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Posts posted by Rodbender

  1. That is too cool. How did you do that?


    Happy Birthday Canada.

    Pretty easy set a Canada Flag about 3' behind the blade of grass spay grass with water focus on the water drop and presto the refraction of the flag comes through then rotate image so Flag is right side up :D


    My set up was

    Nikon D7200

    Tameron 90mm f2.8 Macro lens

    Nikon Sb700 flash with diffuser set at TTl

    Yongnuo Flash off camera to light the Flag

    Yongnuo 603 Flash Triggers

    Stand and clamp to hold the blade of grass

    Spray bottle to mist the grass

  2. he looks ready to pounce in that second shot lol


    Is the flash and diffuser essential........Im not getting great results (at least not consistantly) but im only trying with natural lighting outdoors

    No flash and diffuser aren't essential they help when there's a bit of a breeze and the insect is on a flower or grass I'm using it cause the side of my house is in the shade and at the lower shutter speed I'd have motion blur my hands aren't rock steady

  3. Thats what im talkin bout.........can you share a little bit about ur procedure?


    Is this a single shot or any focus stacking involved? Youve got quite a bit in focus for a macro shot


    Using any flash to freeze the subject?







    ISO 100

    Lens 90mm Tamron F2.8 Macro

    Camera Nikon D7200

    and yes on camera flash set to TTL with a diffuser no stacking


    This bird cracks me up lol

    And seriously, do you ever get your images published at all. Theres gotta be some birding magazines out there that would love to use your photos


    Yea they look weird He was on the side of a HWY I laid on my belly on the opposite side to get that shot

    Nope never got published too many Bird photographers out there :D

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