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Everything posted by HUKDONFAWNIX

  1. Hi Guys, Just wondering how the perch fishing has been in LeFroy? Would I have better luck in Gilford? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Sometimes I have the benefit of fishing with a fish finder, sometimes I am fishing "blind". How do I find underwater rock shoals in both situations when fishing for walleye? Thank you in advance for your help!
  3. Hello Everyone, I'm taking the family to Fisherman's Cove in August. What species of fish are in the lake? Any general areas I should concentrate on? Any help/tips are greatly appreciated!
  4. Hello everyone, I am thinking of purchasing a rod and reel specifically for trolling for pike and walleye on lakes such as Nippissing, BOQ, Rice etc. Can you please recommend a rod and reel? Or what kind of rod (Medium, Med-heavy etc) and reel specs? Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks!!
  6. I saw a great thread on another site about do-it-yourself tip ups and I wanted to see what people are using/making on OFC? Thanks!
  7. Hello everyone, Does anybody know where I can buy some good Venison/Moose pepperettes in the GTA? Thanks.
  8. Does anbody have some specific lake recommendations?
  9. Please PM me if you don't want to share your recommendations with the world. Thank you!
  10. My buddies and I tried Nipp in a bungalow last year and it produced poor results. Although I heard that was the case for most ppl who fished that lake last winter. We are contemplating fishing another lake so we can have a better chance of catching some "marble eyes". We are looking to stay the weekend (on or off the ice). I posted a question a little while ago "Nippissing or Temagami?" and I'm still not sure what to do. Does anybody have any recommendations? Thank you in advance.
  11. Just thinking about the upcoming ice fishing season and I am looking for opinions.........Should I go to Nippissing or Temagami this year? We will be fishing for Pickerel. Thank you in advance for your help.
  12. Anybody try the GULP ALIVE leeches for ice fishing?
  13. Great info guys! Theoretically I could use the GULP leeches for ice fishing? Or should I just use minnows cause the leeches are not naturally available to them in the winter and they may not want them?
  14. Can I use them for ice fishing? How do I rig the live ones? Through the "head" on a jig?
  15. Are leeches an effective bait for pickerel? Do you rig them on jigs? Or use some other method? Do GULP Alive leeches work just as well as live ones? Sorry for all of the questions and thank you in advance for your help!
  16. Hello.... I forgot about the rule regarding promoting other sites (Thanks Cranks bait). If anyone could PM me some sites............that would be AWESOME!
  17. Hello everyone, I'm just starting to get into hunting and I'm looking for the best websites for info on Deer, Moose and Birds to help me learn. I realize that the best tool to learn is to get out there with people who know what they are doing and I'm doing that. The problem is that everyone I hunt with are "old school" hunters who don't use computers. I would like to continue to learn on my own during my down time to quench my thirst for knowledge. Can you please give me a list of your top 3 sites that I can peruse to learn more about the wonderful world of hunting? Thank you very much in advance!
  18. Anybody know how the boat/jetski traffic was on the lake today? Lots of people?
  19. Yes. I bought one of those today too. Thanks GCD!
  20. I still bought a Grandma. I bought the Hot Orange tiger. If I remember correctly.....orange and black is a good colour combo for musky - I think.
  21. Hey gonefishin, What I meant by the lake being flat is there are not too many drop offs that might hold fish, so I didn't really see too many starting points when I looked at my contour map. Thanks for your help I really appreciate it. Jonaton - I went to BPS today to bnuy a perch grandma and they are sold out! Must be a pretty popular lure for musky eh? Thanks to everyone for your help. I know I have said this in the past, but this board is full of friendly, and extremely helpful people. I love it. I'm going to Caesarea tonite and I will post my results when I return on Monday. Have a great weekend everybody! Be safe!
  22. I have all of the gear - rods, reels, proper sized cradle etc. I have read a lot about the "art" of Musky fishing too, just haven't had the chance to put my research to good use. The one thing I'm not sure about is what lures to use on this lake? I have some good ideas....inline spinners w/bucktail, large spinnerbaits, large jerk baits etc. But what colours? What size? I can see that the Caesarea portion of Scugog is relatively flat and not very deep. So I'm a little lost. Any help would be wonderful.
  23. Hello, I'm planning on hitting Scugog this weekend (launching out of Caesarea) and I'm going to target Musky for the first time ever. I'm not sure what lures to use for Musky on this lake? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  24. I'm going fishing this weekend and I just happened to notice it will be a full moon on the 4th. Apparently fishing improves 3 days before and after a full or new moon. Does it actually increase my odds of having a great fishing day? Or is it just a myth?
  25. Hi everyone, Does anyone use this calendar to plan their fishing trips? Do they work? Thanks in advance.
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