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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. to answer your question Cliff... There are many competitions for sport shooting with pistols, including Olympic events and many leagues throughout the nation and world.


    Ohh and by the way to use a handgun you must call the CFO and tell them where you are going, for how long and EXACTLY the roads you are taking to get there, If I am not mistaken (what I was told by a Firearms safety course examiner). As well if ya want to go home for lunch you have to call back and get another temporary license to carry it back to the club...

  2. You are correct Gerritt.


    As for the banning of handguns...well those who are calling for it are either nieve, not too bright, wishful thinkers or politicians paying lip service :P could be all of the above.





    I agree with this statement... As was also mentioned almost all firearms used in crimes are unregistered so registry doesn't do too much there. Handguns, even if banned in Canada to the general public, would still remain in the hands of criminals and if they wanted to they could cut the barrel and stock off of any long gun and have a concealable firearm... Stricter penalties definitely need to be an option for cold blooded killers and for those who decide to take their chances drinking and driving. How many people would risk getting a DUI if it meant a year in prison for a first offence? instead of 255.1.a(i) for a first offence,...a fine of not less than six hundred dollars" and after that 3 or 5 years rather than 14 days "(ii) for a second offence, to imprisonment for not less than fourteen days" and instead of the 90 days for the third offense (iii) for each subsequent offence, to imprisonment for not less than ninety days" give em even more than the previous two... Do this and you will save alot of lives... DUI is sickening to me. Being in my earlier years, I have figured out how morally wrong it is to do such a thing and would NEVER do so myself... No one has the right to endanger others and take their life in their own hands. Those of you who have been convicted of DUI or have ever done so... SHAME ON YOU, you have no right... Now though that you have experienced it I hope that you would never do so again... How would you like if one day while your kids were walking home from school you got a call? or your while your wife was getting groceries or working... Hopefully some of you can see how immoral such actions are... I'll finish it there but could no doubt go on...


    If ya don't like my opinion thats fine your entitled, but at least do society a favour and take a cab or have a DD its as easy as that... Why risk you life and that of others over a cab fare?




  3. Yup... Thats the next unit I am going to get... Used it and it works awesome... Currently have a Garmin Rino 120 and it has served me well for the past 2 or 3 years... Taken a beating( fallen on the ground many times, bottom of the boat in water, Used alot in pretty cold weather, and It has been dropped from a 16 foot tree stand onto a rock while I was hunting) and it still works just great. Nothing bad to say Only reasons to upgrade are I like colour units and maybe a bigger screen with more memory... As for handhelds I believe garmin is the way to go :)

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