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Posts posted by fishingwithbob

  1. Sadly the women injured in the latest crash on the 400 has now passed away from her injuries. Good news is the MTO plans to replace the box barriers with concrete in the area (Canal rd to IBR). Question is how many more will die before they accomplish this?

  2. Nice generalization, I see enough accidents everyday on my drive through York region and normally there isn’t a transport truck around. Although about every second car/SUV I look at has the driver talking or texting on their phone.


    Oh and maybe the OPP officer who had stopped in the fast lane should have thought about the moving traffic in yesterday’s crash, Big rigs have a hard time slowing down on a dime….

  3. attachicon.gifimage.jpgWhat a site this must of been coming a cross Barrie.Kinda reminds me of those sand storms in the south and the middle east.

    Watched the CTV chopper take off from buttonville airport and head north, we figured he was going to try and pass the "wall" to get to the 400 pileup. He was smart and took that photo and video of the storm (can see it on the Barrie.ctv.ca website) and didn't try to fly through. He landed minutes before it hit the airport, went from sunny to can't see across the street in a matter of minutes. That is Markham/Richmond hill in the photo.

  4. Never been, not going back. I can say don't fish alone. I just read the travel advisory list of countries warning Canadian travelers, Mexico isn't where I'd go for a wedding. Looks like there really isn't anywhere we can go anymore and feel safe. It's sad. Including resorts. Be safe, be smart and have fun. Hopefully someone's been and can give you a few fishing tips.



    Two trips to Cancun and one to Cabo in the last 8 months and we are still alive. Of course you would never find me downtown Toronto in the entertainment district on a weekend. #justsayin :wallbash:

  5. a few opinions of David Suzuiki...













    "There are two David Suzuki’s.

    Most of us know one of the Suzuki's. Let’s call him Saint Suzuki. That’s the Suzuki whose TV show on the CBC constantly lectures us about our lifestyle. He says we need to consume less, buy less and use less fossil fuels.
    But then there’s another Suzuki. Let’s call him Secret Suzuki, because he’s far less well-known.
    Secret Suzuki is the one who lives on Vancouver’s elite Point Grey Road, on a double lot, overlooking English Bay, right above the exclusive Kitsilano Yacht Club. The City of Vancouver assesses the land value alone at over $8 million. And that’s just one of Secret Suzuki’s properties.
    He has another million-dollar home in Vancouver. And then there’s another home on Quadra Island. That’s three homes right there, if you count the double lot on Point Grey Road as just one property.
    But then there’s his large property holdings on Nelson Island. What’s so fascinating about that one is that he co-owns the property with an oil company, Kootenay Oil Distributors Ltd. They don’t plan to drill for oil together. It’s a beautiful tourist spot — maybe perfect for a nice big condo development.
    Of course, there’s nothing wrong with co-owning any property along with an oil company. But isn’t Saint Suzuki against fossil fuel companies — especially oil companies?
    Saint Suzuki tells us that the world is desperately overcrowded, that we’re overpopulated, and that we’re going to run out of things.
    But in his own life, Secret Suzuki has five children.
    There’s nothing wrong with having five children. It’s a blessing. But then why does he think other people should have fewer kids?
    Saint Suzuki rails against corporations and profits. He even gave a well-received anti-capitalist speech at the Occupy Vancouver protest.
    But Secret Suzuki himself has several corporations. One of them, the David Suzuki Foundation, took in a whopping $9 million last year and has $12 million in assets. More than 10 million of that is invested in stocks and bonds.
    Saint Suzuki despises lobbyists, and says they have a disproportionate control of political power in Ottawa. But Secret Suzuki himself has nine paid lobbyists registered in Ottawa’s lobbyist registry. Not one. Nine.
    Saint Suzuki despises politicians, and says they can’t be trusted. Secret Suzuki starred in a Liberal party TV ad along with former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty.
    Saint Suzuki says corporations have to be less obsessed by profits, and do more for the public good. They need to especially think of the interests of the next generation, our children.
    But Secret Suzuki has made a tidy profit off young people. His standard speaking fee at universities in Canada is $30,000 plus expenses. He billed Quebec’s John Abbott College a cool $41,000 to visit them.
    Saint Suzuki speaks in the language of tolerance and equality and liberalism — utterly politically correct.
    But Secret Suzuki engages in conduct that should cause feminists to raise an eyebrow. When he visited John Abbott College, his assistant called with special requests to go along with his speaking fee. Here is an internal e-mail from the college’s Mary Milburn: “We have learned, via Dr. Suzuki’s assistant, that although the Dr. does not like to have bodyguards per se, he does not mind having a couple of ladies (females) that would act as body guards.” The college’s Jim Anderson got involved in selecting the coeds, too: “Please be certain that the women are nicely dressed, we don’t want them in evening gowns, but definitely NOT Police Tech uniforms.” All of this bizarre selection of girls, dressed just so, was the result of Secret Suzuki’s special request. If he were a conservative, he’d be called a dirty old man. But he ’s a saint. So the college went along with it.
    David Suzuki is not a criminal. But he is not a saint. He’s a real man — a capitalist millionaire, a politician, a man with a staff of lobbyists, a prolific father, a wealthy landlord. If only he’d stop scolding the rest of us for aspiring to do the same.

    Thats too funny.


    Down east it,s a simple thing to order,


    Can I have chips,dressing and gravy,,,,,


    It,s better then that french stuff. and we can say it in english. LOL

    You can get that here in Alliston Brian. Chip truck on 89 west side of town.

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