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Posts posted by blaque

  1. Too cute....but you can have that 'Puppy Stage'!


    And just a bit of a caution...when we got our Puppy (years ago), I ended up with a very nasty, nasty infection in my sinus. It took over a year to detect as the pain was being felt in a tooth. So...after the regular dentist then a specialist and then a final specialist (grumpy old man) who told me to lay off the advil (was taking 2 every 4 hours for a year) and to see my doc.


    They were quite surprised with the x-ray and put me on heavy duty antibiotics for 21 days. I finally was able to put the advil away after 14 days on the meds.


    Give him a good bath when you get him home.


    Man!.........way to rain on a cute puppy parade lol (jk)

  2. Gilmour depresses me so much. I watch him play a song and thing..that don't look so tough..then I try it and loose my mind..lol


    Thats exactly how it is too!! Ive picked up the music for Comfortably numb like 10 times in the last few years, sayin, this is it, im GOING to learn these solos. And i just cant get them licked, not enough to enjoy playin them anyway. This thread had me youtubin gilmour today at work, and im going to go home again today and pull out the tabliture, and im sure ill be puttin it back in the filing cabinet yet again within an hour lol, but like you said, it doesnt look that hard......thats the thing, they are so good that they MAKE it LOOK easy lol. Dave makes it look so effortless.

  3. If you like some incredible metal guitar check this out:




    BFMV greatest metal band ever!


    Its amazing the talent that has evolved in metal aye Rich? No more getting away with just some distorted power chord riffs and crunching the E string as fast as you can with a double bass pounding in the back. (as good enough as that is lol)


    The Melodic Metal scene has EXPLODED and you can fill an 80GB i-pod with it in no time with the amount of bands that have surfaced.


    Right now im full up on:


    Lamb of God

    All that remains

    In this moment (female vocals)

    Killswitch Engage


    In Flames

    Opeth it goes on and on

  4. Here's another great guitar solo:



    I enjoyed this more than the stage full of artists actually. I like when someone can perform....oneman, one instrument, and just send out goosebumps with the music. The percussion toward the end of the clapton crew got the foot tappin, but if it werent for that section, i dunno.....i was bored lol. ......and I will third that Dave Gilmour, has got a definite gift to evoke emotions out of a 6 string, ive tried to get that sound out of mine, and its just not there.......of course, a bus full of sound and studio equipment does wonders!!

  5. Hey guys, im coming to visit Oshawa in the morning (for work unfortunately) Going to a Home Outfitters Installation in the morning and was curious what my best route may be coming over the Lewiston Queenston bridge from the states. I have a 407 transponder but is that even advantageous to go that route. Ive done the mapquest thing but figured id get some advice from the horses mouth in regards to traffic etc.....id like to say im staying and bringin the rod but time just doesnt allow. The store is on Taunton Road East. I know this is a boring question, but what the heck. Thanks in advance

  6. Yup, ill never forget, the guy in the office next to me, had his headphones on, and non shalantly said, hmmmm.....there sayin a plane ran into the world trade center, i thought .......little private prop plane stuck at the top or something, he didnt know anything past the fact that it was a plane, and it hit the building according to the radio. Business as usual around the office.....and before you knew it........the story progressed and just got worse, and finally...... our entire office was huddled in the cafeteria watching this horror on the T.V. Ive never had a feeling anything like it just staring at a T.V. screen. Manhattan never seemed so close to Western N.Y. than that day.

  7. Cant really throw a blanket on this topic. Each and every body of water im sure you are locating on the images has a different story obviously. May be state land (or crown land up where you guys are) May be privately owned, may have someone sitting on the porch with a salt gun watching for trespassers, may be a family of light hearted older folks that realy dont give a hoot. May be in a guys backyad, could be far off the residence. In any case.....as said, do your research and find out the situation, and always ask if it is private property if you can fish it. And from what ive learned, in my area anyway, ive been told that you do NOT have to post private property......i learned that the hard way from this EXACT situation, i was looking for a good bass pond to take my little nephew, and we found a good one, no posted signs, it was right off a side road, and we were confronted by a VERY angry land owner that didnt want to hear a word of what i had to say. Except that i was on my way off his property. Too bad too because my little nephew was catching some really decent largemouth. He asked if i owned a house, i said yes, he asked if i had a backyard, i said yes, and he said, do you post it, i said no.......but.....but.....and he said, then Bye Bye. This guy was "sick and tired of driving by his land to find people inhabiting it" and "spending so much time and effort and missing out on his dinner because he had to patrol his land constantly" I suggested, in all sympathy, that he posted it, so it was clear and there was no confusion as i left.....and that was honestly because i felt bad that i was trespassing on his land and felt bad that the guy was so inconvenienced. OK, maybe there was a little smart :asshat: in there.

  8. Imagine if you have to take some kinda written exams to get your fishing license, maybe

    it would educate new anglers to know what to do and what to follow rather than causing

    conflicts with each other.


