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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Gas is like crack, once you use it you can't stand life without it, soon the dealers raise the price a little, you buy the same, raise it a little more you still buy... and on it goes


    Remember the days when 59.9 was expensive!!!


    Thanks, India, china, USA, CANADA name you country its there fault.


    Fact is engine's should be more fuel effieciant, We should have been looking at more way's to get off oil 50 years ago after the WWII cause they learned then what happens when you don't have enough fuel.


    Oh well, next decade will be intresting.. Thank you Canada Fed goverement for not lowering the taxes on gas and your great surplus :(


    Wonder if you can tow a boat with a Moped?

  2. That cop needs a kick in the azz with a frozen boot! <_<




    If that was my kids I would be ticked OFF!!! Yea kids today need a kick in the $aasdjf sometimes but leave that up to me..


    Now if the kids were being Jerks show them respect for the law. This guy just had a big guy little Dongle syndrom.


    I have met many people from the law that have been kind, helpfull and polite. Then I have met a few that treated me like dirt for doing nothing wrong but knowing my rights.


    This cop is going to end up as mall security somewhere!

  3. I went too the fishing show with my wife, Did not see anything that really struck my eye.. Yea I spent a few bucks on little stuff but well below my winter budget..


    Next day my wife bought a new couch.. This tells me if I don't keep spending on fishing stuff my wife redirects my budget..


    So in other words YOU NEVER have too much fishing stuff... :) :) :)

  4. I know that Fords F150's are listed as the best truck but ohhhh the gas sucking!!!!!


    I have the Dakota not bad so far, V6 4x4


    Honda is a super truck but the $$$ :)


    Best deals to be had right now are all domestic as they are getting their butts handed them too there on a brown paper bag.

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