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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. thats slick Billy Bob ,hub never touch water , i like that trick , what ya have for a boat tho ...........
  2. This will should how old and how long some have been at it with this tool .....lol. , i first saw the TOWNSEND SKINNER in the mid sixty's , at that time i was driving and fishing the St Lawrence when perch fishing there was way better then it is now .
  3. Things over hanges on my other boat and trailer by a foot , thought i'd let this one do the same , is this a bad thing .....?
  4. and at the time the big one was caught all that could be heard across Lake Simcoe was ..... FISH ON ! ........... lol........lol . Any time my freinds
  5. Thanks for the help again , i'll let you know how i make out with it in the end ..............
  6. If you get one tell me where you got it OK ..........lol....lol .
  7. Awsome , glad you were able to find them , i was driving out in ORO last night quoting a job and saw the water was calm and how i should have been out there , glad you had the luck and it was'nt a wasted trip out ................
  8. I never saw it done with a knife Roy , we always had the skinner , i would like to see the knife thing tho , might change me for ever ,
  9. But hey ! Thanks every one for the help , come hell or high water i'll find one and i'll be the fastest getting the skin off ............
  10. musky Mike , my brother Baby La La lives in Cornwall and said he saw them still at CTS just the other day , was he seeing things , growing up in Cornwall my self i know thease skinners are awsome , any way do your know this brother of mine , lives just off the north end of McCONNEL in the back on Gerard street i think it is , like to fish for walleye when he's not polishing the boat .....................
  11. Good stuff Smally21 , thanks for the help , once i have the boat hang'en things should go not to bad .............
  12. Thank you BP ...... i'll check that out , never thought to go there...........
  13. I'd say many of you have never seen one of thease and again many of you have , its just a tool that makes your life alot easyer put get this , this one in my picture that i use is about 35 years old and its time for a new one , so the other day i stoped in at Pro Bass and thats right , they don't have them , any know where you could buy one north of Toronto ? , i'd hate to have to drive to the Quebec boarder to get a nother one where i know they sell then off the shelve at the CTS over that way ...............Darn , i thought i uploaded a picture here , then just type in "Townsend Fish Skinner" on the net and a picture of one should show up if you'd like to see what i'am talkingabout , if you don't have one of thease am sure after seeing you will ...........for know i better get to work .
  14. HERES MY NEW ONE ......... just because the phones ringing dose'nt mean i have to anwser it !
  15. Thank you HTHM , yes its glass , i kinda was hoping there was an easy formula to follow when installing bunks , a messurment for getting the height of them right , i might be lucky'er then most to do this as i have the hoist in my shop were i can suspend the boat and put it up and down on the trailer till i have then right , just alot of frig'en around that way thats all ............
  16. lol...........I MUST'A ASKED THE WRONG QUESTION.............NO COME BACKS
  17. Fixing up an older galvinized trailer here in the shop to take my 18 ' , removing the rollers and swicthing to bunks , any one know the right way to locate them on the trailer with out a hole lot of trial and air , is there a formula for doing this by any chance .........................................
  18. It sure did fly by , you guys over dar have alot of good spots to fish , i vacation a couple of times a year if we can each year in Qc , seen many place's i'd like to try , one time i'll have to leave the camper at home and take the boat , well i better get to work , have a good one MercMan .............Ron Depatie
  19. 298 ,that is a ways out , well Billy Bob or Bobby Bill ... lol.. becareful , i think your surounded by the french in here this morning and i better get to work before i get in trouble , have a good one my freind .................
  20. Thanks for the come back MercMan , well all this is still new to me like i said earlyer , but like every thing i do sooner or later i get it right . All we have around us here is mostly big water so for me its got to be the big boat . Lake Simcoe is very handy for me , just minutes from my house and its great perchfishing . My brother "baby la la" has a 16' MirroCraft so when i head to the Quebec boarder to fish i leave my boat at home and go with him in his on the St Lawrence and he dose the same when he comes up to my end , what i find is guys who are custom to fishing in the smaller boats "and thats not meaning you" are afraid of the big water and its hard to get them in my boat when they are here to show them the differance , i get a kick out of the look on thier face when they see a Meter and a half coming at them . Hows the fishing been over your way this summer ...............
  21. Ithink we all like our fun ....lol . Billy Bob how close are you to Massena NY ,my old stompping grounds but only on the other side of the pond when you cross the bridge if you know what i mean ............
  22. Iam not that far advanced as a fisherman to have a trolling motor ............. lol . Need to learn to fish for other then perch but thanks , i'll keep that in mind for when it happens ...........
  23. That would be the only way a guy could fish right ..........
  24. no , i feel french .................
  25. Sorry if i confused you , glad to see i m not the only one who gets like that ...lol, but its nice to know after reading your post thay i am on the right trac with owning more them one boat . I dont think i'll ever get to the back rivers and lakes , i am not much of a traveler ......... yet .
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