    They know what they are doing is wrong, thats why they are doing it, some people enjoy being miserable.............and i mean that seriously. Stupid is as Stupid does.

  9. The company i work for has their own powder coating facility but its way down in Pa. So not much help to you. But im gonna say your gonna pay a wackload for a small job like that unless they have a quick changeover booth. And wanting them to match your vehicle color, youll be paying for the minimum denomination of powder, even if its way more than you need. And thats if the color exists in powder coat. Could get expensive........

  10. You would expect water and food to be top priorities but i guess that's the difference between Canada and the usa.


    wrong! may be the difference between canada and SOME of the residents of new orleans , but not between canada and an entire country. Count the abundant amount of natural disasters that have come thru many parts of the US, with evacuation warnings and put some people in severe distress, and see how many articles you find about each situation saying that guns were the #1 item purchased to prepare. Amazing how a one time article, in an outdoor publication no less, results in a blanket statement covering the entire population of the US. Ive lived in the states my whole life, been thru the blizzard of 77, and some pretty disabling snow storms that paralized the area, nothing in comparison to a Katrina, but none the less.....i have been in situations down south similar to this one, and never once have i seen a gun pulled on myself or anyone. What i did see is American communities bind together and give thier left arm to help someone out. Done

  11. Looks like you shot it instead of caught it!


    sorry but did ya ever get one of those subtly funny things that has you laugh out of nowhere when ya think of it even hours later lol, it just popped into my head again after reading it earlier and im still laughing.......guy next to me at work thinks im a little loopy

  12. When I got back to the launch, I saw part of the reason why fishin' was so sucky even with the turbines making current.



    i thought you were gonna say it was cuz all the fish were centrally located under the docks

  13. Smashing through the boundaries

    Lunacy has found me

    Cannot stop the Battery

    Pounding out aggression

    Turned into obsession

    Cannot kill the Battery

    Cannot kill the family

    Battery is found in me




    Crushing all decievers, mashing non-believers

    Neverending potency

    Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker

    Breeding on insanity


    Clamp, i wouldnt have guessed you to be a Metallica fan? lol

  14. As long as your litteraly willing to swim for its recovery should your line get wrapped up I'd say go for it.

    But that would make you a better man then most, and I'd applaud you for it.


    Unfortunatly I'd bet the farm the majority of Guys saying they fish these docks have never thought of the damage a snaged hook can cause to a childs foot....not to be nasty but hopefully they read this and that little cartoon lightbulb went off.

    I too get a bit defensive when told I can't fish here, or there, and my rights are questioned.

    But When It sank in that people swim there it changed my oppinion 100%


    Seriously its not worth it.

    You wouldn't fish an empty Swimming area at dusk or dawn under the same pretence that people "Swim" there right?

    (lot of fish there by the way...churned up bottom=baitfish in spades=predetory fish)


    Why put someone at risk over a fish?


    I hear ya cook......my intent was the same, i dont fish dock areas, nor do i fish largemouth often.........but i was aiming that more toward the guy who isnt going to get the lightbulb from your post and is going to fish dock areas anyway. And there are plenty lol. Just thought the texas rigged suggestion would help reduce the potential for leavin a lure behind for the guy who is going to fish there regardless. Ive had hooks in my flesh, its not fun.


    Another comparison to this whole thread is the street in front of your house. Its public property, the street........But i consider those two parking spaces mine, lol, for whatever reason. So i get that "Hey, whos car is that in front of the house" feeling when the neighbor parks his car in "my" spot. Not justified as they arent "mine", but i do get that, "whats up with that" thought in my head. So i do understand both views here.......i certainly wouldnt go out and tell him to move however......itsnot that big a deal. I also dont like when theres a group of young punks walkin the street and decide to congregate in the street in front of my house. Cant ask them to move, but if i see them throwin cigarette butts in the street or leaving there cans behind in front of my house, ya can bet im takin a walk to the curb. If they arent disrespecting the area, then theres no problems. If they are breaking bottles and leaving glass behind or something, even though its in the street and not my property.....they wil be approached.

  15. Throw a piece of chain link fence under your dock. By the end of the season you will have a nice collection of bass lures.


    OMG!! That is hilarious, cruel .........LOL......but hilarious. Sorry i had to comment on this, Ive never even heard of it, but sounds like people actually have done this. Thats too funny.


    Anyway, its getting redundant, but im on the side that says if theres noone around.......and nobody being bothered, what harm is there throwing a couple under the dock, as long as its not occupied, your not dinkin boats, and not leaving lures behind. I dont fish docks often at all, im usually out in the deeper water when im on "cottage" type inland lakes lookin for walleyes or smallmouth.


    A little suggestion to avoid leaving your tackle behind on someones dock........just fish them with soft plastics texas or carolina rigged (weedless) But even that isnt a 100% remedy as you can still wrap up your line.

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