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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Handles it really well. Doesn't push in the corners, and I still got lots of get up and go if I need it. I was really happy how she handled - even bringing her back home down the 400 on Friday. Mileage is down compared to the 16 footer of course, but I'm double the weight. 18 litres per 100 ks on the rounder to Jordan - which is all up hill on the way home.

    Good to hear. Just wondered how it handled the extra load. I tow about 2000 lbs worth of boat with mine and nary a whimper.



  2. I have one, couldn't tell you where it is right this moment! Even if I did know where it is, it would probably take me a few minutes to figure out how to turn the dang thing on!

    Enjoy life without that menace!



    bad-mouth all those modern gadgets if you like, but I really got tired of chiseling those letters into the stone tablets when I was in school!! :(:P


    And a drop of Javex was used on the ink because white out hadn't been invented yet..


    I still remember in school when we graduated from pencils to nib pens with an ink well in the corner of the desk.


    We were in the big times then :lol:



    In elementary school teachers printed stuff out on a Gestetner machine, man the fresh printed assignments smelled so good :tease:


    Did you remember your purse at least?


    Poor baby....should we call the whaaaambulance for you??






    Got just what you need Jedi!!! :whistling:




    Your girlfriend is mad over what? Lol, smoke signals work well. Nice catch of crappie:)

    Love the perspectives....... And the jabs of course.



    Regret posting? Even just a bit? lol........

  3. As for the 'no reg books and out in full force' comment...that's a head scratcher. This thread shows CO's on one river, famous for blatant fisheries violations on the biggest day of the year for it...where exactly is the issue?


    I get the whole issue of misuse of revenue generation and not going into the fisheries but it seems like you're literally huffing and puffing over any MNR enforcement of old and well-established regulations as if it's some hidden corporate agenda to fleece all the outdoorsman. I'd like to hear a CO chime in on that :)

    The issue? Everyday is the biggest day of the year in respects to our resources or am I mistaken? If the dough stayed where it belongs you could do so much more all around. No?


    Chime on in. I'd welcome a CO to do just that. In fact any politician who would like to debate the relative merits of exactly where our money has gone.....hell, even the so called Minister of Natural Resources itself can join in. Lets have them!!!


    Pick on the real culprits as I have chosen to do. That is of course if you can find the stones. I'm done with this thread.

  4. He was watching us eh? In the dark right? Those x-ray specs would certainly allow them to see through my pants and wallet to see my license and what was being kept in those white buckets the other anglers brought with them. Swallow what you will but I prefer to spit instead. Lessens the probability of infection.



    and again, who cares what the reasoning is behind it, the fact that they ARE out and enforcing the regs is more than enough for me, I have seen ONE CO, ONE in nearly 20years of fishing

    It does matter cause theres the flip side. We were fishing from shore last night and there were approx 15-20 people there. CO performed the slow drive by, made a u-turn and left without even asking how the fishing was. Why bother coming around putting wear and tear on our truck and wasting our fuel?



    Oh I know. There weren't any cameras and/or reporters. See my point now? When I punch the clock I bust my hump the whole 10-11 hours I'm there. Why? Cause it is what I'm paid to do.


    With having the most personal checks in many years by the MNR on the ice this past season,I have to disagree. Maybe ,just maybe,it is.

    I understand your thinking Brian but with almost $300 Billion in debt and counting what makes you think there is any money to feed the MNR and all it entails? MNR=General Revenue and its been that way for a very long time.


    The guys and gals out in the field do great work and have a daunting task but if you pick their brain a bit you might just be able to get the real facts. The directive has been passed down. "Get out there and ticket every infraction possible cause we have election promises to fulfill". All with our own money.


    Instead of posting links of articles or news flashes of people getting busted and how great a job their doing(You're doing their work for them by advertising, They're using you guys) why don't you guys post some backbone and let them know you see right through their charade. As destructive as indian protests can be we common folk could sure learn a thing or two from their understanding of "US against them".


    I think my glass of whine has sprung a leak and its a lil more than half empty now.


    Glass half empty? Yeah, I'd say so... You whine more then a teenage girl.

    Call it what you will. Long ago dear old Dad told me to question everything. As long as it gets people talking its a good thing.


    It's quite apparent you hate anything to do with law enforcement. Which is fine, there are always a certain percentage of guys like you. Just don't bother trying to hide it behind some concern for the publics ability to access regulations and a dislike of "revenue generation". They don't hand out copies of the highway traffic act anywhere other than online, but you are expected to know it if you are licensed to drive!


    Don't hate law enforcement, never been arrested nor have I been ticketed for a moving violation for at least 7 years. I am in most cases a law abiding citizen and will continue to be until that has to change. Judge as you will


    I could turn around and accuse you of being the type of person that believes everything you see, read and hear. One who swallows every lie shoved down their throat. I could be wrong but I would be within my rights to do so, wouldn't I?


    Ever skirt sales tax?

    Just to let you know, I was into the MNR building in Peterborough on Saturday to re-new my license tags. Asked the girl if she had regs booklets she had boxes on the floor of both hunting and fishing regs. So if you just take more of an effort to find them, more so then just travelling to your local CT there out there to be had. If people want to make sure they are being responsible anglers then they should do whatever means it requires to do so, I know I do, ( but then again I greatly respect this resource) whether that's hunting around for a regs book or looking it up online etc. Doing otherwise opens you up to being fined, sad thing is a lot of people know the rules and still choose to blatantly break them. I know that my zone has maybe 1-2 changes per year and I'm capable enough to locate it over the intra-net, but I like the regs book for bathroom reading material and have never had a problem locating one. If anyone is desperate for a regs booklet let me know, I can pick one up for ya !

    More of an effort? Like the effort they have made in the mismanagement of an entire ministry?


    If they can get revenue out of those breaking the law, maybe the costs will stay down for those of us who obey the law.


    Wish it were that cut and dry DB.




    Missing the picture folks. These fines will not go towards the resource. I can't believe the gullibility of my fellow humans. Simply disheartening.


    What's wrong with revenue generation if it comes from poachers and the like? With a nice stiff fine, you better believe there's a little 'education' happening.

    There is a lot wrong with it. With the influx of new Canadians over the last twenty years or so it would have been advantageous to see the MNR step up to the plate and show the full force then. Better late than never doesn't fly with government agencies considering they have the resources to head issues off at the pass. Just like the cop ticketing blitzes to meet quotas this is a cash grab pure and simple. Glass half empty? Maybe but at least I'm not easily fooled or appeased by false pretenses.

  9. Still shaking my head. This is where our society is heading?

    You know that usually white porcelain apparatus we stand, sit or occasionally hover over with the chrome or white handle/button that when depressed causes the rapid discharge and movement of water in a clockwise direction towards the bottom of the bowl? Thats the place.

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