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About Mikeyfish

  • Birthday 04/29/1952

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  • Location
    Goulais River
  • Interests
    Catching Fish my way

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  1. I have done that many times and I'm not ranting. I'm just letting whoever might be looking for a host the down side. Dan I also run my sons site and it does not cost any more except for his site doman name and do you have you own server.
  2. It is not hard to see Ipage is doing a lot of advertising here. Is there anyone out there that has their site hosted with them? Well I do. I paid the advertised rate, not knowing what that really means. Ipage has a lot of good stuff it provides for beginners like me, emails, support, data bases and web tools .Except they stick you on a server jammed with so many other low monthly subscribers, your site takes forever to load most times. The statistics they provide is pretty awesome, it tells me that almost ½ of my visits are 0 to 30 sec long, when it takes longer than that to load my site in most cases. So those visits are wasted. While building my site I have played thousands of FreeCell games waiting for updates too change. Anyway I thought I would mention this so you know what will probably happen by going at a cheaper monthly rate and that goes for other hoisting providers. I would be more than happy to log on to other sites hosted with Ipage to compare but I don’t know any. Mine is www.Fishingmikeystyle.ca
  3. A co in my mind should be someone I would like to feel good to be around, respect, trust, have good common sense and catch the people that are really disrespecting the rules. I’ve seen charges laid that are really discussing and embarrassing. I have hunted and fished for 40 years and haven’t been charged with anything yet. I quit hunting because I can’t keep up to the rules, regulation changes, and politics, fishing regulations are enough for me to handle now. As much as I hate to say it, I believe that some co’s power has gone to their head. If looking in the gray areas is the only way they can push their power, on the little guy, it is sad. I fish lots and I try to make sure my ( i s are doted and my t s are crossed ) and still dread the day when I’m stopped because I forgot something.
  4. I'm building a paddle wheel boat that I can use in the summer that will also be used as an ice skimmer on thin ice during ice freeze in Dec and in late April before the ice is gone. I have made to wheels out of wood for a pattern, one big and one small and about to make something in between. I hate trying to reinvent the wheel if someone knows something about the wheels that can help. It will weigh about 400 lbs all said and done with an otter fish tent on the deck. Here are a few pictures so far to give you an idea.
  5. You can build your own site but you need a place to host it and that is the real question. Most hosting provider’s jamb you in server space with lots of other sites which slows your site big time down. I’m with Ipage and have control over a couple of sites that I built. Hosting providers have site building programs to build your site with and make it fairly easy when you catch on. Once you have a domain picked out to use you can add your emails addresses or more with no extra charge or host yourself other web sites you choose to build. I use Concret5 for my web building tool, I tried Joomla and it really sucked for me. It took me a year to learn all what you see so far and there is so much more learn. I could not see paying around a $100.00 per month for someone else to build and host as well as charge me emails, added pages, changes or whatever I wanted to do to the site when I could learn how to do it myself for about $3.00 to $4.00 a month with the capability, of unlimited pages, to make some money hosting other sites and making unite emails for others. I paid about $150.00 for 3 years for my domain name and site server and can charge others for sites hosted on my space. For me a no brainer, but a lot of hours figuring things out. The more money you spend the faster your site will be. My site is www.Fishingmikeystyle.ca check it out and you can see it is slow. I have never had any training in this computer stuff and if I managed to do, I’m sure you can too. I still type with only one finger and if things are going good maybe two fingers. My next project next fall is to build my own server and not have to rely on any one. Good luck on your venture and know there are many long nights a head.
  6. I had the tracks off my quad and the adapters I built on my chums lathe for less than $100.00, and took them to a local machine shop to get a price for them to build $1500. They said they wouldn't change a thing and would build them the same and they took measurements.
  7. Yes I made the adaption hubs myself. A machine shop would charge about $1500 to make
  8. Thanx guys I just got it done ((Moving my shack to deeper water))
  9. Finally got enough ice to move my shack out to deeper water and made this video of the move
  10. Can't figure out how to embed a video here from youtube. need help thanx
  11. I use worm harness for pickerel and in the spring use them in shallow water and you never know what is going to hook on. My question is how do you store these crawler harnesses after they come out of the package. I hate a tangle mess. This December I made worm harness holder which holds some bottom bouncers and got some clear tubing to try a second method. I think these are going to work, but as always looking for a better and easier way
  12. It is great having a friend on the shore to leave your ice hut for the off season. Is your shack going to be finish on the outside so it looks nice in his yard and would it be useable in the summer months for their company, like someplace for the extra kids to stay or a change room for swimmers. I like the size, it is a great family and party size
  13. I got some emails on what is and how does a chum funnel work. While ice fishing today I made a video as such. I posted it on you tube but couldn't figure out how to capture it in this post ,so here's the url <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/INW5kZONZxI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. I have been to your site and I see you like aluminum. I'm starting a new build in the next day or so and you might a have some answers for me. I'm building a 6 x 14 foot aluminum paddle boat, ice hut, for thin, slush or no ice. I want to skim across thin ice and without stepping on the ice and use this also in the summer. What do I need to put on the aluminum to make it side without sticking to the snow or icing up. I don't want anything that will give me a keel ,The bottn must stay flat. I'll draw a picture soon of the platform to see what you think Mike
  15. Yes 4 to 6 inches of rough ice in Lake Superior, Wednesday I’ll go out and drill some holes and check it for myself. If there at least 8 inches, I will be finally fishing by Saturday. Whitefish and fresh cut french fries are on the menu for Saturday
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