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Posts posted by kennyman

  1. There is an even bigger problem with the Leafs that goes higher than JFJ. It is Richard Peddie and Larry Tannenbaum. The 2 of them combined havn't a clue of how to run a sports franchise! Look what the did to the Raptors! Finally someone got smart and hired Collangelo and now look at them! They are a much better team now that the 2 of the above mentioned play no part in the team. JFJ is the puppet for those 2!!! They have run the team to the ground, the have no regard for the fans and the only thing that they care about is $$$. Stanley Cups and a winning team means nothing to them!!!! Try to get a ticket!!! 75% of the ACC is corporate tickets!!! And if you are lucky enough to get a ticket, you are out a weeks pay (for most people). They were the ONLY team in the league not to lower ticket prices after the lockout!! Hell, they raised the prices!!! This is the end result of a company that is being dictated by a MONSTER PENSION PLAN that only sees number and not results!!! I have been a die hard Leaf fan my entire life and to see what is happening at MLSE makes me sick!!! What kind of President (Peddie) says publicly, that he never would of hired JFJ? Or lets bring in a mentor for JFJ? Ridiculous..... Where's the professionalism there? When the interviewed Scotty Bowman for a position he said " I would fire everybody" Which is what should happen !!!! get rid of Peddie, Tannenbaum, The Teacher's Pension Plan as an owner and JFJ. The franchise has tanked, our farm system is less than adequate and yet we still keep paying!!! Let's model ourselves after Detroit. You ask why? They are great year after year..... They never trade away draft picks and they are consitently developing their players!


    I just want you to know guys and gals, I bleed blue and white. I am very passionate about this team but I am getting to the point where I am ready to throw in the towel!! I can't stand the humility anymore!!! That is my rant for the year and by no way shape or form intended to upset anyone.

    Have a great weekend!!! :devil:

    WOW,very well said Grant.I'm a lifer as well and just as frustrated. I'm afraid that poor Paul Maurice is going to take the fall. I think he's a good coach and I don't believe for a second that this mess is his fault. Now for the poll I'm answering Sundin. I am a big Sundin fan, but the Leafs should trade some of their older big $$$ players while they can get good value in return (draft picks and young talent).Let's face it, what playoff contending team couldn't use Sundin? He'd be an asset anywhere. They need to bring in a "Bowman" and start from the scouting and work his way up. What the Leafs really need is a multi billlionaire who is a die hard hockey fan (who wants nothing more than to win) to buy the team, hire Scotty Bowman and give him the control he wants and needs to turn this franchise around. Then the fans need to give him the time to make it happen. It can't happen overnight. They'll suck for a while ...... yes even more than they do. The people who really "bleed blue and white" will understand and accept it if they can see light at the end of the tunnel. No one else matters. The team will make money anyway. They're the second richest team in hockey (next to the Rangers) and now that there's a cap in place monkeys could make a fortune there (we have proof). AND we also have proof that when done correctly a team can be turned around quite dramatically in a timely fashion (eg:Collangelo). Anyone who watched the Raps game today will attest to that!! Any billionaires on this site?? I hear there's a hockey team for sale.

  2. That was a great post. It makes me want to call my dad. Thanks for rambling, I really enjoyed it. Cool lure by the way. I think sometimes we just make everything too complicated or fancy. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. Every once in a while we need to be "tuned in" again and reminded of what's really important.Thanks for putting things in proper perspective again.

  3. NICE!!! Pretty soon we won't have any either at this rate. It's morning,but it's already 57 degrees Farenheit. I guess I'll have to go to the arctic circle to try ice fishing. Greencoachdog,catch a 10lb bass today and post the pic for everyone here who is "jones'n". Good luck "dog".

  4. We have caught perch and pike there.Later on when the ice is thicker some out fitters put there huts miles out on Simcoe for lakers and white fish but its way to early for that.Let me know in the new year if you want hook up I have a 4 man hut ,power auger ect ect ect .I pass threw Brandford on my way to Dunneville and somtimes have extra room so your welcome to come along sometime.I dont promise LOTS of fish but we always have a good time its dry, warm and FREE

    Thanks for the offer. Sent you a pm.

