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Everything posted by Kmtruffe

  1. i didn't enter the derby but fished off the dock at highland pines all weekend......i spend my summers at highland pines and belwood lake is tough right now but the walleyes are really biting......i've caught 3 off the dock. i plan on spending a lot of time on my boat this summer now that i know the lake a bit better......running through the fencing on the wrong side of the big island was not a fun experience.....
  2. Another huge Stern fan here.........man, I hope he sticks around. I've been listening and calling in for 15 years now and I look forward to my commute every day. I have the felling he'll stay at sirius with different terms......like he'll take a back seat, create the "stern network" and let Farrel, BTLS, Fitz and others do the everyday programming with him making appearances and calling in every once in a while. Every time I call in he's always cool and never busts my balls. I call in as "ken from toronto".......last week I called him "howard cupid stern" when he tried to set Robin up with B.B. Anyway, my fingers are crossed. Ken
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