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  1. For anyone that has done the required upgrade due to Shaw changing satellites, did you need to change the dish or just the LNB from a dual quad to a triple quad. I understand that their programming is changing from MPEG 2 to MPEG 4 and I'll need a new receiver too. Thanks.
  2. to loose some weight, my weight had gotten out of control the combination of loosing my job and health issues of a loved one had me pretty much sitting around feeling sorry for my self and stuffing my face. January 1, I weighed in at 222 which is the heaviest I have ever been and I was pretty disgusted with myself. I started by removing sugar,pasta and bread all sweets,deserts etc. haven`t had a beer in 2 months . I have started to get some exercise by swimming laps at the rec center twice a week, I can actually walk up a flight of stairs now with being out of breath and feeling like my chest was about to explode, blood pressure is down and I generally feel great. Not being loaded with carb`s late at night has had the side benefit of allowing me to sleep like a baby it`s a nice feeling to pop out of bed in the morning after a good nights sleep!!! It`s a great feeling and very motivating to be able to fit into clothes that have been packed away for a couple of years and to hear your friends say " hey Gord have you lost weight... you look good". I weighed in today at 192...so we are down 30 pounds in 57 days my goal is to be around 170 by the time I open my trailer May 1st. I know I can do it.
  3. Just curious on how you guys feel about what went down with Mr. Scott. Personally I think Mr. Scott should contact a lawyer to see if there are grounds to sue the NHL, Arizona Coyotes and the Montreal Canadiens. This whole deal stinks and I am embarrassed to see that Montreal have played a part in the deal....thoughts....
  4. Wow the allouettes...what a cluster bomb that offence is!!!!
  5. Probably risking starting a hockey thread as they usually go down hill quickly but I just want to comment on the officiating in this game and in the NHL in general this year. In todays game Ottawa had a goal called back for goaltender interference it was a horrible call. Earlier in the game Georges and a Ottawa player were racing for the puck on a icing play and there was some very mild contact by both players and the official called Georges for boarding it was a horible call. Equally as frustrating is the constant throwing out of players during faceoffs. As a side note Mr. Bob Cole has had a very distinguished career but it may be time to hang up the microphone.
  6. U.N. REQUESTS FISH BROTH RECIPE In a move to end world hunger the UN has officially requested access to Chief Spence’s fish broth recipe. Reasoning that if the Chief can survive for over 6 weeks on this soup without even going down 1 dress size. The World Health Organization has resolved to actually do something useful, In the future, fish broth will replace food donations. Thanks to Theresa Spence, harmony and health for all is possible in our lifetime.
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