  5. Well said camillj. I also bleed blue and white,unfortunately a little too often. As I sit here I'm looking at my Dougie Gilmour Toronto Maple Leafs plaque. Now there is a Leaf who wore his heart on his sleeve. I loved having that guy wearing blue and white. Sometimes I'll actually find myself too emotionally involved. For instance if they are having a really bad night and getting slammed, I have a hard time watching it at all. I'll get so frustrated I'll just turn the channel (okay and peek every once in a while). I'm sure that happens to every team (yes,even Ottawa), but when it's your team,it can be hard to watch. Let's face it, Canadian teams have had a very tough time trying to compete with the US teams for quite a while and are so used to trying to just survive instead of win, that it's throughout the organization right from scouting all the way to the top. It's a difficult mindset to change and it can't be turned around easily or quickly . Not every team has an owner like Mike Illitch of the Red Wings who is so passionate and wants to win at any cost. Who hires maybe the best coach in the history of the game (Scotty Bowman) , the best scouting team around and builds a complete organization fron the ground up. Just think of the talent they have drafted. It's amazing. The Leafs would certainly be a different team if he owned them. The teachers union on the other hand would like to win, but not at all costs and certainly not at the expense of making less cash. It won't be impossible for the Leafs to win a cup, especially within the new confines of the cap, but it makes it alot more difficult when to the ownership winning is secondary. So everyone, give the players a break. They are playing with the teammates they have been given. Most are playing their hearts out. Look at Sundin. Not everyone loves him, but few have questioned his loyalty or work ethic. He will never be as revered as Wendel Clark (a Toronto god and rightfully so) but he is a great two way player that has incredible "hockey smarts". He has stuck it out with this team (thankyou Mats), so I think it's the least I can do. Go Leafs Go! Go Leafs Go!!

  6. Yes, I'm an "ice fishing virgin", but I'd like to change that. Sometime early in the New Year, conditions permitting of course, I would like to try ice fishing for the first time. I'd like to try somewhere within a couple hours from Brantford that has huts........... oh yeah, and lots of fish. I have a little Storm ice fishing rod loaded with Fireline Crystal that's been waiting since last Christmas to go out for it's inaugural run. Seems like this is going to be a much better year for ice fishing than last. Shouldn't be hard (or should I say"should be hard"............ ummm, the ice that is :blush: ). Where would you go for your first ice fishing adventure? Simcoe? Erie? Where?

  7. I can't wait for the show. I just checked and the combined show in March is the exact same weekend as the Performance World car show. I'll be working that,so I'm very glad that the Fishing and Boat Show is on Feb 15,16,17th. I can at least go to one. I will be Jones'n by then and anything about fishing will be fine with me. I'm hoping it's even better.

  8. Congratulations. Life as you knew it is over. It gets much better now. Having your first is an impossible thing to explain to someone. The feeling that comes over you right away is amazing (at least it was for me). As soon as they're born you would do anything to protect them. How can you love anything so much,so quickly is amazing. My Mom tried to explain this to me before my daughter Clarissa was born, but you can't really know unless you experience it. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. What's his name by the way? P.S. He has your hair LOL.

  9. Some might be missing the point here.


    Hockey according to Cherry is crap. The hoser toughboy talk contributes DIRECTLY to this stuff, and that stuff is OVER. Cherry should be retired for the good of the game.


    Fer crissakes we now have 7 year olds beating the stuffin out of each other, with examples provided by coaches and parents too.


    The game will clean up or die, because this current interpretation will ensure that we end up with UF and MMA tournaments instead of our beautiful game. I like MMA, but it doesn't look like hockey. Why should hockey look like MMA?


    "I love the tough guys". If you don't want to keep those things separate, then you contribute to this mess.


    Shame. Put it all together already.


    As for my kids , no thanks, I can't see a price tag on that visit by the local constabulary. How many million was that priced out at?

    WHATEVER! Hockey is not ballet. Why don't we have "no touch" hockey? Go watch figure skating if that's what you want to see. There is no place in the game for what Simon has done,but Don Cherry would NEVER condone his behavior. As far as the "clean up or die", turn on the tv once in a while. The UFC is more popular than ever and I can't even watch that. Too brutal for me but that sport has grown like gangbusters. I think they need to get the cheap shots and stick work out of hockey, but if two good ole boys want to go, that's hockey. I also agree with getting rid of the instigator rule. too many are taking liberties with the stars of the game. The Sean Avery's of the league may think twice if they know there will be some consequences to their actions and Derek Boogaard (aka Boogie Man) brings it to their attention. I think the game would surely benefit if everyone isn't constantly worried about getting mamed by a career ending cheap shot they likely didn't see coming. Where would Gretzky be without Semenko? Oh, one more thing douG, "driving cars at the limits of their ability and the car's mechanical limits" is great fun as well. It should be kept off the streets and on a track,whether it's oval track,drag racing or road course but cars are fun too .......... and not just for shining. Everyone is obviously not of the same opinion douG.
  10. He should be the first one permanently kicked out of the NHL. It's too bad really because for a slugger he's pretty talented. Alot of the old-time fighters were there for one reason only,but Simon's pretty good out in front of the net and can play some minutes. That said, there is no place in the league for the crap he's pulled in the last couple years. I say oust him and set an example.

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