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About greenfshrmn

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  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I actually walked through the store a couple of weeks ago, but their selection was a little low. I'm sure they'll have much more in the weeks to come.
  2. I figured with all this snow that today would be a good day to start thinking of spring, and put an online order together of terminal tackle and lures. I would really like to reduce my shipping costs and keep my funds in Canada. Can anyone recommend a good Canadian online store? Thanks!
  3. Hope I have this in the correct forum: Not sure if anyone here uses this old ramp in the village of Gores Landing but the township has decided to close the ramp from 5pm Fridays until Monday at 8am. (or Tues on long weekends). They have it locked down with a large chain and padlock. Didn't want to see anyone driving out this way only to be disappointed when they got here.
  4. Looking to get a new cover made for my Lund. Can anyone recommend an upholstery place in Durham region? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the good suggestions.
  6. Went to the show yesterday and was disappointed, just the one hall, seemed smaller than in previous years. Didn't see too many deals to be made at the booths. Having said that, it's still good entertainment for an hour or so and gets you thinking about fishing.
  7. Hi folks, like many anglers I have a number of older rods and reels that I no longer use, both spinning and casting. These things are not worth enough to bother selling online, but they are also too good to just throw out. Would be great for someone just starting out. No kids into fishing around here to give them to. Does anyone know of an organization (around the durham region) that would accept these as a donation?
  8. Thanks for all the info...looks like you've made my mind up for me!
  9. I have an opportunity to purchase an 8 hp 4-stroke kicker motor for my 17 ft Lund. This thing weighs in at over 80 lbs and I'm wondering if this is a bit too heavy alongside my 115 motor. Just wondering how many guys (and girls) on here use a kicker motor as an important tool in thier fishing. Also, if anyone has a similar set-up I'd be insterested in hearing their opinions. Sadly, as I get older I tire quickly when casting for bass and walleye...trolling is starting to look more appealing! Thanks for your advice.
  10. That round thing with the wires would be the Idle air control (IAC) valve. If it has one of those, I think we have a typo here. Did you mean 1998..not 88?
  11. Not sure where you live but have you considered calling a Lund dealer such as Hastings Marine and asking them what they have available for your price range?
  12. As Hirk just mentioned, Kerr Reservoir (Buggs island) alongside Lake Gaston is a great spring trip. Look up South Hill, Va on the map. I went every March Break for years until my friend passed away. Weather is unpredictable, frost some years, 70's the next. I used to do the trip down over 2 days, it would be about 12-13 hours non stop. Licenses are no problem, I used to get them at the local gas station. People were really friendly down there!
  13. Hey Locnar, Not too sure of the rivers around here, but on another note...that old Chrysler may not need a complete rebuild. It may have an external governor which controls the shifting. On G.Ms these were made out of plastic and prone to breaking. Try calling the guys at The Transmission Place in Oshawa for advice. (905 576 1021)...just a thought
  14. Thanks Cliff, I take no responsibility for her intelligence...that comes from her mom's side of the family. I have spent my life being amazed at how her other senses have compensated for her loss of vision...that, and the fact that she has the world's smartest guide dog. Who else here has a dog with a law degree
  15. My daughter is a law student at Queen's who is completely blind. It's not unusual for her to call me on Skype with a special request, such as..."If she holds up the pizza box infront of her laptop, would I please read out the reheating instructions over the internet...or...if she puts her laptop on the floor, do I see the necklace she dropped anywhere down there? She's very adept and finding uses for Skype, my kid! We talked to her most evenings, completely free, when she was studying in Scotland for a year.
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