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Posts posted by snag

  1. Glad to know you're not exactly on lockdown you lucky bugger!! ^_^


    And look what you can do on a steady diet of yoga and All Bran...









    I almost fell in!

    Can't believe you still had that!



    Always enjoy the reports Snag. Terribly slow for me to get all the pics up with my new southern net service, but... did catch 'em all. Great speck and eye and some classic pike fishing as always.



    I hate your posts.


    Hope your computer dies and your rods break.


    Then I won't feel so inadequate,




    and pathetic.



    Thanks Bunk :)

  2. I think that larger salmonoid looking fish is an Atlantic.....



    I was hoping it was an atlantic!!!!


    (Drop me a line if you want some more info Erik)


    You are the quintessential angler!!!


    I am a better angler from your teachings....


    I am a better person...


    Grantananda is pleased.


    Angling divinity will be bestowed.


    We will walk the path together


    10% of your wages is all that I ask.



    fishy, fishy


  3. You get those fish this year? They put Snag's fish to shame dude HAHAAH!



    you're still an :asshat:


    . I would kill for a picture of a musky caught in Toronto.


    Dude, I really tried.

    It just didn't care.


    I can't believe nobody else has caught or SEEN one here??

  4. to be honest with you guys, the only fish i can really I.D. are brookies, pike, walleye, perch, lake trout, LM and SM bass, and whitefish.... cat fish... the ones that dont take much to tell apart haha! i just love fishin but maybe i should take more time to i.d. my fish.


    Your in good company around here then!


    Nice catches! :D

  5. Me and Pointed had similar good fortune as well Pike were all ultra aggressive most swollowed the lures couple of 40 inch+ in the mix all healthy and colorful. stopped counting


    Sweet Pete, was that at the place I almost ruined a few years back?


    Some other big dude still swimming out there i see :w00t:


    Thanks Jacques.


    Yeah, that one was hurting.

    He was meant to be someones meal!



    Thanks again everyone.


    This fall has definitely made up for last falls pathetic pike turn out.

  6. I don't care where you fish, that's a BIG brookie!



    Nice report, especially the brookie - that's a real beaut.





    I knew I should've done a seperate brookie report!


    Here's the scoop:

    1. never tried for them till this years opener. 1 hour total on the way to my bro's 40th b-day party north

    2. I caught the following brookies, one after another a short walk from my car;

    thought they were pretty




    I was using a tiny panther martin that had a hard time casting with the pathetic combo I had.


    So I went bigger and heavier to get more distance.


    When that beastie hit I admit that I thought I must've caught a OOS bass or muskrat!


    I am happy/regret that I did not hold it up for perspective.


    However, I did pinch back the barbs after I caught the first tiny brookie.


    and that is what I value most.



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