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Posts posted by blaque

  1. Love that report Blaque. Thats my neck of the woods. We likely crossed paths a couple times over the weekend.


    Ill bet, i was all over that bay for a week lol. LOVE riding around all those nooks and crannies. Like a little maze in there. Im used to fishing in water with alot less character, You can stand up, do a 360 and you've pretty much seen the shoreline of the lake. Not there, every boat ride was different, something new around every corner.......most nights when the fishin was done and the sun was just about set, I mixed up a Vodka and Tea on board and rode the Minn Kota back to camp nice and slow to take it all in. Very Nice.


    THanks for the kind responses guys. You guys who inhabit these areas are extremely lucky. Count your blessings

  2. Great story. I was on the tail end of my trip up that weekend but i was on South Bay....kinda far away. I did however , see a Blue "Sandy Bay" boat around a few times over the weekend out at Buoy EC2. Kind of a haul it seems from Callander. Your weekend looked a bit wetter than mine (meaning beeeeeer lol)

  3. This may be a mistake to post this, but it is an honest and naive question. Ive read much of the Sens posts over the last few weeks and Im curious as to the origin of the lack of support the sens get from canada. I was up at Nippissing this past week and asked around alot about the series, etc......and the bait shop guys, the camp owner etc......said alot of that area were rooting for aneheim, and once the leafs are out, pretty much every season, if it isnt the leafs, most will root for their american favorites. Detroit, Chicago, teams close to teh border, .......whomever. Ive just noticed that there wasnt as much hooplah as i expected when going up last week about the sens in the finals, and Ive seen alot of posts with similair feelings from alot of you guys up north. Again.....just wonder where that comes from, this may get deleted before it begins........and if it does start an uproar, i apologize. But its just a question thats been diggin at me, and just seems too peculiar not to ask. To me anyway lol. And of course, im pretty much speaking to Canada here lol.......so what better place to pose the question. Admin. please delete if you foresee an issue with this question before it even starts. Obviously


    I ask the question for many of us wondering the same here south of the border

  4. Just fished the south bay area of Nippissing last week and it is quite sheltered. We were out on some windy days and a slight chop is the worst we saw. Its alot of shallow water in and around the islands (6-8), once you get out past the islands into the main bay, it gets deeper and a little chopier. But still nothing too bad that i experienced. You may need to go a little deeper as fish seemed to be moving around in the 15-25 range. but if your going soon, you should be able to get out within the islands and get into some fishies. Limited knowledge on the lake, but thats my take on it.

  5. Thanks Boys........I knew Id get ya with that forkfull of fish lol. I would also add that we did have 3 or 4 spots that were producing pretty well, it seemed as if you would go pick up some fish real quick, and they would shut down within an hour or so. Move to the next area, pick up some fish in the first hour (give or take) and have to find some more willing biters by taking a short boat ride. Saw two bigger fish caught also, one at camp that was "6 lbs" and "29 inches". Saw that one from a distance on the stringer. And I watched a guy net one casting stickbaits in shallower water out on the water that he shouted "7 lbs 29-1/2 inches" when i asked him how big. Very large fish in comparison to the majority of the fish I saw. Not as good on the taste buds though lol

  6. Heres some fishies














    Gar Pike Spawning (bad glare)



    Gar Pike (glare ruined another)



    Same, trust me, they are there LOL!



    Juicy Perch (very pale)



    Another Slot Wally



    One of many Slot releases






    Strange mark on belly



    Mr. Toofers



    One on the Blue/grey color scale



    Back to Yellow



    One of my homemade rigs that did the trick all week



    Sammy the camp pooch, awesome dog



    Thanks to all the folks on here that helped me make this trip a great one!! Hats off.

  7. Welp, Im back from my week in Nippissing in the South Bay area. Alot of preperation payed off. The vehicles ran great, the boat performed flawlessly all week, got there without getting lost. Cant ask for much more than that lol.


    As a bonus, we did well all week on the walleyes. We started out fishing the shallow weedy waters in teh 4-8 ft. range with deerhair jigs tipped with the worm, but couldnt find a fish for the first few hours in the morning........we decided to check some deeper waters and see if we could mark some fish. Walah. One of the first drops we found from 12ish into 25ish depths......we marked a bunch of fish. Most of them on the flat after the drop. We pretty much stayed on these fish with success for a morning or two trolling harnesses real slow before we tried to find some bigger fish. We found some bigger archs in a little deeper water, but they were scattered to say the least, and dont even know if they were eyes. We tried drifting some jigheads tipped....but came up empty on those bigger fish.


    Soooo, back to our original spot, we got a few in the slot (17-19"). And continued to catch them fairly consistantly using bottom bouncers (3/4 oz.) and floating harnesses in an orange /chartruese/ w. black bead combo. Didnt have to switch it up from that all week as we thought it hit the spot for the eyes. Just for a change of pace we would drift some jigs because i do enjoy that style......but we were doing better covering more water with the electric. Had alot of perch nippin at the harnesses, but you could def. tell the bite and if ya wanted to, you could snatch it away from them. But we did end up gettin a couple good eater perch.


