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Everything posted by Darrel

  1. The CALM before the STORM
  2. Tree Species
  3. You can't beat living with nature!
  4. Gone fishing
  5. Northern Reflections
  6. Pretty calm!
  7. This is what reel fish eat! LOL....and yes, I meant to spell real like that. Get it, reel? hahaha...I kill me with my fishin' etiquette :rofl2: Anywayzzzzz...movin' right along. LOL
  8. Not the best of days fishing today, but not the worst either! The water was warmer than I expected with the heat over the past two days. I was hoping that the past rain that we had, would have cooled down the waters enough to bring out some big guns, but nope, no such luck!!! The day was not a total right-off, reeling in a 4+ lb pike and a small mouth made it all worth while. The worst part of the day was deciding whether or not to put the poor fishies back. My one photo explains it all. Looks like Binbrook is still having some water issues. Today, there was a nice blanket of green, florescent, milk covering the top of the lake....nice...NOT!!! Although the water didn't look too pretty on the surface, it sure was calm and very peaceful there today. Seeing it was a slow day for nibblers, I took the time to capture a few photos of the surroundings. Very pretty actually!!! Enjoy!!! Just over 4 lbs You can really see the milky green crap in the water here..... nice pike though!
  9. I'm still searching, but no luck yet!!! The relics that I've gotten over the years from my wife's granddad is remarkable; from old hand tools, to vinyl records, to old razors, shavers and knives. Like ya said, ya can't put a price on some of these things, yet I'd like to know just because. I'll keep you guys informed regarding the fly rod!!
  10. No! What I am sure of though, that it's from the 50's, just like the post says!!! Not the 60's!!! But you are correct about the cork handle being wrapped to preserve it. That's just the way my wife's granddad was with his collectibles. You should see all the real old vinyl LP's & 45,s he left me. Some old Elvis and Beatles gems, among many other priceless beauties!
  11. The patch is posted; it says Fraser Co. Angling Specialists Montreal, yet it may not be the original cloth it came in...but like I said in an earlier post, when I typed in the stamp from the rod into google search, 1950's Era, Japanese 5 piece fly rod collectable appeared at the top of the list. As well, My wife's granddad's name is on the box with the date of 1953. He was a fighter pilot in WWII and Korea and more than likely bought it for a keep sake over seas. It's never been used!!!
  12. Absolutely loved checkin' out your Blog, Justin. Took me over a half hour to read it all, but well worth it!!! Love the dragonfly photos as well!! Your videos show some pretty awesome pro angling techniques in the slop. Really enjoyed watching and learning a few tips. Thanks for sharing!!!
  13. There is Rockwood Campgrounds 15 minutes east of Guelph. I camped with my wife 4 x's this summer. Beautiful place!!! Fishing isn't bad for smallies at the top of the(Eramosa) river, which the campground surrounds. They use to stock it with trout as well, but I have yet to catch one there. Here's a link below. Check it out!!! http://www.grandrive...ks/rockwood.cfm
  14. Well, for my first catfish ever, I found it pretty big, compared to any I've seen my brothers catch in London.
  15. Ummm, yes!!! LOL. Check out the link below and see for yourself. http://www.google.ca/search?q=images+of+redhorse+suckers&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Xqn&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ndFmTrfpNcbz0gHwhtTNCw&ved=0CBoQsAQ
  16. Ahh, what the hell. Here are individual, bigger photos of the fly rod.
  17. Here's some pic of the rod. They are small photos, but don't know how to make them any bigger because of the options of 250K maximum upload...unless I post individual pics. Let me know and I could do that if these ones are too hard to make out.
  18. Cool cool, but never the less, I might as well have it checked out. Thanks!
  19. That's my next step, but seeing that I was here, thought I might find an answer. Thanks!
  20. Ohiofisherman Read the original post...It was given to me! I already have it and was inquiring about it LOL And coming from my wifey's granddad, it is probably cheap, LOL.
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