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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. 16 hours ago, Cando said:

    Do you need a federal boating license to operate a boat or are you good to go with just the PCOC card?

    Boats Card goes with the driver and at this point does not expire.  PCOC card is by person driving the boat at the time you are stopped.

    The boat you are on .. has numbers on the front ..   Below is what they are charging people .. expired, wrong address etc.. easy money if not completed correctly!!

    You buy a boat and forget to call and update address... 

    Licensed pleasure craft

    • There are no fees to license your pleasure craft.
    • Pleasure craft licences are required for vessels used only for recreational purposes, do not carry passengers and are powered by an engine of 10 horsepower (7.5W) or more unless they are registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels.
    • Some examples of the markings on a licensed pleasure craft are 13K123456; BC1234567, 10D123456 or QC1234567.

    How long is a pleasure craft licence valid for?

    Due to recent changes to Section 106 of the Small Vessel Regulations, pleasure craft licences are now valid for 10 years. If there are changes to your name or address in that time, you must update your licence. This information is used by law enforcement and search and rescue organizations in emergency situations.



    A really good read  if you want to see the fines ..


    • Like 2
  2. I heard this year they are doing a shake down looking for everything little thing.   Not including all required safety equipment but also ensuring you Federal boat license is also up to date.  (10 year expiry on all licenses).

    Make sure everything is all compliant.



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  3. I feel for all the people that are looking at there homes and the damage that it has caused by flooding. Unfortunately its a price you have to pay to live by water.

    Growing up on Lake Huron 30 years ago I can remember when cottages along the water got wiped out because the ice and water rose so much.  As the years went on the water dropped, and dropped...  Everyone remember the -Stop the Drop- campaign, blame Lake St Clair dredging.

    So, all this water was gone.. so hey build cottages and houses back close to the water for the view...  put a nice big deck close to the beach.   Last high water mark most of it was wiped out again.

    When you do the building plan they only require drainage based on 100 year event. They should just change that to .. your living by water its going to flood at some point.

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  4. I feel for the guy.  Making the video (50/50) but he should have spoken to a college kid in public relations. He could have gotten the same message out and kept the high ground.

    If the park loses funding .. bet they want more people visiting.

    I might tick off some people with this but if you work for the Government you should not be posting on Official government Facebook page personal opinions.  Most companies if you did that you would be fired.

    Put your own name to it and post publicly. 


  5. The charge would be required for 2 reasons.

    The driver is always responsible for the operations of a car.  Someone died so they need to charge someone.  When it goes to court the charge may stick but where it goes from there based on the passenger knew etc.

    The passenger family will sue the driver for insurance.  A charge just helps it along

    Nothing to do with it being on the ice, its just the way things are




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