    All in all, it was one of the best trips weve had in a while. Havent been up there in years, south bay is a beautiful area. Forgot just how big that lake is!!


    Scenery Pics with Fish to follow:



    Evergreens on rocks:




    Somebody is roughin it:




    Lockness Monster




    Lots of for sale signs:




    Another one "Roughin it":




    Must be nice:








    Black Fly Bast#$ds














    Fish Fry Prep:




    Fish Fry Fry:




    Fish Fry plated:




    Fish Fry Want Some:




    Fish Fry Tease lol:



    My Sensitive side:



    Gull ROCK:






    Rocky Point:




    Rocky Point




    Sun Peaking out in the evening (Couldnt figure how to rotate for some reason)



    Enjoy, i know i did

  8. Bug Spray......CHECK! lol


    No Clampett, im the driver and the boat guy........bus leaves in the morning (just a figure of speech) In other words, if they aint on my front porch when the suns up, then BEEP BEEP.....they missed the bus lol. No waitin around for slow pokes.


    Ill be on south bay Muskieman


    Back to the packin

  9. Welp, Im heading out of Buffalo tomorrow for my week up to nippissing. As always, i feel underprepared. lol. Vehicle Maintenance/check..........boat maintenance/check.........rods freshly spooled/check........tackle box organized and filled/check (i think so) ............directions to camp/check (pretty sure). Clothes to accomodate weather/check (yeah right). The bus leaves tomorrow morning, and Ill be preparing all night and not getting much sleep lol. Hope i dont hit too much traffic thru toronto on a saturday morning. Hope to have lots of reports and pics when i get back. Wish me luck! :thumbsup_anim:

  10. Im heading up to Nippissing this coming week and contemplated the same thing for the longest time. But does one week at the lake justify the cash shelled out for the luxury of the GPS map. I dont think so. IMO. Weve all fished without them for years and years, and Ive had some VERY productive trips without a GPS over the years. Im savin my money on this one lol. :thumbsup_anim:

  11. Why can't "non Sens fans" give credit where credit is due? Let me guess...the Sens arent winning this series the Sabres are losing it....right? Sour grapes i say. :whistling:




    Sour grapes is right, didnt you read my signoff? Bitter Sabres fan? :thumbsup_anim:


    I give Ottawa all the credit they deserve. Theyve played amazing when its counted, end of the season and the playoffs. But they really need to be throttling the Sabres with their absence of any emotion or effort, in fact, Id go as far as to say its the most embarrassing team Ive seen in the post season in quite a while. So yeah, Id say the Sabres are doing their fair share to make it easier on the Sens. Im just pointing out, with all due respect, Ottawa better watch out that Buffalo doesnt lull them to sleep and lower their expectations for the finals. All that being said, i think Murray will agree with me and send your boys out for the KILL tonite! My sabres are gonna take that long, somber fllight home tonite. Very disappointing end to a wonderful year. Hopefuly we go in underdogs again next year, I think some guys let the all star status get to their heads this year.

  12. Boy i hope no-one in Ottawa actually feels warm and fuzzy about the next round with the 1-0 win last night against a team that probably couldnt beat a Junior Varsity hockey squad right now lol. As DISMAL an effort (again) as the Sabres put together last night, they were still only one shot away from tying the game. Most teams would capitalize on that and ROUTE the opposing team. Ottawa couldnt put that kill goal in the net last night, ended up they didnt need to, but i would be a little worried. Not to mention two nights prior they almost let a win slip away with 5 seconds left. Almost is almost, but still, i wouldnt say they are this juggernaut force just pulverizing the Sabres. Sabres showed if they put any effort into it (1st period game three) They could walk all over Ottawa, they just for some unfathomable reason, wont do it. Bottom line, Ottawa is up 3-0 to a group of figure skaters......i wouldnt expect that extremely rare phenomenon in the finals. GO WINGS AND DUCKS!!!




    Bitter Sabres Fan :wallbash:

  13. But if they lose to Buffalo at least it will be to the team that stayed on top all year and not a choke job this year.


    The Sabres are a different team now......alot of teams have figured out how to slow them down, they arent the powerhouse that Ottawa has been in the playoffs. Season started from scratch in round 1. If Ottawa loses this series, they better go find a deep hole and stick there heads, collectively, .....and as a team.........in that very hole.

  14. This is coming from a die hard sabres fan.......They've gotten thru two series playing worse than they have all year against two VERY desperate and strategic minded teams that played just outstanding against them......and they still came out on top, somehow. If Buffalo ever gets their "A" game going, they'll eat em' up and spit em' out. However, i dont see that happening, their performance to date in the playoffs has been lackluster and uninspired. For the most part. Not to mentoin Ottawa owned us all season. I predict the Sens in 6 games. No way Buffalo is gonna make it thru to the Sens to the finals...........as vomit inducing as that is to say, thats just my take on it.


    Oh and by the way, all coaches are crybabies.......Ive never seen one without his share of tantrums.

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