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Posts posted by Dan668

  1. I wouldn't say this is a lucrative investment, but is very fun and addictive, so if you're into gambling, learn about penny stocks....I've managed to turn 500 into 3300 in about 30 months when I sold my best pick stock and overall i'm up 2400 net from all my activity in the past year, lose some and win some


    I look for exploration mining companies (it's what I know), that are past the exploration stage and proposals, and approaching development, I buy a few hundred bucks worth through an online trader account and sit on it for a year or two....either I lose my money fairly quickly or I sell after the mine enters production and the stock price has risen, most publicly traded mines will see their stock spike after they entered prod....for example buy at 0.12 and sold at 3.50, it seems small but if you buy enough volume it's an outstanding gain....sell on the quick rise and accept a small gain, rather than holding onto the risk for longer, works good enough for me


    you can google penny stock advice, get weekly emails about the next hot stock...believe it or not, some of those sites put out accurate info, the one I used was about 80% smart picks.....pick an amount of money you could literally light on fire without being too upset and invest it in penny stocks


    the downside is most of these stocks are very low trading volume, so it's not easy to sell and jump off the sinking ship, so to say


    not a long term retirement strategy, but roulette and poker gets boring after a while, and plus I can 'gamble' at work lol

    This. I play mainly exploration companies on the tsxv. Its definitely slowed down the past two years, but still a few great ones out there.


    Tripled my initial tfsa within a year. Although i did my own due diligence, not sure i'd trust the penny stock emails. They sure like to pump certain picks. Watch that you don't get caught, i've had friends who came in looking to invest and lost lots.


    Definitely not a safe investment, wouldn't recommend it.

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