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Posts posted by Black_Blade

  1. great site...better than the one I was going to for refreshers. I have used the Uni on my Power Pro and mono with no probs, but if it helps will try the Trilene for any floro leaders...

  2. I got some 30 pound Seaguar leader material (got 30 pound PowerPro on my reel) Probably overkill I know since most of my fishing so far has been bass, but would like to target some pike, musky and walleye too. Just wondering what length of leader to make up and whether or not the Uni knot is good to use with this material?

  3. Solo...love the pics...I grew up on the east side of the park (Deep River)...seeing those pics sure makes me itch to get back in there again. Just havin' a heck of a time convincing the wife of the merits of 'real' camping :canadian: Really looking forward to seeing your venture work out and be able to watch the show!


    Question: Trout fishing in there...what kind of lures do you use, depth etc for those lakes up there? All we ever did back home was mostly pike or walleye fishing...my dad thought bass was a garbage fish and that trolling was the only real way to fish.... :)

  4. I have 30 pound Powerpro on my baitcaster...which I am still getting used to (baitcaster). Last summer used it to work thick weeds and stuff, but as I say still learning to cast halfway decent with reel. I have spooled 20 pound PP on my spinning reel, which seems to work just fine, it still casts great etc. That real had 10 pound mono on it at start of last season, but when wife's big fish broke off it was promptly swapped for the PP. I also have an extra spool of 30 pound PP ready if I ever wanted to switch.


    I have just picked up some 30 pound florocarbon leader material, having read that it may be a good idea to use. Gonna be picking up another spincast outfit for my 12 y.o daughter since the old one bit the dust last summer. Seen one of those retro Zebco ones at Gagnon Sports that will prolly get...dunno why but just love those old spincasts...lol...it will have 10 # mono on it.

  5. Several years back, desperate to get out on the water to fish but no funds for a real boat...I got a inflatable similar to yours, made by Sevylor which is a good name and all. Biggest trouble is you sit so low down inside this thing, you can't really see what you doing...can't track a lure etc. The soft bottom is always shifting on you..you have any gear and it all slides down into you...just horrible! I must say...only fished out of it once and it was right out from Emily PP (caught a nice sized largie on a spinnerbait...since couldn't see where I was really tossing it tho it more a matter of luck) Then, talk about awkward to get fish off the hook and released...reaching over this huge air tube and trying to lip the fish over...then get water all over yourself.


    The kids had a neat beach toy for the rest of the time camping... :whistling:


    But hey go ahead and give it a whirl and get up close and personal with Mr. Fishy :) (I'm just glad I didn't hook onto a pike or musky in it :o) Here is a pic of the beast!


  6. If you have a multimeter, you can check the resistance of the trailer connections to be sure of the ground. Also see if you can clean all the connectors of any corrosion...it may look good but you never know. Use your meter to check for voltages at the output pins of the van connectors for all the different things (turning, brake, running light) If you are getting voltages there, then you can connect it up and then trace the voltages along the harness.

    I have a 2003 Windstar and the wiring kit for it is a box that I tuck into the jack storage area, not sure for I never looked, but it may have a fuse in it as well...like Zib mentioned check all your fuses.


    Hope this helps and good luck!

  7. I was talking about this with the wife a few weeks back and she brought up a good point. We are always striving to make these engines that are more efficient so they use less fuel etc, which is all fine and dandy but from the gas companies business point of view all these efficient engines spell LOST PROFIT since less fuel is required. What do you do? Raise the prices to compensate and maintain the profit margin.


    The same can be seen pretty much in everything in a market economy I suppose. Electricity....the big push to conserve energy, buy energy wise bulbs and appliances...while this may be good for environmental issues, it will not save the consumers anything in the long run....for you can guarantee that hydro rates and natural gas rates etc, will be increased to maintain their healthy profit margins regardless. So less energy is used, but our bank accounts will still be suffering.


    What can be done? I have no idea....overthrow a government etc? and end up like all these other scrabbling little places you hear about that have these revolts all the time....running around the streets with assault rifles etc (while some fellas would love to move up from paint balll guns to assault rifles...I think stuff like that would really ruin my weekend :D )


    The biggest problem, just like I see at work, is that the majority of people who are not effected by some actions from our company will not do anything to protect the rights of those who are being effected by those actions...until their toes are stepped on...then they start hollering and demanding justice etc. On a bigger scale, its like that in this country...so many folks that are financially comfortable and can afford these price increases etc, while they may hate to pay more, could not care less really about the plight of the lower wage earners etc...so will not be stepping out of their comfort zones to rock and boats


    I do believe this sorta became a rant of sorts...lol....apologies :)

  8. Welcome to the board, Baitbutcher, you will enjoy this board...I joined the old board a little while back but lost what little 'seniority' gained when came over to the new and improved site...but no matter, still great to read about all the trips the fellas go on and pick up tidbits of tips and tricks etc.


    As far as good spots on Simcoe, or any other lake for that matter, you may want to go out and buy those Fishing Ontario Mapbooks, I got mine at Shoppers Drug Mart in the magazine section. There are three books Kawarthas, Muskoka, and Eastern Ontario. They have depth charts for more lakes than you will ever be able to get to.


    The Kawarthas book has the depth map of Lake Simcoe. Now, if you are right into fishing or are starting to think you will be....the usual tell tale sign is buying tons of fishing magazines.... :lol: point being you will find out the important of looking for structure on any given lake and thats what those depth maps help you with. Having a map of the lake and then asking on here about which type of structure should you look for etc....you will get all kinds of pointers, then you just turn to your map and go out and try some likely looking spots....take a pencil with you and mark on the map any places you find that are good/not good.


