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Posts posted by Photoz

  1. I've been with the same insurance company for over 25 years . . I've dealt with 3 different agents in that time. Each one has assured me I'm covered on the ice . . . but my newest agent cautioned me that if I did have such a claim . . . . good luck at ever getting another company to cover me! Unfortunately I DO NOT have that specified in writing . . . . when 10's of thousands of dollars are at stake, there could be an escape clause, I'd likely have to either get a lawyer to read my policy to know for sure, or see how the van will work as a submarine to find out for certain? I won't be going on Simcoe again with MY van this year . . . . although there are ALWAYS cracks & ridges out there, it just seems there are MORE this year? Are there REALLY . . . . or are they just publicized more?

  2. :devil:A cable charged with several thousand volts, run across in front of that sanctuary is what's really needed. Like you said, steelheaders who are good sportsmen will not try to find excuses to fish in a sanctuary, also as you pointed out, MOST of them stayed their distance when fishing Sunday . . . didn't get as many fish, but they got 'em legally. Hm m m m m . . . . can you imagine the screams of anguish if the people were of Asian origin, or appeared to be from another country, and THEY dared to cast above the, shall we say, Mason-Dixon line? :angel:
  3. If these people were CLEARLY fishing ONE LOUSY INCH NORTH OF THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE BRIDGE, it's in the sanctuary, no IF's AND's or BUT's about it . . . . Page 85, 3/4 of the way down the page, Zone 17, VERY easy to understand. I'd love to see if it's somebody we know, eh? POST 'EM! :devil:

  4. :wallbash:Gee . . . . I got a few photos of people fishin' 'NORTH OF THE SOUTHERN SIDE OF THE CNR BRIDGE,' posted 'em on this board, and nearly got run off the board for it a short few years ago! I think I got pictures of the WRONG PEOPLE. I don't bother any more. Not worth the hassle! (I was led to believe 'locals' are allowed to c&r in the sanctuary!) Ho hum. :whistling:
  5. :wallbash:This is a very touchy subject, I'm just wondering if ANYONE else out there has the same problem when calling tech support about your computers . . your software . . . or anyplace else to get assistance? When I call Sympatico, I'm CLEARLY asked what language I wish to use . . . . to which I reply "ENGLISH," and I think I should expect to GET someone fluent in ENGLISH? A couple weeks ago I started having problems accessing HOTMAIL, which happens time to time. After a week I called, went through all the menus, including specifying I wanted to deal in ENGLISH! I got a guy with such a heavy Asian accent that I had to ask several times, each time he spoke, to figure out what he was saying. I finally gave up and hung up. Still couldn't access the site today . . . called again . . . same thing, another VERY heavy accent . . . rather than go through the hassle I just said "Sorry . . wrong number," & hung up, and called back . . . this time I not only got a female with an accent I couldn't place, she was also trying to set a speed record for how many words a minute she could spew out. This time I explained at least 10 times she would have to talk slower, but after asking her 4 & 5 times to SLOWLY repeat herself, I just said I'd call back later. I will be calling Sympatico tomorrow to complain . . . but I highly doubt this will do much. I'll be watching the newspaper, for a story concerning 'farming out' our jobs overseas, and I'll be sending a letter to the editor, about these companies adding insult to injury, by not even supplying us with English speaking reps, for help. Don't get me wrong . . . these people gotta eat, and are likely working all day for what we get paid per hour. Does ANYONE else out there have this kinda problem too . .. or am I the only one? :dunno:
  6. Unfortunately the jails are already full . . . . non violent offenders, even after thousands of taxpayer dollars are spent prosecuting them, will get to plead 'guilty' to one or 2 of dozens of charges, get sentenced to 50 hours 'community service,' that never gets done. Or get 6 months probation . . . and no probation officer to report to. When dishonesty pays as well as it does . . . what incentive is there to work?

