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Everything posted by Gerry

  1. "a shakey old 2 stroke " You won't see that on an Optimax Hookset, they are as smooth as a 4 stroke. As to fuel efficiency, several mags have run tests that show quite clearly that the new DFI's are as efficient or even better than 4 strokes. Frankly, I see no benefit to owing a 4 stroke in this HP range. As to statement that 2 strokes will disappear and that all outboards will be 4 strokes ..... ain't gonna happen in my lifetime. Old carburated 2 strokes, yes I'll agree, but that won't happen with the DFIs' because they are as clean. If memory serves me correctly (there' no guaranty on that), I recall reading an artcile in Bass and Walleye Boats magazine that claimed the DFIs' are cleaner than the 4 strokes; I think it was because the DFI's have a more complete fuel burn, if that makes any sense. I'll try to dig it up. A few guys have the Verados on the bass circuit ( a supercharged 4 stroke) and they all report that are less fuel efficient than the Optis' at WOT.
  2. I agree with Fang ... it all depends on what you will do with it. I own an Optimax 225 and at this HP level I think 2 strokes are better. But in the 115 HP range, a 4 stroke could be better, especially if you will put in through double duty such as trolling. Fuel consuption at WOT are almost identical, with the Opti doing a bit better, but at slow speeds the 4 stroke wins out. And as Wayne says, the 2 strokes need room for the oil resevoir. Opti's require a bit more maintenance which means added cost but then the 4 stroke costs a bunch more to buy ... a toss up to me. Neiher produces noxious smoke so again, a toss up. So, now that I've confused you more then before, I'll tell you what I would do. I would opt for the 4 stroke only because I'll assume that will you're not be getting a kicker motor for trolling. The problem with trolling with a 115 is that you may not be happy with the speed, it'll troll too fast. But you can get drift socks to slow you down some and this may solve that problem. The trouble with socks is that it is hard to make turns. Ideally, you should also rig your new boat with a kicker but that adds more dough to the price tag. I guess I still haven't helped you, sorry. Hookset, just read your latest message. The brochure is, flat out, wrong! The 2 stroke will be significantly faster on a bassboat.
  3. Yes, some CFT and mostly local events. Did the 1 day series last summer but not with my rig; we used mine as a backup. Did the CDN open for 3 years but skipped last summer due to conflict in dates. You getting a Triton or do you mean a similiar style boat?
  4. Hey Wayne, I've got enough people pushing me ... now you too? Yes Misfish, that is my boat. Now, let's see if I can post a larger picture.
  5. Just checking to see if this works.
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