give them warnings and then ultimately throw them down and arrest them for doing it, if I did I would be fired. When most people sign up for a job they know the risks.
  4. You are quickly becoming my hero
  5. Amen brother!
  6. Raw video of a Grizzly charging a film maker. http://current.com/news/92502592_grizzly-charge-captured-by-b-c-filmmaker.htm Damn nature, you scary!
  7. +1 for Torrance Barrens. Really unique spot with areas that resemble the tundra of the Artic. Should be a good spot for fall colours too.
  8. Yeah that's what I thought but figured salamanders would not hang out on a hot rock and plus this thing was jumping around as well. Quite a cool experience!
  9. My first post in a while here, but I thought this was pretty cool. My girlfriend and I went out kayaking today at a secluded, no residences of any kind 1 road in same road out Muskoka lake today. We decided to do some fishing and caught a couple decent smallies but no pics only because I thought that would be asking for trouble bringing my camera in the kayak. I was paddling along a rock face when something caught my eye. At first I thought it was a salamander but it was moving too quick to be that, as i got closer I realized it was a lizard, a 5 lined skink as I found out when I got home and looked it up on the internet. Looked exactly like the one here. Crazy blue tail and all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUGaNPKIIHw. I had no idea that we had actual lizards in Ontario let alone Central Ontario.
  10. I made the mistake of "helping" someone I met there with some shore fishing spots, needless to say I heard through the grapevine that this guy got charged with going over his catch limit, fishing out of season etc. I learned the hard way and wish I never told him. BTW Narrows hasn't been good for a while now.
  11. Charging for air now? Probably just inflation.
  12. Get well soon man! Watch that knee, I screwed mine up in the spring and it is still giving me problems.
  13. LOL! I do believe that someone basically called me a liar! All I had to do was get permission to post the pics. You all knew I wouldn't let you down.
  14. And here we go. Looks big to me.
  15. Ok I'm having trouble posting a pic. I have to take off for a bit but I will post one later if I can figure it out again
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