    Another good thing about those Fishing Ontario mapbooks, is that they have a little write up on each lake and even point out some places to try on the lake for a starting point. I have read far more about fishing than have actually had a chance to do unfortunately, so I suffer more from info overload...and end up forgetting alot of it, which of course is a great excuse to pick up those same old magazines and read em again...:)


    Anyhow sorry for the :blahblah1: wish you well in fishing and hope to hear some good reports and pictures!



  9. My purpose has changed. This week I purchased a 2 horse power honda outboard. I can only imagine how much water I can now cover.


    Saywer, did you get your 2 hp new? Just wondering how much they go for, guess would have to go to closest marine dealer around here (have to dig out the yellow pages..lol)


    Of course, still would have to put this proposed "bill for purchase" for a reading through parliament here and be prepared to argue my case... :whistling:

  10. Yes...and it really sucks, for you like to share the joys of fishing and the outdoors with new people, to maybe kindle the same kind of love you have for this great recreation. Sure makes you back off and really hesitate to invite somebody when you hear of this kind of thing....but hey maybe the best way is to just bring a kid with you...they are more likely to 'do the right thing', or at least you stand a much better chance at molding the budding angler in them the proper ways.

  11. This thread reminded me of something I was wondering a few days back...if anybody had come across any kind of online index of crown land camping. Something like that would be invaluable to alot of people. If there isn't anything, maybe we could have a section on the board here that members could contribute to, as they discover them....Just a thought.



  12. It seems that electrics are easier to come by and cheaper in the short term, but I am leaning to eventually scoring a little gas unit. Gonna just keep an eye out for whatever deals show up in classifieds etc. No rush, can paddle or oar it around for the time being.


    Thanks for the detailed info, tjsa. I am hoping to make a trip into Algonquin and other nice remote spots, at some point, hopfully my son will be into it but we'll see. He's 15 and by that time I was out camping and fishing with my buddies without parents etc....but that was like 25 yrs ago too....have to compete with video games and computers nowadays :rolleyes:

  13. I've had that same Sportspal going on 14 yrs now.




    I'm on my third and best trolling motor since buying this boat. I've got a 33lb thrust Maxxum from Minn-Kota.

    The key is the infinitely variable speed control rather than the 5 forward and 3 reverse speeds. Sometimes the #1 speed is too fast and switching it on and off really spooks the fish. The speed on the Maxxum can be dialed down where it's just barely turning. In the pic you can see I have a drift sock out the back. Combined with the trolling motor you have complete control of your drift in all but 30km/hr winds. I've pimped mine out with folding padded boat seats mounted on quick release mounts to make it comfortable enough for all day.

    If you have any questions about this boat, I'll be happy to give you my perspective. You're gonna love it.


    Funny thing is, I was sitting outside tonight with wife and looking at the seats in the canoe and discussing how to make them more comfy...she actually mentioned about the folding seats for it and I wondered if they would work. I was gonna get two swivel seats for my 12 foot aluminum this season from Walmart or CT...wonder if I could have it so could switch them back and forth?


    Jedi...do you have any close up pics of how you rigged your seats in? I would really appreciate it...could puzzle out something workable, but the faster I can get er done...the faster I can get fishin'!


    One of the reasons I was wondering about the gas vs electric thing was after reading another post about a good battery for trolling motor...I started to wonder if maybe it was too much a pain in the long run, than to just go with gas and not have to worry about batteries dying out on ya or wearing out.


    As for where I plan to go...I like smaller lakes as a rule, the quieter the better. But I don't really know many spots as of yet around here other than Scugog, Rice Lake, and Pigeon (from camping at Emily PP several times). I want to try out as many lakes as possible this summer, time permitting. I am originally from Deep River, up along the Ottawa River and grew up fishing in alot of the small lakes in that area, as well as the Ottawa of course.

  14. Wife lost a really nice smallmouth last summer, she had 10 lb mono on, while mine was 20 lb Powerpro....I set up her hook, she threw it out and it was nailed straight off...smallie dove under the boat and I can only assume that line must have nicked on the boat maybe...I went to gather in her line (had no net till the next day...lol) and haul the fish in and he just gave a good shake of his head and popped the line....Powerpro went on that reel as soon as we hit shore that day...lol.


    What type of knot is good to attach the floro for a leader? Double Uni?

  15. I had clicked on your link last week and checked out the site...amazing stuff. I hope you don't mind but I just had to use one of your pics as my desktop! It's about time that there was a show on tv that shows some of the nitty gritty and informative background info on planning and packing for a trip. To see guys fishing out of a canoe or small aluminum boat etc instead of the big fancy rigs....that I think would be something the average guys and gals out there, who will prolly never set foot on one of those fancy bass boats would really love! Simply because they can relate to it! Top that off with destinations that is relatively close by, therefore within reason for many Its a recipe for success, I'm thinking.


    I often thought that having a line of instructional DVD's for all the novice fishermen, or ones that would like to try it out, but have so many questions and feel reluctant to ask etc, would be a good thing. Something showing about rod and reel selections...basic lures and how to fish them; knot tying etc etc. The same could be done for hiking etc...showing detailed information about orieteering etc. But of course to do it right, would need professionals to put the video all together right but I guess you could get sponsers etc to cover alot of that expense.


    Sorry to side track there....I hope it all works out and a network picks you guys up! I know I will tune you in (immediately bookmarked the site)

  16. I.use.the.green.Power.Pro...it.fades.to.a.whitish.colour








    Musky, you don't bother using/making your own leaders for pike/musky from wire? I never tried this floro stuff...it is just as good a wire leader then?

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