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About muskysean

  • Birthday 09/29/1972

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    North of Quinte

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  1. Hey everyone. Just a heads up for anyone who may be going through Tweed. I live here and for the past few weeks the price of gas has been considerably lower than everywhere else in the area. I went into town today and as of noon today (Saturday) the price of fuel was 83.9 at the Petro Can for self serve and 85.9 at the Olco for full serve. That's 25 cents a litre cheaper than in Belleville. Can't promise it will be the same tomorrow but if your coming up this way and need fuel it may be worth the risk to wait til you get here. If it is the same price then be prepared to have to wait in line. Both stations were like a bee hive today!
  2. The place in Madoc is Hook, Line and Sinker. It is right on 62 just past the Petro Canada on the right hand side.
  3. I've been hooked 5 times in total. Usually it's the smaller fish that get you because you don't take them as serious as the bigger ones. The first 2 times I was hooked were both hospital trips! The next 2 were removed while in the boat by buddies of mine using the "Close your eyes, Grit your teeth and have your buddie rip it out with needlenose pliers" technique. The last time I was hooked was the most memorable! I've only tried this removal technique once and I don't recommend it! I caught a small hammerhandle pike on a HOT summer day(Wearing shorts of course) and when I sat down in the boat to remove the hook from the fish...it freaked out and fell towards the bottom of the boat. It never made it to the bottom because the other treble on the bait became firmly implanted in my thigh with the fish still hooked as well. In my state of shock I looked down to see the blood starting to trickle and I SWEAR the fish looked up at me...SMILED and proceeded to thrash for what seemed like an eternity. I finally heard the fish hit the floor of the boat and when I looked down, there was the fish with the lure still in it's mouth and me with a nice gash in my leg that was bleeding pretty heavily by now. I still have a little scar there but it worked out better for me than that fish. I quickly decided that we were going to have a nice PIKE SHORE LUNCH that day!
  4. Just my opinion but here's a thought... Why do hunters have to write a test where part of the test is to be able to distinguish the different types of ducks yet anglers don't in order to do the same with fish. It's not just a Musky/Pike issue. I'm sure there are many of us out there who couldn't tell the difference between a Laker and a Speckle, a Largemouth and a Smallie or a big Steelhead and a Chinook. In my opinion WAY TOO MANY fish are being killed out of season because there are too many people out there that only know how to drop a line and eat whatever comes up. I know but it just gets on my nerves when some people just shrug it off as "It's only 1 fish...It won't hurt"
  5. I'm not sure what has changed in the last 15 years but I used to work for a fireplace store in Belleville. We sold everything from woodstoves to gas BBQs. The old regs. required and licensed gas installer to hook up a natural gas BBQ. Once installed a tag was placed on the connection to ensure it was installed properly. You might want to contact your gas company to see what they say. It may sound like a lot to go through for a BBQ but if it is the same way as it used to be, then if something happened to go wrong your insurance company may not cover it. I know I couldn't pay to have my house rebuilt out of my own pocket.
  6. I knew that I leeched my way on to the RIGHT TEAM!!! GO TEAM 9 !!!
  7. I'll be there on Saturday. It's been a couple of years since I've gone and I'm looking forward to it.
  8. A Big Glidebait in Perch. Luv UM!!!
  9. Need to find that jacket in a Perch or Firetiger pattern.
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