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Posts posted by blaque

  1. I use 3M products for the vehicle, they are pretty much the shizzy for detailers and weekend washers alike. Worth the cash. For the boat, i just use Zymol.........goes on and comes off easy as can be and really brings any fade out of my dark blue gelcoat (fiberglass boat). Cleans up real nice with just a wipe with a damp towel after a day on the water. Not sure how well it would work on enamel paint?

  2. Hey tony,


    Pretty ironic running into this post, I will be doing my own this weekend or next. Sorry, im not in your area so i wouldnt be able to comment on any local floor guys anyway. Just thought it was ironic.


    Ive done them before and its fairly easy if ya wanna save a few bucks. Sure its a mess , and it takes some patience and a little skill, but definitely doable on your own if ya have any handyman skills :thumbsup_anim:


    You can rent the sanders (orbital, or disc depending on how bad the floors are) If you want to just remove an old varnish, the orbital will do, if your boards have a curl to them, then the disc will take off enough material to flatten them again. Need some skill with the disc sander as it takes off a good layer, and you can screw things up if you stay over one spot too long lol. Anyway, finishing the floor isnt too bad either. Anyway......if you do get motivated, Id look into it. Although, just buying the house, Im sure you dont have time for a job like this one with everything else a new home brings on.

  3. I will need a good motor if the girls want to go tubing cause those heavy wool ankle length swimsuits get heavy when wet ;)




    Thats priceless LOL!!! I dont have a daughter, but i have a neice that Im a father figure to. She's 11 and i figure by the time she hits her teens, she will hate me for being the overprotective bear that i am. lol

  4. I believe i read he used a 9mm and a 22 caliber handgun. They werent counting out terrorism , well........not the way they refer to terrorism these days. Its definitely terrorism, but may or may not be linked to "middle eastern terrorism" lets call it. They definitely havent put out any description of the gunman though, that i know of anywya.

  5. Ive been on the lookout and also said the same thing when coming across the Legends.....i think they are a good lookin boat..........and when i saw the price, i did two things......I said, man THATS IT? Pretty cheap. But after thinking, like anything else.....i thought, theres gotta be a reason its so cheap. I never found out as i am now out of the market for a new boat.... for now. Once im back in the market , ill be lookin at them seriously. Ive heard negative things about them, but who knows until ya take one out yourself i guess. I sure dont have the money for a new lund........but i also dont have the money to throw at a boat that is gonna be worthless 5 years down the line.....good luck with it and be sure to let us know what you choose. Sounds like a Lowe is in your future though.

  6. Just wish the calls could be consistant, but throwin "man" into anything makes that a little impossible.


    nice little clusters of hits last night after the 6th goal was scored. Thats what i like to see.........definitely think Laroque should have thrown his body around sooner. Id look for a more settled pens team next time out. And yes, Neil should not be puttin pucks in the net. No one needs to see that stupid smile on his face lol

  7. C'mon pittsburg, ya gotta get those butterflies out and make a series out of this!! Good to see they got some positive outsome as the game went on. Hopefully they can gain from that. Cant believe they called sid's goal back. Not sayin it was a drop dead goal, it was iffy though, and they called it a goal on the ice. Ive seen more distinct intent before that were goals, in comparison, that was weak.

  8. Yeah, ive heard the Korg effects are of high quality. Having said that, i was just on the Line 6 website........and MAN is there some candy on there !!!!! LOL! Not to mention the "spider" line of amps that have almost what i was talking about earlier with Specific Artist sounds. How ironic is that. Check that out on the website. They have audio that you can listen to all the different effects. From the comfortably numb solo, to Prince's Purple Rain sound. Pre programmed and interfaced into the amp. Pretty amazing that i mention it and find it all in the same day lol. Too bad its encompassed in an amp and not just an effects processor . Im not much into buying an entirely new amp.


    Heres the link


    Line 6 Spider III

  9. "The Pod" ? Line 6 right? I meant to play with one at the Guitar joint here and never did. Be interested to hear something other than digitech or Boss. I also had an RP and it was pretty much the same as the Genesis sound wise. Anyway, i hate goin to the Guitar Shoppe cuz its just like bein in a tackle shop, i wanna leave with everything.......and home renovations have my money pretty strapped right now lol. This thread is killin me, now i wanna go out and buy some new gear LOL! Ive actually been thinking an electric acoustic will be my next purchase

  10. Its an RG series. I have a floating head ibanez also but have some problems sometimes keeping it tuned


    the digitech,.......Ive been thru alot of modelers and effects pedals.......and i like the delays and clean tones on this one, but the distortions arent all that Im lookin for. Theres a couple nice deep crunchy metal distortion effects, but there not outstanding. But then again, its alot of tinkering to get the sound your lookin for sometimes.......and i may not be getting out of it all that it is capable of? Alot of options, so if your into learning what it can do, ya may get more satisfaction out of it. Also, its not a stomp box, so ya cant really change sounds on the fly. I dunno, i certianly dont use it for what its meant for.


    Im too lazy and like to just flip the amp on and start playing music as opposed to searching for the sound i want. I would like more of a turn key pedal, ten or so great tones, all on one stomp box. Like just plug in the box, and scroll thru a Zack Wylde squak, to a Stevie Ray Vaughn clean blues distortion, to an Eric Johnson delayed solo sound, to a screamin Dimebag Darrel glass shattering high note......i could go on and on......Jimmy hendrix whammy. lol, those tones are established, why cant they put them all into one pedal, press go, and stomp from sound to sound.


    I dunno, in general i like the Boss tones over Digitech, i just dont like buying 5 or 6 indiidual pedals at the price.....but may go back to it. Theres so many options on these modelers that they are tough to pin down

  11. Just a newbie and your sportin gear like that!? Nice


    Im self taught, been playin for bout 15 years and this is what i infuriate my neighbors with LOL!!!


    I usually turn it down when im practicing, till i get a lick downpat or a nice crunchy rhythm figured out and then the knobs get maxed out and the head starts bangin LOL :wallbash:







  12. Funny you mention that, we (myself and the family) were watching the leafs/habs game saturday down here in the states.......and Don Cherry did a little segment on "vimy". We alll looked at each other like "does anyone know what hes talking about"? "whats vimy"? . I can forward this info to everyone from that night and let them know now what he was referring to.

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