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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. The 7 years I mentioned was for the mine, not the solar farm.


    I believe RRFN is looking at ecdev in a positive light. Its not just a money grab.


    They, as a community are trying to create jobs to further infrastructure to the community


    Its a smart plan if it works out and goes against the grain of many reserves living in poverty.


    The only way up is infrastructure/education/ecdev etc.


    But these plans take alot of time to see fruition.


    Initially yes more people have jobs, in time that means less welfare, more community spending, skilled labourers and tradesman. That leads to developement of housing and commercial goods ie grocery stores etc


    Im very good friends with chief and counsel(minus a few) and the plan is soliď IMO

  2. I've worked with lots of natives and have many as friends I grew up around 3 reserves,as soon as something don't go there way or they don't get there way they cry treaty,,treaty..it's time to grow up its the 20 century were not living in mud huts fighting for land

    Tell that to the jews


    Tell it to the ukranians


    Tell it to the syrians


    Tell it to palestinians


    Ill refrain from petty insults...

  3. It's the two reserves shawanaga and the magnetewan that have the 400 on hold ...why ?

    Im not there and I do not represent them.


    Im guessing they are bored and the geese havent come in yet?


    Anyhow continue on about alternative power.


    Lots to learn

  4. ..I've seen it on several occasions ..certain pipeline jobs etc where a group would be there watching over Hawks ,Eagles nests,turtles and snakes holding up production ...man walks in with an envelope ,hand shake and the protestors are gone ..couldn't give a crap less about a eagles nest it was all about getting paid

    This too is nonsense.


    But ill agree with one thing. It is about getting paid!


    Will you please allow me to drill for oil in your backyard? For free?



  5. do the research. i see it first hand.


    you're aware of the grand river land tract I'm quite sure. you're aware of all the "stop work" actions the local natives have done on all development within 10km's of each side of the river.


    well, the native's had no problem giving up 440 hectars (yes hectars) of land for a huge samsung solar development....no actions, no protests, no stop work actions....




    well, they were given 10% equity in the project. They didn't have to contribute anything, except one site trailer whey a representative from the local band sat and watched tv every day. but that 10% equity worked out to approx $40 million.


    So give them $40 million and everything goes ahead.


    If you go to the government website that shows approved sites for future wind and solar development, currently 60% of that approved land is native reserves.

    Want to know what is even better? No environmental studies are required if developing on native land. That sounds strange right? Want to know why? Because the natives themselves (or the band leaders) use that as incentive for developers to use their land....

    I just finished building a solar site and it took well over a year for the enviromental studies before the project could go ahead. I seen that first hand as well!

    The ones that are motionless are under maintenance. Truthfully, you have no clue how long it takes to recoup, so your sincerest doubt is irrelevant.


    Question: Where do you hear the whirring noise? Specifically please. As part of my job is doing decibel tests, the only way to be close enough to hear the noise is to be within 250m of one. The only way you would be that close is if you leased your OWN Land (and getting paid to do so), as government setbacks are 500m is you lease your land for one, or 1km if you don't. Testing shows the human ear can hear the "whirring sound" within 250m of the base of a 2MW turbine (and even further away for the turbines that are higher in the air).


    This fishing board is fun to read the general public's understanding on many things in life. Food, Politics, Construction / Renovation, etc. etc. But what it also shows is the lack of education relating to many of the topics discussed.


    And the scary part is, all the correct information is out there to be read. Most of us are simply to lazy to do so, so instead we talk about whirring sounds and dying birds, lol.

    Lol Im sure alot of people here still read, I know I do.


    But I tend to read about things Im passionate about or enjoy learning.


    Power sources isnt one of them, well maybe Tesla hes and interesting guy.


    That is standard for chief executive level positions in large companies.


    In theory you have to pay the big bucks to get the top talent. Unfortunately, I don't see any evidence that they (large companies in general) are actually getting top talent.

    Execs are all connected families.


    They jump from government to corperate and back and forth.


    Sickening really


    I don't mind NS, it's quieter and the safety man is less likely to bug you (but work safe anyway please).


    Only thing I found weird was eating dinner in the "morning" and breakfast at "night".

    I actually love nights! I might only sleep for 4 hours but at least i can get other stuff done.


    Plus they gave me the weekend off to acclimate?


    Working in the bush at night should be fun! Lotsa reports of bears and wolves in the area at night

  9. For real, when you are the face of baseball for an entire country's team in your barn, please do as you like haha, if that was in Texas probably not but at home definitely

    Nah, if it was me I woulda done the same in texas.


    Why not?


    He never took it to extremes.


    He flipped his bat, big deal.


    Its happened thousands of times

  10. You are lucky then, everything I have ever bought from HT has fallen apart, the zips and the material on the ice fishing bags go.the cork on their rods falls off, the handles on their ice scoops breakor just fall aparttheir reels on the combos are junk and seize up as soon as its below zerololI'm not a fan!

    I agree. HT is just generic crap


    Spend the extra money and buy somethimg reliable.


    Ive never seen an HT product that wasnt just a price point piece of crap

  11. I'm in the 4th quarter in my life. At this point I always thought I would feel like I'm up by 3 touchdowns, but I'm behind by 24 points and it is very disheartening because I'm losing. I went to bed last Thursday and woke up to find I no longer will have the medical benefits I earned during the 30 years working at the former Stelco. Also January 1st my gross pension will be reduced by 15%. All I have to do is look down at my right leg and see the scars from 2nd and 3rd degree burns that was the result of being splashed by 2700 F hot metal, my left leg has the burn scars from when my pants caught on fire when I was standing in the iron trough shoveling red hot coke out of it. A few herniated lumbar discs after a 500 pound Blow Pipe slipped from a chain fall and trapped me between it and the 300 some odd degree Hog Spool Piece. I see the missing 1/2 of my middle finger every time I go to shake someone's hand or wave to a politician. I can go on and on but don't want any sympathy. If I knew then the deal I made to work all those night shifts, weekends and Holidays, under ridiculously horrid conditions would have been broken I would have been out of there faster than a politicians lips can move.


    I have to vote because for me it is my duty, but I would rather stay in bed that day with the covers pulled over my head and wake up to find this has all been a bad dream.


    And this is how we treat our skilled labourers?


    What a shame!


    And by we I am referring to our government.


    Im only 35 and Ive paid many a dues.


    This is a typical Canadian story nowadays.


    Seriously, we need to right this ship asap.


    And happy belated bday my friend, sorry about the news

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