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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. You guys are doing it wrong.

    If I don't recognize the # I don't answer the phone.

    If it's legit and important they will leave a message.

    This goes for my home and cell phones.


    I have no patients for scammers or telemarketers. ;)

    Yep. x2!!! Call blocking on my cell and it doesn't even ring or show the number. It does go to voice mail sometimes and I get a click, I can deal with that, delete message. ;)

  2. trudeau is a useless boob and a talking head for the string pullers. God help us if he gets in!


    If the early results from the east are any indication.... We are going to need some help from above.



    If you are worried about being stuck with your choice forever, Harper would make the most sense. He would be the easiest to get rid of in the next election.


    The Liberals and NDP plan to change the voting process to bring in ranked balloting and/or proportional representation.

    • Ranked balloting heavily favours the Liberals. If that is passed, we are literally may be stuck with the Liberals forever. Or, at least for our lifetime.
    • Proportional representation would help the NDP in most elections.

    Harper has committed to holding a referendum before making any changes to the election process. At least we will get to choose if we make change the election process; and if we do change, we have a say in what changes are made.


    We should all be concerned about this. Unfortunately, not all will be.

  3. I hate Harper.


    Dont get me wrong.


    But at least to some extent he is respected by other leaders(as a puppet)


    You get a lesser experienced(puppet) and things might go south very very quickly.


    I dont like any candidate tbh


    Which is the best puppet? Probably Mulclair IMO.


    Either way we are spiraling downword fast.


    I cant even begin to list all the issues we have.


    We need a true leader, I see none


    One of the best quotes I've heard during this campaign is this. "Trying to decide who you will pick in this election is like trying to pick you favourite STD" "And try and pick one that won't stay with you forever."


    It's a sad time when we don't have confidence with any of the choices. I will be voting tonight though and hope for the best for our country. And then making an appointment with the doctor for the antibiotic.

  4. Sweet! I think I saw the same guys out there one day last week. They were doing exactly as you described, in a boat like you described. I tried to talk to them, but they took off. I could have chased them down and easily caught up, but I'm not brave enough I guess.



    Maybe not brave enough but smart enough. ;) I hope they get these guys, good job Cliff.

  5. you also saved me with those after Joe smashed mine in a fit of rage. (i picked up a pair for myself at princess auto)


    LOL!! Glad they worked out for you and you won't regret having a set.


    This happened to me last year - was fishing for a couple days just north of Kingston - then it started to rain very heavy - the forecast was for rain the next couple days so we decided to call it quits and head home - it was cold and really raining as we were taking the boat out of the water - as I was hooking it up some kids in a canoe came along and asked if they could stand in my truck camper and get out of the rain for a few minutes and get dried off - I said sure and gave them some towels to wipe themselves - after they left we started on our journey home


    We arrive at the border and waiting in line when some guy knocks on my truck window - he tells me my latch on the boat trailer receiver is sticking up - I thanked him and  go back to check - holy mackerel - when I got distracted back at the boat launch  I forgot to put the latch down - didn't hook up the safety chains or the lights - I drove around 50 miles with the trailer just sitting  on the receiver ball - man was I lucky - all it would have taken was a good bump and the boat would have come loose and only  God knows what could have happened - I get uptight whenever I think about it -


    So my advice is - take you time and don't be in a hurry when hooking up your boat - take the time to double check everything before driving away - you can be sure that's what I do anymore -

    Circle check. Years ago when I worked with a landscaping company they had us do a circle check before moving a vehicle. Checked all fluids in the morning, all lights, if towing a trailer that it was hooked up properly, ensure that things were tied down properly, overall visual inspection of everything and that all was gassed up for the day. Not a bad thing to do when towing anything.

  6. Well I know the answer to the question so I'll pass on that.  A couple more pics of that gator, truly an awesome fish for Cliff and happy to have been the net men for that beast. Congrats Cliff and thanks for doing up the report. Always a great time with these guys and can't wait till the next trip. I guess I'll be making those potatoes again. Thanks again for the hospitality Bernie!!   Cliff%20PB%20Pike%20Sep%202015%202.jpg   Cliff%20PB%20Pike%20Sep%202015%201.jpg   Cliff%20PB%20Pike%20Release%202.jpg    


    And some video of the release.



  7. I've got a Panasonic Lumix DMC TS5 and had it for a few years now. No complaints at all. Seems to do everything I need in a point and shoot. I use this camera year round in all kinds of conditions and it just keeps on working. I'd be looking at some of the photography websites for reviews on today's better camera. At a quick glace they are rating the Olympus Tough TG-4 as one of the better ones.










    My camera

    • Waterproof to 13m
    • Shockproof to 2.0m
    • Freezeproof to -10 degrees C
    • Dustproof
    • Pressure Resistant to 100 kgf
    • Plus Anti-fog glass
  8. I just wanted to express my appreciation on behalf of myself and wife to the O'shea family for allowing us to join them in their celebration of Jen's life. You're truly a special family and it was obvious to anyone in attendance today, that Jen was a very special person.

    It was a pleasure to meet "Whopper" and Andy as well. (Whopper, I hope you made it home ok)

    Wayne and Leah, I hope you find peace soon. I know Jen was smiling down at you today.




    I couldn't say it any better Joe, what an incredible woman Jen was. Thanks for the lift Joe and it was a pleasure to meet Whopper and Andy, I hope you had an uneventful trip home Whopper.


    Peace be with your family Wayne, there is someone special keeping an eye on you all now.

    • Like 1
  9. Thats a great day Wil and you got a full body/fish pic of Rub.


    There is always one without.... :rofl2:






    Tony, I'd be one of those complaining about the east end the last couple of years but not nearly as bad as the stories from the west. We usually get a few but size and numbers have been a challenge till this trip. A lot of it has to be just putting your time in as there are some great reports coming from the east. Hope to be back at it this weekend.


    HTHM - A very good insulated coffee mug is critical. Mine it rated to keep beverages hot for 4-6 hours I believe. :D

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