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Posts posted by snag

  1. I’m not sure what to do here because my evidence is circumstantial.


    Like I’ve said before:

    OFC needs a security screening program for its members (excluding myself)

    I’ll let the few pictures I found on my camera speak for themselves.


    Met up with GBW or “psycho Geoff” as I now call him.

    He was all smiles and happy, happy when we met.

    Gradually, I noticed he seemed kinda anxious and would snap at little things quite quickly.

    I ignored it and chalked it up to another miserable internet relationship bound for avoidance.


    I’ll cut to the chase.

    I’m having some difficulties remembering what happened.

    The pics left on my camera have helped put the pieces back together......


    Happy, happy, guy smiley, I’m your best bud-Geoff.



    We aren’t having much luck and my date is growing increasingly agitated/violent.

    Suddenly, “fish on!”, I cry!

    It looks pretty good. I'm stoked!



    As I’m reeling it in, I recall raising my hand for a “high five” from Geoff

    Geoff raises his hand to oblige.........



    Then, blackness



    When the light returns my head is spinning and something sticky and red is in my hair.



    Geoff is laughing and screaming at me to stop napping and to get the camera ‘cause he’s got a fish on!



    I ask if we could go to the hospital. He laughs and plays the fish.



    I ask again, meekly, about a hospital trip. He snarls with gritted teeth, "TAKE THE PICTURE MAGGOT"



    Stumbling back to the car I decide to "brain" him with my pliers.



    But then I thought "hey, we didn't get skunked!"


    Guess we can fish again Geoff.


    Congrats on your first T.O. pike buddy :clapping:



  2. Is it normal for him to distract you, grab your fishing rod *when asking him a Q and he changes the subject on you so you stop and think **why is he asking me this** steel you rod* and take over and land your fish? Just wondering, HAHAHAHAHA

    Can't wait for the report SNAG! ;)



    Is it normal for some psychopath to hit you with a rock and steal your gear and land your fish and take a picture with your camera and then post a thread of LIES?


    Hope you have a good lawyer.


    Don't ever fish with GBW.


    I always thought this site should have a screening process for dangerous individuals.


    (but not retroactive)

  3. Awesome gators Grant :thumbsup_anim:B):worthy::clapping:

    I love the details you have put into this report..... very creative :lol: :lol:

    Thanks for sharing




    O.k I no videographer like you Jacques!

    I got tongue tied.......




    Awesome job Jacques! :thumbsup_anim:


    That's a great production.




    When's the hunting video coming?!!!!



  4. You can get a retractable rod at CT for 20 bones or so. Great general all-purpose rod if you don't mind skimping a little on performance. Snag is a huge proponent on them and says they're the bees knees for snot rockets!! Call ahead to avoid any surprises...


    If you're planning on chasing baby tarpon and bones, you might wanna look into something with a bit more pep. St-Croix makes a 3 piece Premier that would be ideal, and it comes with a pvc case. I bought one as a back-up for my trip to Cayo Coco last Febuary and it was perfect for small tarpon and cudas!!


    Good luck.




    Yeah I'm a fan but I've found out the hard way which are worth it!


    My recommendations:


    1. Browning travel rod, 7', 3 piece, MH, spinning = $100 at BPS

    2. Shakespear telescopic, 6'6, M, Spinning = $10-20

    3. Gander Mountain 6'6, M, 4 piece, spinning= $20


    I recommend the Browning

    I bought the other 2 in the States


    I have bought and broken the telescopic CT rods. Don't bother.

    Yes, they sell shakespears but the ones I have from the U.S are better/stronger

    I also don't recommend the 4 piece Quantums at Lebarons.


    I'm sure you can find some strong telescopics around here.

    Consider the telescopic Carp rods too.


    The main thing about the telescopics is that the tips will break more when they are collapsed and in transit!


    Buy some extra tips!


    Good luck!

  5. I know Grant. The problem is, he's had a stroke and she's not able to get out there and do the work so most of last season I was doing the driveway for them just so he could get out and go to the Dr's. By having the snow thrower, it will free up more time to take the kds ice fishing... ;)


    Gotcha Geoff,


    Well, take good care of them and they'll be employing the kiddies later!!





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