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Posts posted by Locnar

  1. I have a family vacation set from April 12-19th or so in Hilton Head. Right on the beach, hopefully the weather is good and the beer is plenty. My uncle who's condo we are renting, and lives nearby, will be taking us out on a redfish charter... But, I was wondering if there was any shore fishing nearby that I'd be able to get into. Salt or Freshwater, I'll get myself a a permit for whichever seems best. Any ideas anyone?


    Thanks for any advice.

  2. After a gruelling 12 hours of snow removal yesterday... mostly shovelling... I had a hard time waking up this morning. A little later than planned. I hit the road at about 7:15am, wanted to be out the door by 6:30, but I didn't get out of bed til 6:45. After a short detour, which cost me about 20 minutes of driving around peterborough... oops haha... and after stopping for a coffee and bait I got to the lake at about 9:30.


    Drilled a few holes and away I went. Didn't take too long to get into fish, caught about 5 in 3 hours. Missed a couple as well. I noticed some stuff that looked like some weird plant material floating up into my hole after a couple hours... but upon closer inspection they turned out to be insects. It looked kind of like a balled up leaf with a small insect sticking out one end of it. Probably had like 30 of them in one hole. Forgot to take any pictures of them, should have though. Any ideas on what they'd be?


    Here's a photo of one of the fish from the morning.


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