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Posts posted by Miracon

  1. Actually, you guys are right. I wasn't thinking about it too well. I just saw fishing in one of the Daily Deals and got excited! There's a lot of opportunities, I'll keep my eyes open! Plus, we're thinking about looking into finding a used small alum boat, motor and trailer. So might not have to worry! Haha!


    Thanks everyone for pointing out what should have been obvious! Haha!

  2. Haha! Thanks for the advice! I did see it was only 1 hour. But as people with no means to get on the water, even an hour is worth it! And just like I know I'm going to win the lottery with every ticket I buy...I'm also going to catch a really big fish in that hour!whistling.gif!

  3. This thread carries more weight than a gov't commercial! Awesome! I can't wait to show Rob! I enter him in Driven to Quit every year with no success. His birthday is Feb. 18th so we aim for him to quit then, giving him time for March 1st when the contest starts. He's smoked since 16, he's 45 now. I have never smoked myself but my parents were at 3 packs a day each while I grew up and also had started in their teens. They both quit cold turkey at 45. They are 70 now. I tell Rob that he can do it, but I understand like everyone says, you have to want it!


    I can't wait to show him this thread! I don't think all the people who contributed to it realize the inspiration it has developed when you read it all at once! Thanks soooo much OFC! As always, you guys ROCK! thumbsup_anim.gif

  4. OMG! The comments and other pics on here are hysterical! Love Old Man and Skippers pics!!



    For anyone interested, this is a house that goes all out at Halloween and are quite famous on YouTube. If you haven't seen it yet, it's a Must See! Check out their other videos too.


  5. Congrats Maureen! He is lucky to have found a great family! I also like Rudy too. Is it that maybe you would prefer not to refer him to his previous owners so want a new name? If so, I agree with everyone else, Brody suits him more the Calvin.


    Enjoy him! :thumbsup_anim:

  6. Lew...reading through this thread I've seen you've had some of the best Birthday wishes anyone could ask for!


    So...be grateful for having the people in your life wanting to give them...but above all...be grateful for being the kind of person that makes people want to give them!


    Happy Birthday Lew! :thumbsup_anim:

  7. Note to self...keep a box of tissues handy when checking into this forum!


    That was awesome! Thanks for sharing!


    Rob sold his Baby (1971 RoadRunner) a few years back and regrets it now. He was tight on finances and it was too expensive to drive with the price of gas. Every spring though, he wishes he'd have just kept it and stored it for a while. My goal is to one day buy it back for him and put a big bow on it! Mostly, I miss doing burnouts on it myself! :whistling:



  8. Just want to be a part of a positive thread with well-known members (cough**Butt-Kissing**cough! NOT!).


    Happy Birthday Betty! Obviously you have a great man who cares about and Loves you! So...May the Force Be With Ya! :thumbsup_anim:


    Enjoy your BIRTHDAY! :D

  9. Haha. Nope. Good find though. I'm thinking, if it becomes a problem, I will take Randy's advice. Live trap, and re-locate to my bosses back yard..


    Nick...thanks to this forum...I learned a lot about trapping rodents! And my friend almost did relocate the raccoon to her bosses backyard! But she chose a Gold Club instead! :rofl2:

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