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About TeamFDT

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    Little Briatin, Ontario
  • Interests
    Fishing, Boating, Wooden crafts, Construction.

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  1. Well I am going to use Yola to post the pic's then upload the link, I think this will work. If someone wants to claim it, no biggy, it's not like I am selling plans how to make them, I just wanted to share the idea with other fishermen/ladies etc You can also cook on the top as it gets VERY HOT! Here's another idea I use, instead of buying those pricey cleats, I just use 3/8" Tap con hex heads in the bottom of my winter boots, as the tread is thick so no leaks and GREAT TRACTION! on the bare ice. Cost $2.99 Vers $29.99 I guess you can say I'm cheap! Cheers! Tell you's what, when I'm not manufacturing Fishing products and I'm not fishing I'm bored to death, supply me everything and I'll make them for you free, but if your gonna come and watch your buying the beers
  2. okay I'll have my wife take some pic's I can't figure the camera out. But if your local and wana see it in person, call me 1.877.B8N.HooK = 1.877.286.4665 I'm on Washburn Island on Lake Scugog, (for those that don't know it's not an Island) if you visit by sled stick close to the shorelines as the lake has open areas. P.S. How do I post pictures????? I can show a cheap drawing of what I did and I'll get a pic of the finished unit. Cheers, Mike
  3. Hello Lads, Just wanted to share how I made a vented Propane furnace using a mini $20.00 BBQ from Canadian Tire. First off, gut it, like take everything out even the burner, but put aside, I then added a ban of sheet metal about 8 inches wide and the total length of the inside of the BBQ make it 2 inches longer so you can lap it and fasten it together, I bolted this metal following the shape of the BBQ 1 inch down leaving 7 inches sticking up. I added some heat shields to deflect the heat (but B4 you do this I advise putting the burner back in) I would stop each shield 2 inches from the end and have on a slight angle upwards to allow the heat to travel, I did this twice making the heat zig zag. Anyhow I cut a 3" hole at one end on the lid and bolted the lid to the ban of metal I used to make it sit higher, (it's a real pain reaching in and holding the nuts to bolt it together, but rivets will not work nor will TAP CONS) I then used HIGH Temp Silicon to get rid of any leaks. Now leave the bottom of the BBQ the way it is with the air vent holes, you can build a metal box around them and have a direct vent to the outside, but really it's not worth it. I then attached 3" metal chimney to the lid, when you cut your hole make tabs and bend them upwards so you have something to join your chimney too, I used tap cons as the area is small and their is no real pressure + High Temp Silicon. I have since added 5 inch duct pipe around the outside of the chimney pipe and I have a duct hole on the bottom of this pipe ontop of the BBQ cover and a intake vent at the top on the inside of my hut near the roof. I use a 12volt computer fan connected to a solar panel to take the hot air that sits at the top of my hut, push it into the 5 pipe covering the 3 inch chimney, the chimney gets hot, so this re-heats the existing air and pushes it over the top of the lid of the HOT BBQ spreading a nice warm air flow around the hut. Any questions email me as I have no idea how to post pics. Total Cost New mini BBQ $20.00 or used $5.00 I had 3 extra's Chimney Home Hardware $5.49 per section (36") I needed 3. High Temp Silicon $12.00 Bolts I had, Tap Cons I had, scrap tin from Duct work. I can heat my 10' X 8' X 6.5" high hut in about 8 mins. The good thing too, these BBQ's have Low, Med, High settings.... Oh I used the same legs and bolted them to the floor, I ran out of washers so I used Beer caps to screw the legs down in place. Cheers!
  4. Well over here on the Star Bay area the ice is around 9 inches, the some area's are still patchy due to spots with open water, Stick close to shore, on the attached picture it shows where we fish and the blue circles are areas that haven't froze 100% THIN ICE or open water. 2012 Cheers! How do I attach a picture?
  5. I find using frozen pre-cooked shrimp are working great for me for the Jumbo's, I fish areas about 4 to 5 feet deep for the Jumbo's, and for the Wally's I'm out about 250 to 400 feet from shore (from 5 to 10 feet deep) looking for those weed lines (using a under water camera) Then I set up shop. The Ice on Scugog hasn't been the greatest this 2012 so be careful out on the ice, were sitting on about 9 inches right now Jan 18th 2012. Also for the Wally's We have been using a plain white 1/4oz ball jig tipped with a shiner, and also Wally rigs are working too. I find they start hitting around 5pm to 7pm then back on around 9pm to midnight. Hope this helps! Cheers
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