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Posts posted by moxie

  1. 9 hours ago, scuro2 said:

    That coming from a faceless silhouetted dude with 1500 posts, yet your last fishing report was about bottom feeders back in 2015. That about says it all. Go catch a fish for God's sake or get laid by whatever species you tend to lay with!!

    In the Scuro. Thats where leaf fanatics' heads are. Hey Scuro #2, what happened to #1 ? Incident involving broken glass?

  2. 11 hours ago, muskymatt said:

    They are a funny bunch aren't they!

    With the goaltending they are getting, and the defense.....oh and forwards for that matter, you would think they wouldn't have much to say!

    And now....YES NOW......they are crapping on Babs and the GM,,,,,what's his face, little kid guy!

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Babs is most likely regretting getting himself involved in the train wreck that is the laffs. And....yes and.......he will be laughing his A$$ off collecting 6mil per year for the next 5 years while sipping a pinacalada on a beach with the laffs in his rear view mirror lmao

    Way to go laffites, that's why you have not won squat for 52 years and are going to crash and burn without even an impact in the playoffs.

    Out with a wimper again!

    You guys crack me up?

    But wait Matt....Best Coach and fans in the whole world Matt...... 'We' made the playoffs and with some potential, luck and bounces any thing can happen Matt..........Analytics and Vegas said so Matt...... we're winners even when 'We' lose. And Ottawa Sucks Matt !!! So there!!!

    How's the saying go? Bang your head into a wall over and over, expecting a different result every time? 

    Not the brightest but the Best  fans in the world. 



  3. 49 minutes ago, BassMan11 said:

    Now that’s intelligent. And grown up. 

    Why Thank you!!

    Calling them as i see them. I also dont run to the insullted and offended reporting centre.

    I will add some of my expertise just the same. I firmly believe that if the leafs score 1 more goal than their opposition, they will win games. Playing to their Potential along with a few lucky bounces would aid them in that endeavour .


  4. 7 hours ago, muskymatt said:

    Ok......your laffs lose 3 of 4 to a non playoff team.  Lost 7 of the last 10.

    Give up 4 or more goals in 7 of these games.

    Why are you even in the playoffs? They have needed 1 point in the last 3 games to secure a playoff spot and cant do it.

    What a total joke of a team, you do realize your team is the complete laughingstock of the league don't you? 

    Beat by an AHL team.....twice......in a week.....bahahahahahahaha

    Turn in your man cards laffites...what an embarrassment...

    Go easy Matt.  There's a lot of thin skinned fragility in this room at the moment Their Laffs Loving Prince Christopher is liable to have you B@LLS Deep into someone or hanging in your own garage for your Hate.

    Also remember that playing to their Potential, some luck and bounces they COULD......GO.......ALL......THE....WAY!!!!!!



  5. 19 hours ago, chris.brock said:

    you cry babies are pretty good at dishing it out but can't seem to take it eh, you're trolling for christs sakes, what did you expect? lol, 

    gonna cry to mommy, go ahead!



    We'll see who's left Weeping like a Schoolgirl when they are tossed from the playoffs. Once again. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Squid said:

    Hey Bill Its all fun until someone starts attacking the other person on a personal level. NO need for your garbage comments as this has nothing to do with Hockey. Calling someone gay is completely out of #@@#@## line!! 

    I wouldn't get to amped up about it. Fanatics like Chris are led to derangement which is beyond their control. The fact they lose sleep when they're blue coloured toilet bowl circling team loses and unrealistic euphoria when they win a couple of games, speaks for itself.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Seriously? You are implying what here Chris?? I believe that this coming from a man with long hair ( girly hair) is actually considered vulgar and I would appreciate it if you remove the post before I create hell over your comment and get this thread locked down and don't push me because it will happen trust me on that., 

    Pretty hateful Anger Management type stuff eh?

  8. 7 hours ago, chris.brock said:

    the only thing too soon is YOU when you're balls deep in squid's mouth

    hate is such an ugly, destructive thing, you guys should seek help,

    nah, screw that, rot in misery, you guys can't be fixed






      I prefer to cut , bread and fry Squid but if balls deep into one is your preference, don't let anyone stop you.

       Hatred is consuming isn't it Chris. Almost as consuming as that collection of wannabes you pursue. Almost.

    Nothing wrong with me Chris. I'm not the one losing sleep when a sports team , that will never know or care you exist and aint won you anything  your whole life, is something to lose sleep over. 

    Passion? Or Misery.

  9. 13 hours ago, Squid said:

    Jerpears I don't need this thread to be memorable on this board. Lots of stuff went on here long before you joined. I couldn't care less about Edmonton and Ottawa. I do care for the HABS and a bit for the leafs. I would love nothing more than a Habs leafs conference final one day.


    11 hours ago, jerpears1 said:

    And yet you still felt the need to respond. ? 


    in all honestly I know you do a lot on this thread. My buddies swear by your lures, I just don’t have the patience (see also: insanity) to go after musky. But I wouldn’t be living up to my reputation if I didn’t go for the cheap shot. 

    I’d love to see a leafs, habs conference final as well but right now I can’t see the leafs getting out of the first round. Habs should make the playoffs if Columbus keeps up their abysmal run. 


  10. 13 hours ago, Squid said:

    Jerpears I don't need this thread to be memorable on this board. Lots of stuff went on here long before you joined. I couldn't care less about Edmonton and Ottawa. I do care for the HABS and a bit for the leafs. I would love nothing more than a Habs leafs conference final one day.


    11 hours ago, jerpears1 said:

    And yet you still felt the need to respond. ? 


    in all honestly I know you do a lot on this thread. My buddies swear by your lures, I just don’t have the patience (see also: insanity) to go after musky. But I wouldn’t be living up to my reputation if I didn’t go for the cheap shot. 

    I’d love to see a leafs, habs conference final as well but right now I can’t see the leafs getting out of the first round. Habs should make the playoffs if Columbus keeps up their abysmal run. 


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