  7. :Gonefishing:Well, Beansie, Cliff & I hit beautiful Lake 'X' way y y y y out east & north of the civilized world at about 06:30. Crappyperchhunter did his punishment yesterday at Sibbalds, he didn't wish to suffer further! Other than a few small things, like . . . a foot of snow on top of 6" of slop, a cold wind about 20 klicks, and the cold front shutting the fish right down, we had the time of our lives! Cliff's in love . . . with his new FL8SE . . . now he can find the fish suspended about 15' off bottom . . . still hasn't fingered out how to get 'em to bite. (You need an FL20 to get THAT feature!) Although I quite like the new FL20 Ultra, it AIN'T worth $250.00 more than the FL8SE . . . a few more useful features, but you don't really need 'em. I'd say the FL8SE is much better bang for the buck. Score . . . I got 2 - 5" perch . . . Cliff got a 10" crappie . . . and Beansie gave it his best, but decided he wouldn't want to hurt the poor l'il fishies, and fished without a hook. I can hardly wait for another go at 'em! :stretcher:
  8. :Gonefishing:Well, Beansie, Cliff & I hit beautiful Lake 'X' way y y y y out east & north of the civilized world at about 06:30. Crappyperchhunter did his punishment yesterday at Sibbalds, he didn't wish to suffer further! Other than a few small things, like . . . a foot of snow on top of 6" of slop, a cold wind about 20 klicks, and the cold front shutting the fish right down, we had the time of our lives! Cliff's in love . . . with his new FL8SE . . . now he can find the fish suspended about 15' off bottom . . . still hasn't fingered out how to get 'em to bite. (You need an FL20 to get THAT feature!) Although I quite like the new FL20 Ultra, it AIN'T worth $250.00 more than the FL8SE . . . a few more useful features, but you don't really need 'em. I'd say the FL8SE is much better bang for the buck. Score . . . I got 2 - 5" perch . . . Cliff got a 10" crappie . . . and Beansie gave it his best, but decided he wouldn't want to hurt the poor l'il fishies, and fished without a hook. I can hardly wait for another go at 'em! :stretcher:
  9. I'm almost ashamed to admit this, especially having been raised over in Magnetawan, BUT . . . the ONLY outlet I know of that drains Lake Bernard is Bernard Creek? Is there ANY inlet, or is the lake only spring-fed? And does Bernard Creek eventually make it into the Magnetawan River system? On a map, the lake looks almost land-locked?

  10. Just for curiousity . . . what did you catch your smelts on . . . and were they a decent size . . . trout or whitefish are okay . . . ling a bonis, but I'd be happy to haul in smelts all day! But . . . I wouldn't be too keen on grabbing a BIG fish on my ultralite & 3 pound line!

  11. Just thought I might mention . ... when you're looking at reels, does ANYONE check to see where you can get warranty or normal maintenance done. (Canada . . U. S., Europe?) I stick with Shimano, not only because I find them very reliable, but also because I can get quick efficient repair work done either at Aikmans (Mississauga) or up in Peterborough. (Head Office) SOME reels have to go stateside for work, can be stuck for weeks . . . not too important until your fave reel coughs out a week before opener!

  12. I have Sedona 500's on both Frabil ice rods, and one each on a 6' Fenwick HMG (1 - 4 pound) and a 6.5' Shimano Clarus . . . perfect for anything from smelts to just about ANY panfish, or much larger fish. For some real fun . . . a spool of 2 pound line, a Sedona 500 & a 6' Fenwick HMG fishing the suckers along Simcoe in mid April . . . some of 'em hit 5 pounds! Not at all expensive either . . . about $70.00, with taxes . . . a GEN-U-WINE BARGOOOOOOON!)

  13. I've been watchin' news clips of these things for close to 2 years . . . . and reading articles. I have no doubt that somehow, sometime, in the very near future, we will REALLY be seein' 'em in Canadian waters, and I am certainly NOT looking forward to their arrival. But . . . . strangely enough, with all the hype, I have NOT read any descriptions of the fisheries where they HAVE moved in, being devastated? They sure have proliferated where they have moved in? BUT . . . our common carp are plentiful where the pickerel, pike, bass, trout etc. are . . . . they haven't wiped these fish out, have they? These Asian carp certainly are a very dangerous nuisance to boaters . . . . I saw a guy get one across his chest on one news clip, as he was SPEEDING along a waterway . . . . it knocked him right outta the boat. (Is THIS the answer to our prayers to take care of those idiot seadoo drivers?) But . . . not long ago there was a lot of screams of anguish when the dreaded gobie was discovered in our Great Lakes (THE SKY IS FALLING . . . . THE SKY IS FALLING!) . . . . this was fairly quickly forgotten about. Then they were discovered in Lake Simcoe! HORROR OF HORRORS!! The solution . . . . poison ONE stretch of ONE river flowing into Simcoe! THAT'LL FIX THE L'IL BEGGERS! All is quiet now . . . gobies are everywhere . . . there are even claims that the pickerel, perch & bass fishin' is better than ever in Lake Erie. There are lotsa 'gobie' plastic baits that work very well as bait for game-fish. Have these gobies replaced the smelt, alewife & shad that the bigger gamefish used to feed on, but apparently seemed to be getting scarce? Then there was the 'spiney water flea,' which was gonna devestate the trout & salmon fishin,' they're out there now . . . . never saw a thread complaining about them, or gobies all of 2008? I'm not at all anxious to see these carp in Canadian waters either . . . . . but . . . . IS THE SKY GONNA FALL IN WHEN THEY DO MOVE IN?

  14. Why did he believe this carp he saw a year & a half ago, was an 'ASIAN' carp? Because it was big? (Not ALL Asian carp are big?) There are common carp down there that likely tip the scales at 60+ pounds. I highly doubt he would be the ONLY one, out of thousands of anglers that continuously fish that area, not to mention hikers, canoeists, kayakers, and boaters, that would spot such a fish? (THE SKY IS FALLING . . . . THE SKY IS FALLING . . . . . ??) Doesn't sound like HE panicked . . . took a year and a half to report the sighting? A few brewskis on a Saturday night have been known to perk up memories of long ago though . . . perhaps?

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