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Posts posted by moxie

  1. 5 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

    are you 2 guys related or in a relationship? 

    what are you haters going to waste your miserable time on now? check out the Raptors, they're rolling

    You havent heard? Matty and I are on the same ball club. Im the pitcher and hes the catcher.

    Im goin fishin but now that the band wagon is ablazs you  and the rest of "leaf nation can jump on the Raptors wagon. till that one ends up in the ditch.

    2 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

    cool, we'll chat again next year, same time when you crawl out 

     . No doubt  "leaf nation " will be chanting "STANLEY, STANLEY"  by pre-season. Heck , what makes you so sure they dont end up like the Ottawa Smellators did this year ? They dont need my help but Ill be waiting to beat "leaf nation" down none the less. Its sport for me.

  2. Funny enough its a collapse of sorts. How many times did they fork over the lead.

    You can play your game and fly around zipping and doodling but if you dont grind you aint gonna find the cookie at the end of the nookie. 

    Good night "leaf nation".. Just got beat by another team you need to  be as good as. Good luck in year three of the rebuild. 

    One game better than last year.

  3. 1 hour ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    I don't get out much, I've never heard of this INCEL thing until last night. A similar motive in California a few years ago because some guy couldn't get laid. I don't get it. I'm sure glad I'm not in my 20's today.

    Thoughts and prayers to the victims, their families and those that had to witness this thing yesterday. Man what world do we live in today?

    Unfortunately fhere isnt anything to get from this OI. Sometimes there are no answers for these types of acts that make any sense. 

    Lets not forget there are generations that have and continue to live through worse than this. Only those are in fact, acts of terrorism.

  4. 7 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

    the video now shows him literally saying "kill me" while aiming a cell phone or other object  to the cop, and "shoot me in the head" and the cop continuously tells him to get down.

    That about sums up the fact he did it on purpose...call him what you want. hes a terrorist in my eyes.

    Man the bravery...

    Again waz pretty obvious there was intent from the get go. given the three separate areas. long before we heard or saw any video or audio. Fact is there has been no confirmation. 


    Again thoughts to victims and loved ones.

  5. 33 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

    how is it anything but that? If hes white they might try and say he is "mentally ill" which is garbage...


    The guy intended to do it, and now video is surfacing of him trying to get the cops to shoot him by repeatedly pointing something at them as if it is a weapon/gun...incredible to cops keep their composure and take him down.

    Theres no denial of intent here, he was driving down the sidewalk in a rental van running people over and then tried to get the cops to shoot him.

    That was my first thought after the mention of three different incident scenes but to go there without confirmation 

    But whether it is or not the only surprise to me would be why it took so long. 



  6. 27 minutes ago, leaf4 said:

    They went to game 7 last year against the caps though?


    49 minutes ago, scuro2 said:

    Leafs to game six so already a better post season then last season. This year Boston is better then last years Capitals...and therefore a better season. Things are looking up!

    Almost there but not quite nearly kinda . 60 minutes away. 

  7. 7 hours ago, BassMan11 said:

    The tone in which you wrote this makes it feel like you enjoy that sort of thing. Easy there Dr. Lecter. 

    Civility and respect? Hahahaha. 99.5% of your posts are no where close to being civil and you have never shown an ounce of respect to anyone who  call themselves a Leafs fan. Get off your high horse. 


    Leafs won a game they probably shouldn’t have. Officiating was brutal. Freddie was great. We are still alive. 


    I get it. Because I slaughtered livestock for a living that automatically makes me a cannibal. Thats as civil and respectful as it gets. Just to let you meat eaters know I never killed any livestock. ,Not a one. They all commited suicide. 

    The last set of comments you uttered were bang on. You must be a rational member of "leaf nation" A rare breed.

  8. 20 minutes ago, dintymoore said:

    Gotta give up something good, to get something good

    True but...... 

    19 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

    forgive me if I missed it somewhere in all the stuff you're spewing out Moxie, but what's your team?


    Spewing? LMAO........ Thats what "leaf nation " does. Team? I follow no team. Its a fruitless pursuit. I gain nothing from it.  Not worth valuable time and emotion better spent on more important things. Its simply entertainment with no attatchment.  Unlike a member of "leaf nation" , I am not subjected to ongoing misery (5 Decades) and disappointment. Ditto for that other so called NHL embarassment from Ontario.  Sorry man. Just the way i see it. 

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