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Posts posted by kennyman

  1. Those snakeoil audio sales guys love you guys that spend 5 a ft. for speaker wire that is without a doubt the biggest waste of money when it comes to audio all you need is some good ole 16 ga. copper wire that HD sells in bulk for 35 cents a foot.



    Be careful with the Cerwin Vegas! They are typically a significantly more efficient speaker than most on the market and as such, you will have sound balance issues if your not running Vegas on all speakers.

    I'd stick to the Paradigm (That's what I have) or PSB's (both manufactured in Canada)

    As for the Panasonic vs the Denon... two different classes of applification so power ratings go right out of the window! The Denon is a much better machine. Same class as say a Yamaha or Marantz.

    For the money, if you can find a dealer in your area, check out the Onkyo surround reciever... excellent sound and really good power supply built in... that's the main thing that usually goes first in audio equipment.


    First of all IMHO good cables (Cardas,Van Den Hul etc.) are not snake oil. With good equipment they can make,break or even help you tune your system. In my stereo (for music) I have noticed big differences from one cable to another and have converted more than one non believer. Great advice from many others here. I'd also stick with a Denon, Onkyo receiver or the like if you're building a budget system new. If you have a little more to spend you might try a Cambridge Azur http://www.cambridgeaudio.com/summary.php?...%28Version+2%29 or buy a used setup of better quality than the average big box store system. . Here's a link to a great Canadian audio forum/classifieds that has a home theatre system section http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/details/650...theatre_packge/ . As far as speakers I personally like the NHT's and Energy's surround systems or if you're on even more of a budget the Athenas sound good if you don't really push them too hard. If I had more cash for speakers I'd buy a set of Totem Dreamcatchers http://www.totemacoustic.com/english/produ..._dreamcatch.htm . Heck, if I had tons of cash I'd get a couple Brystons and some Martin Logans ......... dreams ..... only dreams.

  2. I fished in paris yesterday and we got quite a few bass in there and that was in the afternoon... They were hitting senko's and xraps and even senkos on the topwater...

    Be careful near the dam for sure (very dangerous) and if you're fishing downstream it is considered "exceptional waters" and strick regulations apply. No live bait and single barbless hooks are required. Here's an exerpt from the GRCA website ..... Special fishing regulations have been put in place in part of this section of the Grand to protect the habitat of the species in this section of the river and to improve fishing opportunities.


    The zone extends from 100 metres below the Highway 2 bridge in Paris to the Pedestrian Walkway and Services Bridge on the north boundary of Brant Conservation Area.


    This a barbless hook, artificial lure and catch and release zone.



    Seen the with Iggy POP in Montreal late 70s, dont remember much though. Great Great Band

    Gabba,gabba,hey. Saw Iggy a couple times too. At one of the "Police Picnics"(I think the first one at the Grove?) and later at RPMs in Toronto. That guy is unbelievable. Talk about energy. Hey Cliff maybe your band can do Pumping For Jill, Bored or Lust For Life. Keep posting the tunes! :clapping:

  4. Yep, definetely a Ramones fan going way back. Saw them at the Concert Hall in Toronto. I remember it well. A girl in a very well rounded bright orange halter top sat on my ahummm..... lap and whispered sweet nothings in my ear :whistling: ........ oh yeah .............. the Ramones were great. Thanks for the memory ... almost forgot that .... or at least I hadn't remembered it in a while.

  5. I have not seen most of the TV shows on the list...


    Only Fishing show I watch is Bob Izumi's Real Fishing... only because entire season of shows are available for free on his website. (Good Quality video too).

    Any other fishing shows available on the net for free?

    Yep, go to thw WFN website and check out the "on demand section" . In the "All Canadian Fishing" section go down to Shawn Rickard's Urban Outdoor Adventures and check out the Kawartha episode. Besides if you go to WFN you get to see Mariko Izumi ....... not too hard to look at LOL. Also, the Full Contact Fishing episode with Wendel Clark is pretty cool for us Leaf fans.

  6. Have had a few tanks over the years. Just have a twenty freshwater right now with pelvochromis pulchers. Had a couple different 100 and 110 gallon salt tanks before. Mixed corals and fish. Kept discus for about five years before that. Too busy with camping,fishing etc. right now to have to worry about about a big tank,especially salt. I was always very tentative about leaving the salt tank for any more than a couple days. I'll probably do one again someday though. I still miss it.

  7. Last Saturday I went and fished the Grand River. Glen Morris to Paris in a Canoe. Me and my buddy.


    I dont know what the wind speed was but it was pretty windy (medium) and than rainy.


    All I can say is we were unable to stay put at the sweet spots and every time some rapids came up we were schitting our pants cause the wind would take us right towards the river rocks. We almost flipped about 20 times and this isnt exactly a crazy rapid river either.


    I could only imagine how bad it would be if the wind was stronger.


    I say canoe + wind = find a spot from shore to fish or risk losing your gear to the water gods! hahahah

    Not to hijack this thread but how did you do with the fishing? Catch anything? On what? I love that trip. Let me know. Thanks,Ken.

  8. Man, I can't believe so many of you are all over Chronzy. He is what he is and he makes no bones about it.He may be a little opinionated and crotchety. He may stretch the truth a little now and again, but isn't that part of fishing history as well. You know the old adage "a fish story" .... well, that may have well started with Chronzy LOL.As far as his shore lunches go I wouldn't mind joining him for a few. I like his articles in the "Ontario Fisherman" mag as well.I sure would love to own his property. WOW! I guess if I could only watch one it'd probably be The Next Bite. I like watcing them catch the toothy critters and Pete Maina seems like he'd be fun to fish with. Talk about a walking commercial though. Just had my first Johnsonville Brats on the bbq at Murphy's Point last week. Not bad actually. Also,Fish n Canada seems to get a bad wrap as well around here and of all the hosts I'd want to fish with Pete Bowman get's the nod as my favorite. I'm not even sure why. I just like the guy. He's very entertaining and down to earth. Seems like good people to me.Fish TV's Ron James (seems like great people too) and Leo Stakos seem to get little airplay, but have a really great balance between teaching and entertainment. I'd like the show even more if I could actually see it more. Get on board with these guys WFN! Shaun Rickards Urban Outdoor Adventures is also one of my favorites because it's educational, shows local areas ( that I have a chance of fishing someday) and has alot less hype and advertising throughout the show. Extereme Angler is also very cool, but in a completely different way. There's headbanging adrenaline :wallbash: and some serious bass action. Pretty hard to fall asleep during this show LOL. I wish there was a little less hype and a little more teaching, but if I'm in the mood this show can be enjoyable (especially having a couple drinks with a fishing buddy). Sorry BigBassRich, I'm not trashing your favorite show and maybe Karl could take a couple pointers from the Action Angling Crew. There are so many shows I enjoy, but most of the shows I like to learn from as well. I'm well behind most of you on this board in the experience and knowledge departments, so I try to take in (and make sense of) as much info as I can. So I look for entertainment but most importantly information. I just thought of one more show that I liked but it totally contradicts this , but I can't remember the name of it. The host looks like Conan O'Brien and he has some great destinations although a little far for me, but the photography was incredible. I love the Yukon pike episode. Somebody post the name of this show for me. Where did it go? Since this has been "dug up" im March of 2008 I'll have to add Simply fishing with Charlie Wray (one of my favorites now), the "New Fly Fisher" show and Dave Mercers new "Facts Of Fishing" show since it didn't exist before. Also the 2008 Extreme Angler shows seem better than ever with more teaching/adviice happening. If I could just shut up that tickertape thing at the bottom of the screen LOL.

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