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Everything posted by Darrel

  1. Yes, it's bamboo, but not hexagon shape. Only flat one side.
  2. hahaha...yes, it does and I found that funny too...but hey, isn't holding a fishing rod of any sort considered a finger massage? lol
  3. There is nothing but a Japanese, Shiatsu stamp on it from Tokyo.When I typed that in, that's when I found out it was a 1950's era fly rod
  4. I was given a 1950's era Japanese 5 pc fly rod from my wifey's granddad, which appears to have never been used and still in its original cloth. I have been trying to find out further info about it on line, but not having much luck. Who's the expert here that knows specifics/going price about this particular rod? All I have been able to figure out is some specifics that would make it more or less in price, yet no actual prices.
  5. Hey LiveToFish85 I see you're from the Creek as well as I am. If ya ever need a buddy to tag along for a fishing excursion, ya know how to find me. Any message you send, defaults right to my Blackberry, so no message goes unturned -Darrel-
  6. I know a great spot for crappies, but not givin' it up; I just never thought much of reeling for them. I know they're good eatin', but that's not part of my game! The more I pull out and don't put back, the less I have to catch tomorrow It's all about the relaxation for me; much like golf. I don't care how well I play the game as long as I'm having fun playing it.... Although it's nice to land a few!!! LOL. I'm Originally from London and you can catch tons of catties , outta the Thames River, but like Binbrook, not worth keeping, let alone eating My older bro reports to me all the time from there, about his fishing expeditions. Here is a rare species of the sucker family he caught the other day in London; The Redhorse Sucker. I think it's a very pretty fish actually, for a sucker, lol.
  7. Are crappies a good fight? And yes, the catfish I caught today was huge!!! Good fight too!!!
  8. Looks like the darn family had a blast!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  9. It was my first time at Binbrook and yes, it's C&R...plus, after seeing the milky water, I would not keep anything from there anyway!!
  10. They're some SAWEET lookin' largies ya got there!!! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Thanks...and will do!!!
  12. Well I wish you luck with landing a catfish; well worth a good fight. And sorry, I didn't have the photos uploaded properly, but I do now. Newbies eh? :rofl2:
  13. Just to clarify to whom it may concern about an old thread that appears to be deleted now, which is just as well, I suppose. To some smartbasses out there who ASSume that this newbie(me) to this site, is a newbie to fishing. Ya got it all wrong!!! If ya read my posts clearly, you would have noticed that I am new to the Hamilton area fishing game, not new to fishing. So before you start judging someone ya don't know, why not try asking before persecuting!!! Anywayzzzzz, now I've made myself quite clear, I have an update of my adventure at Binbrook today. I finally landed a pike this season, but not before a smallie took a bite of my minnow half way into my first cast of the day. Upon releasing the little gaffer, I wet my line another four times before I would feel another strike. "This was the one!" I thought to myself and sure enough, it was! I watched my bobber dive, I set the hook and began to reel. It felt like a heavy drag at first, so I let drift, then began to reel again. There was not much action until I saw it veer its ugly mug right at me, about 8' from shore, then it took action! Flipping itself right outta the water to reverse its direction, it took a deep plunge for a getaway. I let it drag for a couple of seconds, then I retaliated with a vigorous reeling and another half a second drag, then one more quick tug, landing my fist pike upon the rocky shore. A quick photo and weigh-in of just 3lbs, I then reached for my pliers to unhook and release the small game for another day. After releasing the pike, about an hour would pass before I would feel my next strike, which felt like another pike, but quite a bit larger. Oh it was larger alright, but far from a pike and a a much better fight actually! I landed a 6lb catfish! I couldn't even fit it in the photo from head to tail. After releasing the catfish, it would take me into the latter part of the afternoon to finish my day with another smallie that was full of piss & vinegar, which wasn't worth weighing, but well worth the fight! Although the smallie lost the battle, pound for pound, the best wrestler of the day!!! It was a nice way for me to finish my summer season. Now I can't wait until my break at Thanksgiving to get out in the cooler weather to land some feisty, bigger pike! Thanks to everyone for the tips on where to catch some pike! Binbrook was good to me!!!
  14. I did ask about the pike yes, but added an inquiry about large/small mouth, lol. I did very well there today, I must add too!
  15. A report is on its way! Not bad either, lol. Caught my 1st Pike of the season. I will post pics shortly.
  16. Catch and release is all I do!!!
  17. Thanks for sharing. I'm heading out right now to try my luck at Binbrook.
  18. I enjoyed your post and the history of your story, including your cousin...Adam, as you call him, lmao!!! Love to see anglers having fun with the sport of fishing and not taking it so seriously for the catch and kill! LOL. Thanks for sharing!!!
  19. Is Binbrook a good spot for pike and largies/smallies from shore?
  20. That was crazy!!! About 1 minute into the video, you can see the hail smashing holes right threw the patio table on the deck. WOW!!!
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