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About sologill

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  • Location
    Cambridge, Ontario
  • Interests
    Fishing, Skiing and Playing Music with FishGuts.

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  1. BPSBassman talked about my episode with the same problem while the boat was docked. Fortunately somebody noticed and told me the boat was sinking. I was able to bilge then get the boat out of the water to find the livewell intake line had come off. Got that fixed but never trusted that hole in the boat from then on. I've taken to plugging it while docked and removing the plug only when using the live well.
  2. 1. Put my two fair weather fishing sons onto some nice fish at the French River in August and hopefully peak their interest in fishing a little more. 2. Land a Muskie at 7th annual FishGuts Fall Classic.
  3. Just sold my 97 Civic. No rust proofing, just washed regularly including spraying the underside and wheel wells. Not a spec of rust on it.
  4. I.T. stuff at Dofasco - 28 Years.
  5. As one of the FishGuts gang, I have to agree with BPSBASSMAN. Great Slideshow to go with a Great Song. Nicely done.
  6. Roger... Any chance you bought yourself some "candy" for Christmas today?
  7. Happy Birthday Roger!!! No Pink tutu pics, but check this out... http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=83544ac...f5bb2fG06122018 Sorry Buddy.... Had to do it!
  8. Wow! Hi Folks... I'm a "newbie" on the board (from Cambridge), and a memeber of FishGuts. Actually I've been a "lurker" for a while with a couple of posts on the old board, trying to figure out why BPSBassman spends so much time here. I'm starting to get it. Great feedback on the song from all you folks, especially given it was our first attempt at anything original. Thanks to all, but I think the FishGuts gang should count on keeping our day jobs.
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